Summary of News

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says the people who are suffering from the actions of the military regime no longer trust them

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said, “The role of the people is very important. We all know this. Because the people are witnessing the military regime’s actions, the people no longer trust whatever they are doing and whatever they are saying. As for the international community, there is still needs to be aware of what is happening in Myanmar.”

The military regime has so far detained more than 10,000 civilians and sentenced more than 100 to death under various charges.

In addition, nearly 2,000 civilians were killed, and villages in rural areas were set on fire by the military troops.

To celebrate the 77th Birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, NYCBC urges people to participate in the Profile Campaign

On 13 June 2022, the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) urged people to participate in the Profile Campaign, posting how to change the profile on its social media and saying, “To celebrate the birthday of the People’s Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, let all the brothers and sisters in Myanmar and the world, who love Mother Suu, participate in the Profile Campaign and show our nostalgia for our mother.”

On 19 June 2022, the People’s Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will turn seventy-seven years old.

The Waw Lay Police Station, which jointly based by the military troops and the police, is took over

According to the Karen Information Center (KIC)’s report, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and its allied forces jointly attacked and occupied the Waw Lay Police Station, jointly based by the military troops and the police, and arrested three members of the police force, including the camp commander, on the morning of 13 June 2022.

It also reported that three polices who participated in Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and were arrested in the Waw Lay Police Station Detention Center, were also recused.

The KIC said that it would officially declare a state of war once the area clearance work was completed.

Although the Ministry of Commerce of the military council announced the basic wholesale price of palm oil at 5,645 MMK, the people are still buying it at 8,000 MMK per Viss

On 12 June 2022, the Ministry of Commerce of the military council announced that it was adjusting the base price of palm oil, and from 13 to 19 June, the Yangon sitting price was 5,645 MMK per Viss, the same as before.

A housewife in Hlaing Township in Yangon said, “Everywhere is selling it at 8,000 MMK per Viss. I don’t know where the price they are talking about is. Now, even if you want to eat Burmese fritter, you can’t find it in the neighborhood. It is no longer sold because of the high price of palm oil. In other places, the oil price is over 8,000 MMK per Viss.”

It also said that the military council has no control over basic commodity prices, and has only been able to warn, intimidate and pressure the traders.

The Democracy Road Trip for Burma raises nearly $ 3,000 for the Spring Revolution

The Democracy Road Trip for Burma posted Honorary Records of the member of the supply force, who donated in June, on the social network.

The Democracy Road Trip for Burma, led by the Myanmar activists in the United States who support the National Unity Government, travels to more than a hundred cities in more than thirty U.S. States where Burmese-borns are living to encourage them to participate in the revolution to the end, was found on 4 June 2022.

The Democracy Road Trip for Burma also includes the “$400 Thousands from Twenty thousands of supporters” campaign, which aims to raise $ 400,000 a month for a total of 20,000 people, starting from $20 per PDF as the People’s Revolutionary Support Program.

The people greet the Salingyi Border Task Force, who returned with victory, with flowers and food

On 12 June 2022, the Salingyi Border Task Force released a clip of the return with the victory on social media, and it said, “The people welcomed the comrades returned from the battle with flowers. The support of the people is our strength. With the support of the people, our comrades will fight for the lives and the properties of the people until the victory of the revolution.”

In welcoming the victorious task force, the local people, including the elderly and children, greeted with victory garlands warmly.

Thailand-based Myanmar Social welfare groups request the NUG government to help the Burmese Nationals arrested for trying to enter Malaysia via southern Thailand

Since early June, nearly 400 Burmese have been detained in Thailand on their way to Malaysia via southern Thailand in search of work.

Ko Thar Gyi from the International Buddhist Education Center Social Welfare Organization (IBEC – SWO), based in Hat Yai city in southern Thailand’s Songkhla province, said that he would like to request the National Unity Government (NUG) to help those detained Burmese Nationals who are helpless.

Ko Thar Gyi (IBEC-SWO)

A person helping refugees said that, currently, humanitarian organizations and donors are doing their best to help the detainees get food. Although Thailand authorities have not taken serious legal action against the detainees, they are planning to send them back to Myanmar.

A person helping refugees

In the refugee camps on the Thailand-Myanmar border, the number of refugees is increasing day by day, and they are finding it difficult to earn a living. Analysts say although the United Nations and ASEAN are planning to provide assistance to refugees, it will not be possible to reach those in real need because the assistance can only be provided through the military regime.

Thailand authorities have set a deadline of the end of June for Burmese migrants to register for work and live and work

Ko Zaw from the Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) said that Thailand authorities had allowed Burmese migrant workers to register for work in Thailand from 16 June to the end of June. That was because the civil society groups had requested the Thailand authorities not to send them back to Myanmar and asked for permission to work in Thailand out of pity for the military situation in Myanmar.

Ko Zaw, the Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN)

A domestic labor activist said that the closure of factories in Burma has ruined job opportunities and made it impossible for people to start their own businesses, therefore, people are leaving the country to find a way to earn a living.

A domestic labor activist

Hundreds of thousands of Burmese have entered Thailand illegally through the Thailand-Myanmar border and many have been arrested and deported.

Within a year of COVID-19 and over a year of military coups, the people suffered violence and could no longer afford to live, so they began to think of ways to leave the country.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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