Summary of News

Acting President Duwa Lashi La says that the Myanmar military, which is burning down villages and committing killings every day, must not be given any chance to divide revolutionary forces

Acting President Duwa Lashi La added the following in his congratulatory message to the 600th day of the Yinmabin-Salingyi multi-village strike in November:

“In terms of politics, we can’t give any chance to the wicked Myanmar military, which is burning down villages and committing killings every day, to divide us. Similarly, in terms of military affairs, we have to make sure there is no way out for them. Abolishing the military dictatorship mechanism and eradicating the group of military dictators is the common goal of Myanmar’s spring revolution.”

Within one year of spring revolution, at least 20,000 members of the terrorist military were killed.

At present, the military council is planning to hold the 2023 elections as a way out of the political crisis.

NUG Home Affairs Minister U Lwin Ko Latt attends the completion ceremony of 6-month commando training

According to the press release of the Southern Military Command news and information team dated November 2, U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government, attended the completion ceremony of the 6-month commando training in a revolutionary territory in the Southern Military Command and had a close meeting with fellow trainees.

For more than a year since the formation of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) by the National Unity Government, basic military training, refresher training, jungle guerrilla training, urban guerrilla training, special commando training, and young leader training have been conducted in revolutionary areas throughout Myanmar.

At present, military training is being carried out continuously in consultation with allied organizations, weapons are being equipped, and military activities are being carried out in a balanced way throughout the country, Southern Military Region News and Information reported.

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng receives 10 million kyats donations for the revolution in Kachin State

On the evening of November 2, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that he received 10,230,000 kyats in donations in his NUGPay account from the people of Myanmar abroad for the revolution in Kachin State.

“The number of NUGPay users has increased a lot. The test of NUGPay’s power this time has been successful. We are using it, and it is still coming in. It is safe to use it. We are filling in as much as we can for the frontline comrades who need the most. Like-minded friends also participate in the donations.” — Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said.

On October 31, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng announced that the people of Myanmar abroad could contribute to the revolution in Kachin State through his NUGPay account. After announcing that donations could be made through NUGPay agents by country, as of November 2, more than 10 million kyats had been raised.

At the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun states that the terrorist military used the death penalty, which had not been used for over three decades, and executed political prisoners

At the Third Committee of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly held on November 2, U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, stated the following while discussing the Report of the Human Rights Council:

“Within 21 months since the illegal coup, the military has committed various kinds of atrocities against the people of Myanmar, for the first time over 3 decades, executed political prisoners, arbitrarily arrested targeted individuals as well as abducted family members as hostages. Military’s offensives across the country are aimed not only to target its opponents but also to punish any communities it deems to be supporting them.”

In addition, the ambassador also stated that the fascist military has increasingly attacked the people of Myanmar using its air power, showing that they do not care about the lives of the people. Recent air attacks on a school in Lat Yat Kone Village in Sagaing Division and on a music concert in A Nang Pa in Kachin State are barbaric acts of the military.

The layout of some of the remaining 60 ft. x 80 ft. plots of the Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung has changed into 189 plots of 40 ft. x 60 ft.

On November 3, the End of Dictatorship (EOD) campaign announced that the layout of some of the remaining 60 ft. x 80 ft. plots of the Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung of the Spring Mandalay Investment has changed into 189 plots of 40 ft. x 60 ft.

It states, “The EOD has changed the layout of the Spring Aurora, which will be developed at the foot of Mount Ye Dagun in Patheingyi Township, Mandalay, and is now available for purchase. The available plots of the Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung are as follows:

  • 30 plots of land for 60 ft. x 80 ft. Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung
  • 189 plots of land for 40 ft. x 60 ft. Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung

Let us participate in the Spring Mandalay Investment that will enter the Kingdom and seize the throne.”

The Spring Aurora @Ye Dagun Taung has two types of layouts: 60 ft. x 80 ft. plots, and 40 ft. x 60 ft. plots and all 40 ft. x 60 ft. plots had been sold out on October 7 after the announcement of sale on September 21.

The Spring Revolution Cup fundraising fair will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The CRPH Support Team Germany-Deutschland announced that the Spring Revolution Cup fundraising fair will be held on November 6 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

It states, “The Spring Revolution Cup Amsterdam 2022 will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on November 6. Chin Revolution Team Germany and FC Burmese Unity Germany will compete in the Spring Revolution Cup Amsterdam 2022 in the Netherlands. Those who have a convenient time and condition are also invited to come and support in person.”

The spring jewelry raffle campaign led by the One Dollar for People of Burma Team has started

On November 3, Sayadaw Ashin Zawana publicized the raffle campaign.

“The Spring Jewelry raffle campaign, led by the One Dollar for People of Burma Team, has started for more effective use of the valuable jewelries donated generously to the Democracy Road Trip for Burma and the One Dollar for People of Burma Team.”

A raffle ticket is sold for 20 USD, and raffle prizes will include jewelry and paintings.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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