Summary of News

Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration said that the human dignity of Myanmar people had lost dignity under the dictatorship for years.

Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration said, “Under the various dictatorships, the human dignity of our people had lost for years. Even so, to this day, from generation to generation, we all, including today’s Ethnic Resistance Organizations (ERO), worked together to build a strong nation that recognizes the human dignity and the human values we lost.”

Since the military coup on 1 February 2021, until now, more than 10,000 people had been detained, and nearly 2,000 people shot dead.

Myanmar had already introduced a moratorium on the death penalty and reported to the UN Human Rights Council

Union Minister for Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min said, “The news about the death sentence of some pro-democracy activists, including Ko Jimmy, and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw shocked the world. The UN Secretary-General has described the death penalty as a “blatant human rights violation” and called for charges to be dropped against those arrested on charges related to the exercise of their fundamental freedoms and rights, and for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Myanmar. According to the reports submitted to UN Human Rights Council during the previous government, although Myanmar has not abolished the death penalty, it has made an international commitment not to use the death penalty.”

Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”

In addition, according to UN Human Rights, some 170 States have abolished or introduced a moratorium on the death penalty either in law or in practice.

General Gun Maw wished that unforgivable mistakes could be avoided

Concerning the death penalty imposed by the military regime, General Gum Maw of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) posted a hand-written letter on social media on 4 January 2022.

In the letter, he wrote, “I do not want to talk about justice. And I do not want to say who is right and who is wrong. I wish unforgivable mistakes in the future could be avoided.”

Recently, the appeals against the death sentences charged to the Member of Parliament (MP) Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw, and 88 Generation Student Leader Ko Jimmy were rejected, so the death sentences are going to be implemented.

Providing allowances to teachers from Yangon Technological University who were involved in the non-violent civil disobedience movement (CDM) till the end

CDM Support for RIT, YIT, YTU Heroes released a statement, “Among the teachers from Yangon Technological University who were involved in the non-violent civil disobedience movement (CDM) till the end, 70 officer-level teachers and 204 staff-level teachers were provided allowances in May 2022 and each was awarded 35,000 MMK with a total of 9,590,000 MMK.”

Moreover, it is also stated that they give special thanks to alumni, the populace, and external organizations supporting CDM staff.

Up to 4th June, Singapore, Myanmar, and United States are leading in buying Mother Suu’s Htee lottery tickets sales by country

One Million Dollar Challenge Campaign – Let’s protect the lives of the people with Mother Suu’ Htee, reported that, up to 4th June, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Pathein Htee Lottery tickets sales have sold 60,599 tickets, and countries with most ticket sales are Singapore, Myanmar, United States, and the United Kingdom.

The 70 percent of the proceeds from the sales of the ticket will be used in the NUG government’s establishment of the liberated areas.

In Karen liberated areas, there is a high demand for medicinal supplies and healthcare professionals due to the rise in the incidence of malaria

In Karen liberated areas, a CDM nurse said that the incidence of malaria is high in the rainy season. A PDF nurse said that the need for medicinal supply can be met with the support of donors, but some patients need to be treated by doctors and specialists.

Karen State, a PDF nurse

The number of refugees has been rising day by day after the Karen National Union (KNU) significantly opposed the military council. A refugee said that although food and medicinal supplies are supported by donors till now, it’s not a good condition in long term.

Karen State, a refugee

In Karen liberated areas, due to difficulties in transportation and not enough basic health care, refugees and PDFs often face problems in accessing emergency medical care. PDF healthcare personnel said that although they have prepared for emergency traumatic injuries and injuries caused by artillery shells it’s not enough.

It is no longer safe for taxi bickers in Yangon to transport outsides of their ward due to increasing numbers of robberies.

A taxi biker from Insein Township said that he is afraid to transport passengers outside of their ward to other unfamiliar areas due to the sequence of explosions, sword robberies, and beat robberies. He said that although the daily income was more than ten thousand kyats previously, now it is difficult to get four to five thousand kyats due to rain and political problems.

A taxi biker in Insein Township

Another taxi biker said that people who make a living as taxi bikers face hardship due to the rise in fuel prices and restrictions on motorcycling by the junta. He added that he was earning hard-to-pay owner fees, food, house rental fees, and water and electrical bills due to the reduced income.

A taxi biker in Insein Township

The military regime has issued the restriction on motorcycling in Yangon as young guerrillas were attacking the soldiers and police using motorcycles. Due to this restriction, those who make a living by motorbike are losing their regular income by half.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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