Summary of News

National Unity Government announces to eliminate dictatorships that promote the brutal killing of unarmed students by force of arms

On 7 July 2022, the National Unity Government released the “Message from the National Unity Government to the 60th Anniversary Commemorations of the 7 July 1962 Rangoon University Student Protests.”

It stated, “Today, 7 July, marks the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the 7 July 1962 Rangoon University Student Protests during which the students shed blood on the ground of the Mother University (Rangoon University) which is the birthplace of many student heroes, including the All Burma Federation of Students’ Union (ABFSU), who fought against the military dictatorship from the front. The National Unity Government honors to all the comrades of the Student Youth Revolution who had fought valiantly against evil systems for generations, regardless of their life and breath, for freedom, equality, justice, and truth. It is clear that the reason why the ignorant and armed military dictators throughout history have not been able to stop the unprovoked killings and torture of the country’s future students, and continue to commit until the 21st century, is because the perpetrators were spared from punishment. Therefore, the National Unit Government has pledged, while bowing down to the unforgettable 7 July Protests, to work together in this spring revolution by combining the student union spirit, the determination of the people as a whole, and the experience of all the leaders of all ethnic groups, to eliminate coups that perpetuate Myanmar’s history and promote the brutal killing of unarmed students by force, and ensure that there is no recurrence in the future and that the military dictators are punished.”

Officers and soldiers who joined CDM are presented with the People’s Heroes’ Certificate signed by the Minister of Defense

On 7 July, the People’s Goal reported that officers and soldiers who joined CDM are presented with the People’s Heroes’ Certificate signed by the Union Minister of Defense H.E. U Ye Mon.

It stated, “In July 2022, the officers and soldiers who contacted and requested the CDM Code from the National Unity Government (NUG), were given CDM Codes.”

CDM Codes are issued together with the People’s Heroes Certificates.

It is also stated that the officers and soldiers requesting CDM Codes can now reach the People’s Goal Telegram Channel at and get CDM Codes.

Minister of Human Rights urges to fight for the end of the dictatorship by writing the “Atrocities of Military Monster together with the 7 July” deep in the hearts of the citizens

On 7 July 2022, Union Minister for Human Rights H.E. U Aung Myo Min wrote on social media on the occasion of commemoration of the 7 July 1992 Rangoon University Student Protest.

Union Minister said, “The Protest, commonly known as the 7 July, was the first ever student movement to oppose the second coup of General Nay Win’s military in 1962. It was also a protest that took off the mask of the military monster who used weapons to bully to reveal its true color. I call on to fight for the end of the dictatorship by writing the “Atrocities of Military Monster together with the 7 July” written with blood by university student Ko Kyaw Win who involved in the Protest, deep in the hearts of our citizens.”

On this day of the 7 July Protest, ground protests are carried out widespread by students.

“Heal Myanmar” Lucky Draw Fundraising Campaign co-organized by Myanmar Emergency Fund (MEF-Canada) and NUG-MOIC will be held

It was learned that the “Heal Myanmar” Lucky Draw Fundraising Campaign co-organized by Myanmar Emergency Fund (MEF-Canada) and NUG-MOIC will be held on 16 July.

MEF-Canada stated, “Whether you win or lose, the 100% ticket sales are a donation to the revolution, and let’s purchase a lucky draw ticket for USD 10 in recognition and support for the live concert ‘Guys From Chin’ by the Music Band Fundraiser.”

Gold necklace, gold earrings, and pearl rings are being sold by the MEF- Canada volunteers in the relevant cities, countries, and communities for the revolutionary.

The lucky draw ticket sale will be closed on 14 July and the live broadcast of the lucky draw event will be held on 16 July and will be attended by artists, including singer Benjamin Sum.

Yadanarbon University Students’ Union offers alms and robes to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 7 July Protests

Yadanarbon University Students’ Union stated, “Yadanarbon University Students’ Union offered alms and robes to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 7 July Protests fell on today, with the help of the people. We offered alms and robe to the monk fighting in the revolution from Pyigyitagon Strike Column, and shared merits with the fallen martyrs from generation to generation, including the 7 July Protests.”

The Rangoon University Massacre, also known as the 7 July Protests, in which hundreds of students ware massacred at Rangoon University, took place on 7 July 1962.

Myanmar Emergency Fund (MEF-Canada) provides CA$ 79,900 to the revolutionary forces, including the Tanintharyi PDF and the Battle of the Ukrita

MEF-Canada has reportedly provided CA$ 7,900 to the revolutionary forces, including the Tanintharyi PDF and the Battle of the Ukrita.

MEF-Canada officially released a statement on 7 July.

It stated, “MEF-Canada provided CA$ 7900 to revolutionary forces: CA$ 450 to Tanintharyi PDF, CA$ 2000 emergency assistance to Ukritha, CA$ 500 to Karenni PDF Battalion 8, CA$ 400 to Thai-Myanmar Border PDF, and CA$ 500 to Radio NUG.”

It is said that MEF-Canada will raise funds and support respective regions after completing the current Fundraising Campaign for Chin State.

The Internal Revenue Department-NUG says it has proudly documented individuals and businesses paying taxes during the revolution against the military dictatorship

On 6 July, the Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government announced, “Taxes are an essential foundation of a country and a government. The Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government is also proud to document individuals and businesses paying taxes during the revolution against the military dictatorship.”

Notice letters are being sent via the email to the businesses that have yet to pay their taxes, explaining why they should pay taxes and how to communicate to pay taxes, etc.,

The Internal Revenue Department also stated, “We call on individuals and businesses to take pride in the role that history has given, through taxation during the time of fighting against the military dictatorship and the time when there are many needs on all sides.”

Only 200 Quotas have left for NUGPay Pilot Project Singapore, and the activation of NUGPay Wallet can be done at Agents quickly

NUGPay officially announced on 7 July, “There are only 200 Wallet Quotas left for Singapore NUGPay Pilot Project. Those who want to use NUGPay can activate NUGPay Wallets at their local agents.”

NUGPay’s Pilot Project will start with only “10,000” wallets and currently may not cover all of the general public.

Currently, the NUGPay Wallet account can be opened at Agents in Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, and the UK, and Agents for other regions will be announced soon.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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