Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 25

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La has asked to take action as soon as possible against the criminals responsible for the Tabayin case
  2. The Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, discusses with the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw the drafting of the federal constitution during the interim period and the establishment of interim regional consultative councils
  3. The Union Minister, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, says that the National Unity Government is moving toward federal democracy
  4. The Secretary of Defense says that the strength of CDM cannot be reduced since CDM is continue to be important in the spring revolution
  5. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sale of Mother’s Dress raffle tickets will be used for the production area of the Ministry of Defense
  6. 200 male and 50 female political prisoners were transferred from Insein Prison
  7. Retired Brigadier General Ohm Thwin, who was the mentor of the regime’s Vice Senior General Soe Win, was assassinated at his home
  8. Tens of thousands of residents from more than 20 villages in Taze Township are fleeing the war as military junta troops are invading villages

Acting President Duwa Lashi La has asked to take action as soon as possible against the criminals responsible for the Tabayin case

U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson of the Office of Acting President, told Radio NUG in September that Acting President Duwa Lashi La had asked to take action as soon as possible against the criminals responsible for the attack on the school in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division.

U Kyaw Zaw said, “The Acting President himself is very saddened by this case. He is saddened along with all the people of Myanmar. The Acting President has instructed us to make every effort to take action against the criminals responsible for this case as soon as possible.”

In addition, the Acting President instructed the cabinet to provide the necessary assistance to students and teachers, as well as the bereaved families of the children who died.

On September 16, the terrorist military launched air attacks with Mi35 military helicopters at a school in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, killing 6 children, and 7 civilians were killed due to the ground attack.

The Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, discusses with the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw the drafting of the federal constitution during the interim period and the establishment of interim regional consultative councils

A meeting between the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the Minister of Federal Union Affairs was held on September 24 at 10:00 a.m. via video conferencing. U Tun Myint, Secretary of the CRPH, gave an opening speech. Then, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs, presented a discussion on the drafting of the federal constitution during the interim period and the establishment of interim regional consultative councils. After that, an official from the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs presented the ministry’s Federal Union Building Process and the compilation of comments from the People’s Security and Defense Council.

The parliamentarians in attendance discussed the ministry’s briefings and made suggestions. The meeting was attended by secretaries and members of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Union Minister Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, Deputy Minister Mai Win Htoo, and Secretary from the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs.

The Union Minister, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, says that the National Unity Government is moving toward federal democracy

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister of Education, remarked at the opening ceremony of the Interim Basic Education Free Online School, held on September 24, jointly opened by the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) and the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government.

“We will move toward federal democracy; we are also moving toward it. We are doing this revolution with the full federal spirit. We are waging this revolution with all-inclusive approach after wiping out the centralized system.” — Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said.

Currently, the National Unity Government is making an effort towards the emergence of the interim constitution.

The Secretary of Defense says that the strength of CDM cannot be reduced since CDM is continue to be important in the spring revolution

U Naing Htoo Aung, Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, said at the “One Year Journey of the People’s Defensive War” discussion of the People’s Revolutionary Support Family Conversation Program.

He said, “CDM is also important in the revolution. It will continue to be important. The strength of CDM cannot be reduced just because we are waging an arms revolution. Protests will also continue to be important. Another matter that cannot be forgotten is the boycott matter. We must not forget boycotting. We must cut off all things that strengthen the enemy.”

On February 1, 2021, the military unjustly seized power. It was followed by the public movement against the military dictatorship, and the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), which have been participated in by civil servants, including hundreds of thousands of healthcare and education personnel.

Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sale of Mother’s Dress raffle tickets will be used for the production area of the Ministry of Defense

Film actor Min Maw Kun said at the “Let’s Fight with Mother’s Dress to Overthrow the Dictator” fundraising campaign held on September 24 in Perth, Australia.

He said, “This event is a raffle ticket sale for the Mother’s Dress. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sale of the Mother’s Dress raffle tickets will be used for the production area of the Ministry of Defense; twenty-five percent will be used for the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and urban guerrilla groups; and the rest twenty-five percent will be used for those comrades who have lost their limbs for the country.”

The Mother’s Dress is the dress worn by State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi during her 2012 by-election trip to Kawhmu Township.

Academy Award-winning film actor Min Maw Kun and film director The Khit Nay, who has been working hard for the success of the spring revolution, helped sell raffle tickets at the “Let’s Fight with Mother’s Dress to Overthrow the Dictator” fundraising campaign in Perth, Australia.

200 male and 50 female political prisoners were transferred from Insein Prison

It is reported that 200 male and 50 female political prisoners have been transferred from Yangon’s Insein prison.

According to the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union, the prison transfer took place on Saturday morning, September 24.

It stated, “On the morning of September 24 (last Saturday), 200 male and 50 female political prisoners from Insein Prison, including Ma Yin Myat Noe Oo, the treasurer of the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union (Ywar Thar Gyi area), were transferred to Thayarwaddy Prison.”

According to reports, this is the fourth time that political prisoners have been transferred, with no prior notification to their families. 

Retired Brigadier General Ohm Thwin, who was the mentor of the regime’s Vice Senior General Soe Win, was assassinated at his home

Retired Brigadier General Ohm Thwin, who was the mentor of the regime’s Vice Senior General Soe Win, was shot dead at his home.

On September 24, the Inya Urban Force (IUF), one of the anti-regime urban guerrilla groups in Yangon, claimed that they had assassinated the retired Brigadier General Ohm Thwin.

They declared, “That’s right, he was killed. He was the mentor of Soe Win.”

The Inya Urban Force (IUF) also claimed that the retired Brigadier General Ohn Thwin had encouraged the military to seize power last February, terminating the country’s limited experiment in democracy, and to employ brutal violence against those resisting the takeover.

Tens of thousands of residents from more than 20 villages in Taze Township are fleeing the war as military junta troops are invading villages

On September 24, the Guerrilla Warfare – K.P.K, which is the Squadron-1 of the Shwebo District Battalion-8, reported the situation in Taze Township.

“In the current situation, locals from more than 20 villages are fleeing the war as junta troops are invading the villages with excessive force, setting fire to houses and firing indiscriminately. There are tens of thousands of IDPs fleeing the war in Taze Township,” they said.

The Guerrilla Warfare – K.P.K has also urged people from war-free areas to help and support people fleeing the war from areas where the military situation is tense.

Credit : #RadioNUG


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