Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 4 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The NUCC-NUG Anti-Sham Election Joint Working Committee states that the sham election to be held by the terrorist regime is a scene that will bring back the 2008 Constitution, which has already been abolished

The NUCC-NUG Anti-Sham Election Joint Working Committee issued a statement on April 3 recognising political parties that opposed the illegal sham election without registering with the terrorist military council.

According to the statement, the phrase “to form the political parties that adopt a true and disciplined multi-party democratic system,” which is stated in the terrorist military’s Political Parties Registration Law’s introductory section, which was already null and void, rejects the federal democracy goal, which is expected by the entire ethnic population.

Also, the NUCC-NUG statement emphasises that it is necessary to note that the phrase “to respect for the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar” is included in Section 6 (c) of Chapter 2: Establishment and Registration of Political Parties of the Political Parties Registration Law, which is to be complied with by a person who wants to establish a political party, so it is a scene that brings the head back under the 2008 Constitution that has already been abolished.

The statement calls for all political parties, based on the aspirations of people all over Myanmar and ethnic people in their respective regions, who are determined to permanently solve the political problem of Myanmar that has been going on for more than 70 years, not to participate in the sham elections.

On the other hand, the statement honors and records with pride the stance and attitude of the political parties who announced their decision, in accordance with the people’s will despite numerous obstacles and challenges, that they will not accept and cooperate with the sham elections that the terrorist military regime is attempting to hold without registering with the Election Commission established illegally by the terrorist military regime.

2. NUG’s Union Minister Dr. Sasa says that the incident of aerial bombardment by the military council on Khuafo village of Chin State is to eradicate the Chin people from the surface of the earth

At an event held on April 3 related to the Khuafo village incident, Dr. Sasa, Union Minister of International Cooperation of the National Unity Government, remarked the following:

“The genocidal military council has got the aim, that is, to eradicate the Chin people from the surface of the earth. That’s what they want to see happen in Chin State, and we all Chin people must be aware of this. There is no activity of any freedom fighters or revolutionary forces. But why did the genocidal military target this small village? They are friends, brothers, and sisters. You need to understand the nature of these genocidal military generals. They have the aim to wipe out the Chin people from Myanmar.”

On March 30, 2023, eight civilians were killed and many others wounded, one of whom later passed away from wounds in April, in an aerial bombardment by the military council forces in Chin State’s Thantlang Township’s Khuafo village, which has 53 households and a population of around 230.

3. NUG’s Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo says that MSMEs are needed in liberated areas, conflict areas, and free areas for food security and economic resilience

Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo made the following remarks at the introduction ceremony regarding the registration rules for MSME businesses during the interim period:

  • People-centered MSMEs should be encouraged.
  • Only MSMEs can implement and bring about economic resilience
  • In order to wage a long-term battle, MSMEs are needed for food security and income growth in the war-displaced regions and for the revolutionary forces
  • In times of war like this, MSMEs are needed in liberated areas, conflict areas, and free areas to ensure food security and the economic resilience of the people

Next, the director and officials of the MSME Development Centre explained the centre’s structure, functions, activities, registration procedures, and registration methods to the attendees.

4. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun states at the United Nations that the Myanmar military is committing atrocities against innocent civilians, and among those who suffer the most are the elderly

At the 13th Session of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA13), held on April 3, 2023, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, stated the following:

“According to the data collected by the UNFPA five years ago, the number of older persons in Myanmar will likely triple in the next 30 years. Such data is projected to grow further. Much of the emphases were needed for adequate social services, protection mechanisms and policies that would benefit the older persons. Based on such credible recommendations, Myanmar indeed had observed significant progresses.”

“The progresses include among others raising pension rates, opening day care centers, community-based home care programmes, extending care giver trainings, promoting access to health care and housing support. Such progresses were rolled back due to the attempted illegal military coup in February 2021. Moreover, older persons are among the people suffered heavily from the military’s atrocities against innocent people including indiscriminate aerial bombings and whole-sale burning of residential homes. Older persons are among the people widely being displaced and seriously need immediate humanitarian assistance.”

5. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun accepts political science professors and students from Canada’s Montmorency College at the Office of the Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations in New York

On April 3 at 11:30 a.m., a delegation of 29 people, including a professor and students of political science from Montmorency College in Canada, paid a visit to Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Office of the Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations in New York.

During the meeting, ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun clarified the military’s attempts to seize power, the military’s gross human rights violations against the people of Myanmar, massacres, the mindless bombing of the people by helicopters, the burning of people’s homes, and the displacement of many people by the military.

Then, the ambassador explained the current situation of Myanmar, including the need for international humanitarian assistance, the rejection of the military coup, the people’s revolution for the establishment of a federal democratic union if the military dictatorship ends and democracy is restored, the future of Myanmar expected by the people of Myanmar, and the activities of the Permanent Mission of Myanmar.

6. A people’s defence force ambushed the junta soldiers stationed at Kalay University and seized weapons

According to the Civic Defence Militia-CDM-Siyin (CDF CDM Siyin), during the intense fighting in the northern part of Kalay Town on April 4, some of the comrades of the CDF CDM Siyin ambushed the junta soldiers stationed at Kalay University. Fighting lasted for 20 minutes, and weapons were collected.

Since March 28, 2023, until today, there have been fierce fights between the military council troops and the people’s defence forces in Kalay Town, Sagaing Division. With a significant number of small and heavy weapons as well as Mi-35 helicopters, the military has been attacking day and night.

7. A total of US$9,400 was raised from the screening of the short film “Rays of Hope” and food fair fundraiser held in Austin, Texas

It was reported that the screening of the short film “Rays of Hope” and food fair fundraiser were successfully held in Austin, Texas.

Austin Myanmar Community, which organised the event, announced on April 3 the completion of the film screening of “Rays of Hope” as follows:

“Rays of Hope film screening and Food Fair Fundraiser were successfully held in Austin, Texas. The event raised a total of $9,400 in funding. We would like to express our special thanks to the members of the Ko Pauk Film Committee, who helped in organising the screening of the “Rays of Hope” film, two Myanmar families from Belton, Texas, who supported us as the main sponsor of the movie theater; and the chefs and volunteers who prepared Myanmar food to make the Food Fair happen despite their busy schedules.”

#Credit : Radio NUG


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