Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 October 31

  1. Meeting with the NUG Interim Local Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Organizations of the Special Administrative Region
  2. As to the incident at the Halloween festival in South Korea, the chairman of the CRPH sent a condolence message to the chairman of the National Assembly in South Korea 
  3. Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung wishes for the speedy recovery of those who were injured at the Halloween incident in Korea
  4. The military council has started attacking the KIA brigade 3 front-line camps with malice
  5. Advance notification for “2023 assessment of completion of basic education”
  6. Millions of supports can be reached if NUGPay is used to come together by all expatriate Myanmar citizens and those who will use it secretly in the country
  7. U Kalyana, a leading monk of the Sangha Union (Mandalay), was arrested by the terrorist army
  8. The PDF (Kalay) attacked three cars of the terrorist military council, driving from east to west along the main road of Kalay city

Meeting with the NUG Interim Local Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Organizations of the Special Administrative Region

The National Unity Government, Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and Public Administration Organizations of the Special Administrative Region held a meeting (32/2022) on October 30 at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, a member of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, attended the meeting. “As this is a meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee and all those working on the ground, the difficulties on the ground should be discussed and the relevant ministries should coordinate and fulfill those hardships.

As the revolution accelerates, it is necessary to be aware of security and carried out from all sides,” the Minister said. Then, departments clarified the activities of each sector within the administrative region such as finance, electricity, communication, tax collection, defense, health, education, and judiciary, including natural resources and environmental conservation. Also, the public administration groups of the special administrative region had a mutual discussion about the difficulties they are facing on the ground and what they want to know. Leaders of public administration bodies from the special administrative region, members and ministers from relevant ministries, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, director generals, and directors attended the meeting.

As to the incident at the Halloween festival in South Korea, the chairman of the CRPH sent a condolence message to the chairman of the National Assembly in South Korea 

U Aung Kyi Nyunt, the chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw sent a condolence message dated October 30 to Mr. Kim Jin Pyo, the chairman of the National Assembly in South Korea, regarding the death of many people due to overcrowding during the Halloween celebration in Itaewon, Seoul. In this message, “CRPH is deeply saddened to hear that more than 150 people died and many were injured due to overcrowding during the Halloween celebration in Itaewon, Seoul. On behalf of the people of Myanmar, we are deeply saddened for the families and friends of those who died and pray for the speedy recovery of those affected. Also, we stand with the South Korean government’s parliament, members of parliament, and the public in this difficult time”. South Korea is a friendly country that has provided a lot of support to the development sector in Myanmar, and now the South Korean government, parliament, and people have strongly supported many efforts to restore democracy.

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung wishes for the speedy recovery of those who were injured at the Halloween incident in Korea

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung wishes for the speedy recovery of those who were injured at the Halloween incident in Korea.On October 30, NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung wrote on Twitter. “Our deepest condolences for all those who lost their loved ones and their families in the tragic Halloween incident in South Korea, and we wish the injured a speedy recovery,” she said.

On the night of October 29, more than 100 people died of suffocation after queuing for the Halloween festival in Itaewon, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The military council has started attacking the KIA brigade 3 front-line camps with malice

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the military council has started attacking the KIA brigade 3 front-line camps with malice. On the night of October 30, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said about Kachin State. The military council grudges the KIA, which is participating in the spring revolution in both money and manpower, and they have begun to attack the KIA brigade’s 3 frontline camps.

The local people help and support as much as possible. As for the soldiers, they have to fight, and while the commanders are focusing on military tactics, the public is starting to take responsibility for the support. “As international friends, we ask you to cooperate with the people of Kachin who are trying hard to defend themselves and participate through my NUGPay Acc which I have never used before,” he said. The minister reiterated that support can be sent to the frontline through NUGPay representatives, and the accounts will be managed systematically with the group.

Advance notification for “2023 assessment of completion of basic education”

The application form for “2023 assessment of completion of basic education” has been notified in advance. The Ministry of Education reported that applications can start from 4:00 p.m. on October 29 Applicants who have attended basic education up to ninth grade (old system) or government technical high school (first year) and turned 17 years old on August 31, 2022, will be able to apply for the “2023 assessment of completion of basic education”. Information about applying for BECA can be inquired through Myanmar Basic Education Home (MBEH) page with bluemark.

Millions of supports can be reached if NUGPay is used to come together by all expatriate Myanmar citizens and those who will use it secretly in the country

Deputy Minister Maw Tun Aung said that millions of supports can be reached if NUGPay is used to come together by all expatriate Myanmar citizens and those who will use it secretly in the country. Deputy Minister remarked with regard to the NUGPay in the last week of October. It is reported that NUGPay has reached 15,000 users according to the announcement in October. NUGPay is the only financial mechanism that free from military dictatorship.

U Kalyana, a leading monk of the Sangha Union (Mandalay), was arrested by the terrorist army

Sangha Union (Mandalay) confirmed that U Kalyana, a leading monk of the Sangha Union (Mandalay), was arrested by the terrorist army on October 30 at 5:00 p.m. “Until he was not arrested by the terrorist army, U Kalyana was a young monk who was in very good health, and if something were to happen to his health and life, only those who committed the terror arrest should be held accountable,” released the Sangha Union (Mandalay).

The PDF (Kalay) attacked three cars of the terrorist military council, driving from east to west along the main road of Kalay city

It is reported that the PDF (Kalay) attacked three cars of the terrorist military council, driving from east to west along the main road of Kalay city. People Defense Force (Kalay) confirmed that the operation was carried out in the morning of October 30. It is reported that the last car of the military council convoy was hit by a mine and stopped on the side of the road, and many soldiers in the car were hit by landmines. Investigations are still ongoing to find out the casualties of the military council’s soldiers.

Credit to #RadioNUG


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