Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 15

  1. Defense Minister U Yee Mon asks PDF members not to use social media for military purposes
  2. U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson for the NUG Acting President’s Office, apologizes to the Rohingya for the incident in 2017
  3. Actress Chi Thu Wai and U Min Ko Naing will attend the presentation of the NUG Bond For Karenni sale program
  4. 70 percent is still needed to meet the target of “One Million to Revolt with the Drone”
  5. Deputy Minister of Human Rights says that staff for the Australian NUG Representative Office are not yet being recruited but, if necessary, it will be officially announced according to the procedure
  6. The terrorist military council attacked schools more than 190 times in 13 states and divisions
  7. A column of junta troops arrived at Zee Kone Village, Kawlin Township, and shot and killed a CDM teacher and a civilian

Defense Minister U Yee Mon asks PDF members not to use social media for military purposes

U Yee Mon, Union Minister of Defense, added this in his radio speech to PDF comrades on September 14.

The Minister said, “In civilian life, you can freely do what you are, what I am. But as a soldier, obeying orders from rank to rank is vitally important. This is what we call the ‘Chain-of-Command’ structure. One’s strength, one’s weapons, one’s location, and one’s plan are confidential things in military affairs. In the age of social media, information security breaches are often seen. I want comrades to be aware that it is not appropriate to use social media freely like a civilian.”

At present, there are more than three hundred PDF battalions under the MOD, and there are 250 revolutionary forces registered by the MOD.

U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson for the NUG Acting President’s Office, apologizes to the Rohingya for the incident in 2017

On September 14, the NUG Acting President’s Office released the personal statement of the Spokesperson of the Acting President’s Office.

In the statement, the Spokesperson said, “I offer my most sincere apology to all my Rohingya countrymen and countrywomen, for what I said in the past that were hurtful to you.”

U Kyaw Zaw stated that he testified as a witness before the Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights on October 2, 2017.

He said that he had long opposed successive military dictatorships and their crimes. Soon after the February 2021 attempted coup, he joined activist work to support the people’s spring revolution, including providing voluntary support to the National Union Government (NUG).

He also stated that he hopes to continue working together with the Rohingya brothers and sisters to build a peaceful new Myanmar where everyone can enjoy freedom, equality, self-determination, and justice.

Actress Chi Thu Wai and U Min Ko Naing will attend the presentation of the NUG Bond For Karenni sale program

According to the Kantarawaddy Times, the presentation of the NUG Bond For Karenni sale program will be broadcast on the Kantarawaddy Times Media Page on September 17 (Saturday), at 9:00 a.m. Thailand Standard Time (TST). Karenni Celebrity Pancake DaDa, Singer & Actress Chit Thu Wai, Leading Democracy Activist U Min Ko Naing, and Chairman of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) Khu Oo Reh will attend the program “Let’s buy NUG Karenni Bond to become a sesame seed that will become oil.”

70 percent is still needed to meet the target of “One Million to Revolt with the Drone”

On September 14, the Project Skywalk initiative said that 70 percent was still needed to meet the target of its project “One Million to Revolt with the Drone.”

It said, “We still need 70 percent to meet the target of “One Million to Revolt with the Drone.” So far, 30 percent, 300,000 UD dollars, of the Project Skywalk target amount has been received. We know that everyone is tired and hard, but the drone forces, which make the military council troops afraid day and night, need to be at full strength. Tomorrow is the last day of the project, so please contribute to it as much as possible.”

Project Skywalk is a fundraising program led by Naing Kaung Ywut, Deputy Minister of Defense of the National Unity Government, and managed by the Finance Department and Public Relations Team.

Project Skywalk is aimed at raising one million US dollars during the 2-week campaign period from August 30 to September 15 to effectively install strategic equipment for drone squads fighting on the ground.

Deputy Minister of Human Rights says that staff for the Australian NUG Representative Office are not yet being recruited but, if necessary, it will be officially announced according to the procedure

In September, the Deputy Minister of Human Rights posted on social media.

“Dear my fellow citizens! I have something to inform you. There is something that some young brothers and sisters from the Kayan region came and asked me. Some of them have told me that, since the NUG office in Australia has recently opened, they have filled out a form and applied for a job in the office. Some of them have asked me if they can apply for a job in the office. Meanwhile, I am very surprised and saddened. If there is a job call, they will officially announce it and call according to the procedure. I would like to inform everyone that it is not at the moment” the Deputy Minister said.

The Deputy Minister also warned the people to be careful not to believe the words of people-trafficking brokers who take advantage of the country’s unstable situation and requested to pass this information as much as possible.

The terrorist military council attacked schools more than 190 times in 13 states and divisions

On September 13, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, and Ministry of Human Rights released the Joint Statement of Response to the Announcement by Save the Children regarding its report on “The Impacts of the Attacks on Education and Military Use in Myanmar.”

In the Statement of Response, the Ministry of Education stated, “On September 9, 2022, Save the Children issued an announcement regarding the report ‘The Impacts of Attacks on Education and Military Use in Myanmar’ by Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA)’. That report stated that there were 190 attacks on schools in 13 states and divisions in 2021, and the terrorist junta and their troops used the schools as military bases, detention centers, and armories, and attacked the schools. Moreover, it urged all the armed troops to avoid using schools and universities for military activities. The National Unity Government has a strong resolution to fulfil the rights of education for the people. The Ministry of Education issued an announcement that strongly condemns any organization that commits unjust and terrorist activities such as using schools as military bases and targets of military attacks. In the military code of conducts, in the interim education programs, and in other announcements issued by the National Unity Government, it is clearly stated that such terrorist acts shall be avoided at all cost.”

A column of junta troops arrived at Zee Kone Village, Kawlin Township, and shot and killed a CDM teacher and a civilian

According to the Assistant Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP), on September 12, at 5:00 p.m., a column of junta troops launched an offensive into Zee Kone Village, Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region, and detained and then shot 2 local men dead.

It is said that the deceased were a teacher called Ko Chan Thar, who had taking part in the CDM, and a local called Thein Zaw.

According to AAPP, a total of 2,276 people have been killed during the spring revolution.

Credit to #RadioNUG

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