Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 02

  1. September Treasury bond buyers will receive postcards signed by Acting President Duwa Lashi La
  2. The Union Minister says that due to the poor management of the military council, the people are severely affected by the economic downturn
  3. All 400 plots of land for the Spring Glory-2 @Thanthumar sold out on the first day
  4. The Minister of Human Rights said at the 26th Forum 2000 Conference being held in the Czech Republic that it is time to provide international support to Myanmar rather than statements
  5. On the orders of Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, U Lwin Ko Latt, People’s Police Forces have been formed in the three townships of Kalay, Tamu, and Wetlet
  6. Click2donate will provide 10,000,000 kyats of support to revolutionary forces this month
  7. The NUG representative of Australia said that the offspring and relatives of the military regime are fleeing to big countries
  8. A people’s defense force (PDF) under the Tanintharyi Region Military Command successfully produced the 80-mm mortar
  9. At least 14 soldiers were killed when military troops were attacked with mines at the top of Aungtharyar Hill in Tigyaing Township
  10. Over 100 soldiers were killed in the battles of Falam Township and Kale Township in Chin State
  11. At least 46 clashes occurred in Karenni State in August, and 40 members of the Military Council were killed and 25 were injured on the side of the Terrorist Military Council

September Treasury bond buyers will receive postcards signed by Acting President Duwa Lashi La

On 1 September, the United Bonds said, “Everyone who buys a bond believes that this money is an investment for the future of the country as well as for themselves. They are people who believe that the people must win and go to the people’s government. The only way to respond to this belief now is with memento postcards signed by the leaders of the revolutionary government. Bond buyers in August were given postcards with a memento quote from the President. Now in September, we plan to continue sending those postcards with a different design.”

It is also said that these postcards are not just postcards, but a symbol of recognition and appreciation of the faith of the people and the strength of the people. The National Unity Government has been selling the special treasury bonds since November 2021.                       

The Union Minister says that due to the poor management of the military council, the people are severely affected by the economic downturn

At the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting (27/2022) held on 1 September, the Union Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked, “Due to the poor management of the military council, the people are suffering from the economic downturn; our government should make efforts to solve the problems of the people with the strength we have gathered; in the judicial sector, a judicial pillar that is appropriate for the interim should be developed, and it will be necessary to show it to the public; and I would like to urge our union government to work hand in hand for the youth of the future.”

The members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee explained the decision made at the (26/2022) meeting, the progress of the previous processes, and the remaining processes to be carried out. The officials in attendance also had extensive discussions on the matters undertaken by each ministry in the special region.

The meeting was led by the Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the Chairman of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and attended by the Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt, Vice Chairman (1) of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and members — Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Permanent Secretaries.

All 400 plots of land for the Spring Glory-2 @Thanthumar sold out on the first day

On 1 September, the End of Dictatorship announced, “All 40 ft x 60 ft plots (400 plots) of the Spring Glory-2 @Thanthumar were sold out on the first day of sales. Special thanks to all the revolutionary people who bought and the sales representatives.”

The housing projects “Spring Villa @ Mindhamma” and “Spring Glory @Thanthumar” were sold on 1 September.

It is said that the remaining plots of land are 100 plots (60 ft x 80 ft) for the Spring Villa @ Mindhamma, and 200 plots (60 ft x 80 ft) for the Spring Glory-1 @Thanthumar.

The Minister of Human Rights said at the 26th Forum 2000 Conference being held in the Czech Republic that it is time to provide international support to Myanmar rather than statements

On 1 September, Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min said, “NUG is strongly committed to justice for all. We need more concrete actions and support by all means rather than statements. Stand up for Myanmar just like you stood up for Ukraine.”

The Forum 2000, which is being held in the Czech Republic, is a discussion event focused on the Ukraine issue.

At the forum, it also had the opportunity to present and discuss the issues of Myanmar.

On the orders of Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, U Lwin Ko Latt, People’s Police Forces have been formed in the three townships of Kalay, Tamu, and Wetlet

On 1 September, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration released the Statement (07/2022) on the formation of the township police forces.

The statement states, “According to Section 14 (b) of the People’s Police Law of 2022 of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government, the following Township People’s Police Forces have been established under the People’s Police Force:

  1. Kalay Township Police Service,
  2. Tamu Township Police Service,
  3. Wetlet Township Police Service.”

The Kalay Township Police Service (KPS) also stated that it has carried out law enforcement in the Kalay area with two stations in the south and north.

Click2donate will provide 10,000,000 kyats of support to revolutionary forces this month

On 1 September, Click2donate informed, “It’s a good time to speed up. Brothers and sisters, we are already sending the previous month’s earnings. This month, we will send 100 lakhs (kyats) each since the value of the kyat has fallen a lot and we can hardly do anything with 50 lakhs.”

Click 2 Donate receives earnings from people’s clicks.

At present, Click2donate is also trying to earn income from the app “Aung Pwe”, a new application by Click2donate.

The NUG representative of Australia said that the offspring and relatives of the military regime are fleeing to big countries

The offspring of the military council leaders have fled, U Tin Aung Shwe, NUG representative in Australia, wrote on social media.

The representative said, “The offspring and relatives of the military regime changed their family history (household registration list, parents’ job), got new passports and fled to big countries, just like the war criminals of Nazi Germany and their families changed their profiles and fled to Argentina after World War II.”

At present, the military is suffering substantial losses and is using excessive force to attack in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Karenni State, and Karen State.

A people’s defense force (PDF) under the Tanintharyi Region Military Command successfully produced the 80-mm mortar

On 1 September, Tanintharyi Defense Force announced, “A people’s defense force (PDF) under the Tanintharyi Region Military Command has successfully produced and test-fired the 80-mm mortar.”

The person in charge of weapons production of the battalion said that the large weapons that have been test-fired successfully will be sent to the front line and will be installed for the people’s defense forces (PDFs).

The person in charge of weapons production also urged the donors to provide support since there are financial requirements for the production of large weapons.

At least 14 soldiers were killed when military troops were attacked with mines at the top of Aungtharyar Hill in Tigyaing Township

On 1 September, the Special.9-HPDF said, “About a hundred soldiers, who were marching at the top of Aungtharyar Hill, were attacked with mines, and there is a possibility of at least 14 killed.  The first time we attacked with small mines, about four or five of them fell. While they were dragging the wounded soldiers and providing first aid, another group of soldiers came up the hill again, and we attacked them with claymore mine. According to a member of Special.9-HPDF on the front line, about ten fell down.”

The Special.9-HPDF also said, “In addition, in the afternoon, it was reported that a blue vehicle, possibly carrying soldiers who had been hit by mines in Aungtharyar Hill, was attacked with mines near PhonKoneGyi Village, Maung Gone group.”

Over 100 soldiers were killed in the battles of Falam Township and Kale Township in Chin State

It was stated in the July and August 2022 battle report of the Chin National Organization (CNO) on 1 September that over 100 soldiers were killed in the battles of Falam Township and Kale Township in Chin State.

It states, “In July and August 2022, the Chin National Defense Force engaged in 16 clashes with the Terrorist Military Council in Falam Township and Kale Township in Chin State. There were about 133 deaths on the side of the military council during the battles.”

It is stated that, during the battle, five comrades from the Chin National Defense Force (CNDF) were injured and two were killed.

At least 46 clashes occurred in Karenni State in August, and 40 members of the Military Council were killed and 25 were injured on the side of the Terrorist Military Council

On 1 September, KNDF announced the battle news for the fourth week of August.

It is said that in August, the Terrorist Military Council troops were trying to gain military control from Hpruso to Demoso and Loikaw, and they were deploying in Demoso Township and Hpruso Township.

On August 24, fighting broke out for about 15 minutes between the military marching toward Thaetaung, Htolwiebelar Village in Demoso and the combined forces of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF).

Similarly, the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 05 (KNDF B05) attacked the military troops stationed in Thaysule Village in Demoso.

During the above encounters, the Military Council side suffered damages.

On August 24, the combined forces of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) attacked an ambush camp of the NgweTaunug-based Military Council light infantry battalion (LIB 102), killing three members of the Military Council.

On the morning of August 26, the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 09 (KNDF B09) launched an operation against the Terrorist Military Council troops stationed on the mountain near the San Pya six-miles Village, resulting in the deaths and injuries of the members of the Military Council.

Also, in Bawlakhe, on August 25 and August 27, the combined forces of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 16 (KNDF B16) attacked the military station on the Mae Sa long Mountain, causing damage to the Military Council troops and killing four of them.

On August 29, the combined forces of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 21 (KNDF B21) attacked the military council outpost near the end of the Pawn River Bridge in Bawlakhe, and the attack killed two members of the Military Council.

On August 27, the combined forces of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 14 (KNDF B14) ambushed the camp of the Military Council near Pawn River Village in Shadaw Township almost all day long, killing three members of the Military Council.

On August 30, the allied force of Karenni Army (KA), Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 03 (KNDF B03), KNDF B11, 1008 Infantry Southern Shan (SSRY), and Pekhon People’s Defence Force (PKPDF) attacked the base camp of the Military Council near Pon Pin and Lwe Hwe villages in Pekhon, killing three members of the Military Council.

At least 46 clashes occurred in Karenni State in August, and 40 members of the Military Council were killed and 25 were injured.

The Terrorist Military Council conducted 8 airstrikes and dropped 32 bombs on residential areas.

As a result of the Military Council’s air strikes and heavy weapons attacks, 5 civilians were killed, 15 were injured, 1 medical center and 9 houses were destroyed, and a pagoda was also destroyed.

Credit to #RadioNUG

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