Summary of News

Members of the National Unity Government wished the public good wishes on the occasion of the full moon of Tazaungmone

On November 7, members of the National Unity Government posted wishes on social media for the occasion of the full moon of Tazaungmone.

“Just as the full moon day of Tazaungmone is a special day for Buddhists to do good deeds, it is also the Samaññaphala day when the Buddha preached the Samaññaphala Sutta to King Ajatashatru, and made him enlightened. On this auspicious day, may all Buddhists near and far be peaceful. Just as the people of Myanmar light candles during the Tazaungdaing festival, we wish for peace and the light of the new federal democratic state to shine brightly in Myanmar as soon as possible.” —Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs, wished.

Similarly, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, wished, “On the day of the full moon of Tazaungmone, may all the people of Myanmar be safe and build their morals. May you be filled with the strength to resist all kinds of injustice.”

Terrorist military force fired artillery shells on the KIA-controlled town of Mai Ja Yang

On November 7, Union Minister Dr. Tu Khawng said that the terrorist military junta fired artillery shells on the KIA-controlled town of Mai Ja Yang in Kachin State.

“At the moment, the Kachin region is on the offensive. Yesterday, Mai Ja Yang town was hit by artillery. Currently, the locals are cooking and sending it to the front line.” said the minister.

Donations received through the Union Minister’s NUGPay account are used to support the frontlines of the battlefield in Kachin State.

On November 6, the military junta force fired artillery shells three times at Mai Ja Yaung, a town under the control of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

The CRPH appoints Salang. David Gum Awng as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of International Cooperation

Salang. David Gum Awng was appointed as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of International Cooperation on November 6 by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) with Announcement Number (2/2022).

The announcement states, “The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), with the authority bestowed upon it by the people’s mandate, the resultant of all parties’ democratic general elections held in 2020, and in accordance with the Federal Democracy Charter (Statement 19/2021) published on the 31st March, 2021, has appointed Salang. David Gum Awng as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of International Cooperation.”

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) also appointed Dr. Ngai Tam Maung as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management on September 30.

NUG Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung urges the members of the military council to come out to fight with the public

On November 6, at the People’s Goals Talk program, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, Daw Ei Thinzar Maung, said, “Knowing that it takes a lot of time to do CDM, I am honored and proud [of those soldiers and police who took part in CDM]. I also respect them. I want the rest of them to come out as soon as possible and fight with the public. I want to tell them to fight at least for themselves.”

Members of the military council who defected and brought weapons with them were rewarded up to 30 to 60 lakhs and are being transported to the liberated areas.

The People’s Administration body of Kyarinnseikkyi Township has announced that those junta soldiers and police who defect to the people and bring weapons will be rewarded fifty thousand kyats per arm

On November 7, the Kyarinnseikkyi Township People’s Administration announced, while alluding to those soldiers and police who want to make a defection to the people, “People’s revolutionary organizations will give rewards to the members of military council who oppose the terrorist Min Aung Hlaing’s actions and defect to the people. Therefore, the soldiers and police who defect to the Kyarinnseikkyi Township People’s Administration with arms, such as MA1, MA2, will be rewarded with 500,000 kyats per arm and will also be awarded for other related weapons.”

It is stated that junta soldiers and police who want to make a defection can contact the Page Messenger of the Kyarinnseikkyi Township People’s Administration.

Min Aung Hlaing’s InyaView house and yard shares in Yangon 6.5 Miles, which are being sold for US$100 per share, are still available to purchase

On November 7, the EOD share sales team announced this.

“EOD’s InyaView@6.5Mile shares of the unjustly seized house and yard of Min Aung Hlaing, which are being sold for USD 100 per share, are still available to be purchased.”

7000 shares of Inya Project 2, the house and yard of terrorist leader Min Aung Hlaing located at Yangon 6.5 Miles, worth 7 million dollars, were sold starting on August 17, 2022, and have been able to raise 3.6 million dollars.

Those who want to buy EOD shares can contact the EOD Agents listed on the EOD Official page.

Over 18,000 USD was raised from the “Spring Tea Party” fundraiser campaign

Over 18,000 USD was raised from the “Spring Tea Party” fundraiser campaign to support local PDF and war-affected people.

The monthly Spring Tea Party fundraiser held to help the local PDFs and people displaced by the war in Myanmar was held in November. The fundraiser is mainly cooking and selling food, and on November 6, a total of 18,111 USD was raised from sale proceeds and donations.

The event planning team said, “Thank you very much to all those who donated food, those who donated cash, those who bought, those who volunteered, and those who helped in selling.”

It is also said that the proceeds from the fundraiser will be donated to local PDFs and people displaced by the war.

NUGPay accepts top-ups with USDT digital currency through NUGPay’s Live Chat

NUG Pay announced on November 7 that it is now possible to top up NUGPay mobile wallet accounts with USDT (United States Department of the Treasury) digital currency through NUGPay’s Live Chat.

It states, “Top-ups can be made with USDT digital currency through NUGPay’s Live Chat. Top-up must be done through the BSC-BEP20 network, and only USDT currency officially recognized by the National Unity Government is accepted.”

Inquiries about topping up with USDT can be made at,  and there is no limit to the amount of topping up, but there is a limit on the amount of cashing out with USDT.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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