Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 01

  1. Union Prime Minister says that it is predicted that the economy will collapse due to the arbitrary management of the terrorist military, which does not take the country and the people into account
  2. Union Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann supports 1 million kyats to the Loikaw People’s Defense Force
  3. Defense Minister U Yee Mon will deliver a speech on radio NUG, which marks the anniversary of the People’s Resistance War
  4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun is the voice of the people and the will of the people
  5. The Spring Yangon Investment housing project can also be purchased with NUGPay (DMMK)
  6. As part of the Wild Crow Military Operation, a group of five soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee, who were patrolling and collecting money in the rural market in Ward No. 8, Yesagyo Town, were attacked and all five were killed
  7. The military attacked Taunggya Village in Sagaing Divison with jet fighters
  8. Over 40 soldiers were killed in clashes between the military council troops and the People Defence Force (Mandalay) in August
  9. The PDF Battalion 1222, based in Thabeikkyin and Singu townships, announced that they will punish companies that are only looking after their own business without concerning about the revolution and doing whatever they want
  10. Dr. Tayzar San urges everyone to contribute to the Project Skywalk

Union Prime Minister says that it is predicted that the economy will collapse due to the arbitrary management of the terrorist military, which does not take the country and the people into account

At the Cabinet Meeting held on August 30, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “It is predicted that the economy will collapse due to the arbitrary management of the terrorist military, which does not take the country and the people into account. Like previous dictators, the terrorist military council is creating all sorts of problems for the people, thinking that if the people are in trouble, they can manipulate politics as they please. The culprit that made the country in good condition suffer so tragically in less than 2 years is the terrorist military council. People have to trust each other and keep their hands together and struggle. The union government is also struggling together with the people by trying from all sides and sectors.”

Currently, the domestic gold price and the foreign exchange rate are at record highs, and commodity prices have been uncontrollably high without being able to be controlled by the military council.

Union Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann supports 1 million kyats to the Loikaw People’s Defense Force

In the last week of August, the Loikaw People’s Defense Force said, “Our Loikaw People Defense Force received the support of 1,000,000 kyats provided by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann.”

The Loikaw People Defense’s Force announced that the support of 1,000,000 kyats will be shared with other organizations.

Defense Minister U Yee Mon will deliver a speech on radio NUG, which marks the anniversary of the People’s Resistance War

It is reported that Defense Minister U Yee Mon will deliver a speech on radio NUG about the spring revolution on September 7, 2022, to mark the anniversary of the people’s resistance war, and will also give messages to the public.

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Resistance War.

Currently, the military council is losing badly on both military and international fronts.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun is the voice of the people and the will of the people

In August, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister of Education and Health, posted on social media, “Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun is the voice of the people, the will of the people, and the heart of the people.”

The United Nations will organize its 77th Session of the General Assembly soon.

At the General Assembly, a Credentials Committee will be appointed and it will be decided who from Myanmar will be appointed as a permanent representative to the UN.

The Spring Yangon Investment housing project can also be purchased with NUGPay (DMMK)

On August 31, the End of Dictatorship (EOD) said that the Spring Yangon Investment housing project can also be purchased with NUGPay (DMMK).

The numbers of plots of land to be sold are

(a) 100 plots (60 ft x 80 ft) for Spring Villa @ Mindhamma,

(b) 200 plots (60 ft x 80 ft) for Spring Glory-1 @Thanthumar,

(c) 400 plots (40 ft x 60 ft) for Spring Glory-2 @Thanthumar.

In terms of payment, only 40 percent of the value of the plot of land will have to be paid during the revolution period, and the remaining 60 percent will have to be paid when the projects start after the revolution period, the EOD said.

It is also stated that the buyer can pay in installments up to 3 times within 3 months from the start of sales, the last payment date is November 30, 2022, and up to 3 buyers can purchase jointly.

As part of the Wild Crow Military Operation, a group of five soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee, who were patrolling and collecting money in the rural market in Ward No. 8, Yesagyo Town, were attacked and all five were killed

On August 31, the Phoenix Special Guerrilla Force announced the military news.

It states, “On August 29, at around 7:30 a.m., our Urban Military Operation Coalition attacked a group of soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee, including Pyu Saw Htee leader Tun Aung Kyaw, who were patrolling and collecting money near the rural market in Ward No. 8, Yesagyo, Magway Division, and all five were killed.”

The seized weapons include a MA-4, a MA-1, an AK-47, two carbines, five rounds of ammunition, four 40mm grenades, five ENERGA, a hand grenade, and two mobile phones.

The Joint Urban Military Operation was conducted by the Phoenix Special Guerrilla Force, the Peacock Brothers PDF, Black Wolf People’s Defense Force (MDY), and People’s Defense Force – Mandalay.

The military attacked Taunggya Village in Sagaing Divison with jet fighters

It is reported that on August 31, at 9:42 a.m., a jet fighter that came up from Tadaoo fired about six shots at the places in Taunggya Village where the battle happened the previous day.

In addition, a group of soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee from Kyalpon Village fired seven artillery shells at Taunggya Village at around 7:30 a.m. They also set fire to the houses in the village that had not yet been destroyed by fire.

On August 29, there were also 130 houses that were destroyed due to the arson of the military troops and Pyu Saw Htee from Kyalpon Village.

Over 40 soldiers were killed in clashes between the military council troops and the People Defence Force (Mandalay) in August

On August 31, the People Defence Force (Mandalay) reported the military news.

It states, “Clashes between the People Defence Force (Mandalay) and the terrorist military troops are taking place in Pyin Oo Lwin Township and Naung Cho Township.

On August 24, at about 8:00 a.m., the LIB-253 under the 101 Division, LIB-502 and LIB-505 under the 1st Military Operations Command (MOC-1) started firing with artillery shells at the defence force, and the battle broke out.”

It is said that during the battle, the military column was blocked step by step by the defense forces, and as the number of casualties of the soldiers increased, at about 4:00 p.m. in the evening, the military came and bombarded the area with helicopters.

According to ground reports, about 20 soldiers were killed and many were injured in the battle.

On August 29, at about 6:00 p.m., when the military column entered the place where our People Defence Force (Mandalay) had laid a mine field, we attacked them with mines and exchanged fire,” the People Defence Force (Mandalay) said.

It is reported that over 19 soldiers were killed and there may have been up to 40 seriously injured soldiers in the battle.

On the morning of August 30, the military council column was attacked with mines again, and three soldiers were killed.

The PDF Battalion 1222, based in Thabeikkyin and Singu townships, announced that they will punish companies that are only looking after their own business without concerning about the revolution and doing whatever they want

On August 31, the PDF Battalion 1222 released an announcement against gold mining companies in Thabeikkyin and Singu townships.

It states, “As the PDF Battalion 1222 is a battalion based in Thabeikkyin and Singu townships, it is trying to liberate its territory. Since Thabeikkyin and Singu townships are townships that focus on gold mining, the gold mining companies operating in the two townships are requested to assist the relevant revolutionary forces, the township PDFs, in purchasing weapons.”

It is also stated that it is known that mining companies are working together with the military council and paying taxes to the military council, and if the companies are only looking after their own businesses without regard to the revolution, doing whatever they want, and do not participate in the revolutionary struggle of the township PDFs, they will suffer the economic sanction and punishment of the Thabeikkyin PDF and Singu PDF.

Dr. Tayzar San urges everyone to contribute to the Project Skywalk

On August 31, Dr. Tayzar San wrote on social media, “Now we all know that the price of drones is on the rise. It is known that this Skywalk Project is organized by the Ministry of Defence to equip a lot of drones that are really needed for our PDF heroes, and the project aims to raise 1 million US dollars. It will be a very profitable project. A lot of people’s efforts are needed. Let us go around.”

Project Skywalk is the fundraising project of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, led by the Deputy Minister of Defence, Nai Kaung Ywut, and managed by the Finance and Public Relations Team.

At least one million US dollars is going to be raised through Project Skywalk, and the project aims to connect drone teams around Myanmar and cooperate under a systematic chain of command.

Credit to RadioNUG

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