Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 22

Minister of Defence, U Yee Mon, announced on social media on February 21 that in the event of young people facing a crisis related to the military conscription law, they would have the option to relocate to a liberated area and contribute to the revolution through work.

“These days, the entire country is in turmoil due to the military service law imposed by Min Aung Hlaing’s military junta. This law is just another example of the junta’s oppressive tactics against the people of Myanmar and its youth. We have faith in the younger generation, as they are aware of the choices they must make. They will resist the military enslavement law in various ways. Currently, the revolution has the upper hand, with numerous liberated areas springing up throughout the country. If you find yourself in a crisis, seek refuge in a liberated area and contribute to the revolution as much as you can,” the Defence Minister said.

The Defence Minister stated that as a result of this law, a large number of young individuals will reach out to the National Unity Government and ethnic resistance groups to express their opposition to the military servitude law through various means.

On February 10, the military junta enforced the old conscription law.

On February 21, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (8/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, a secretary member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

The Nway Oo Hti Family revealed on February 21 that they plan to sell a maximum of 2 million tickets for the Nway Oo Hti Version 2.0 monthly.

“We will sell 2 million lottery tickets from 1,000,000 to 2,999,999 monthly. The date and time of the Nway Oo Hti is 5:00 p.m. Myanmar time at the end of each month,” it stated.

The Nway Oo Hti will be available in 10 currencies in the SDB account, such as MMK, USD, THB, SGD, EUR, AUD, GBP, JPY, MYR, and KRW. The Nway Oo Hti has been converted to a number-only format without letters, using a 7-digit number system.

The Nway Oo Hti will feature 22,238 tickets, with a grand prize of 500 million kyats. Each ticket will be purchased at the prize of just 2,000 Myanmar kyats like the previous version.

According to the latest UN figures as of February 12, nearly 2.7 million people remain internally displaced nationwide, UN OCHA Myanmar reported on February 21.

“Almost 23,000 people who fled their homes in northern Shan because of the conflict escalation last year remain displaced at 141 sites in 15 townships. Meanwhile, the conflict situation in the country’s Northwest and Southeast continues, with armed clashes, airstrikes, and mortar shelling threatening civilian safety and driving displacement. According to the latest UN figures as of February 12, nearly 2.7 million people remain internally displaced nationwide,” it stated.

This includes almost 2.4 million people who have been displaced after the military takeover in February 2021.

According to the data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), from February 1 to 21, 2024, (12) women and (25) men; (37) people in total, were arrested and detained by the junta across the country. Among (37) arrests, Yangon Region records the highest number of arrests with (11) followed by Mandalay Region as the second highest number of arrests with (8).

On February 4, junta forces arrested Thidar Soe (aka Ma Soe), Toe Nyunt and Kay Khaing (aka Kay Kay) in Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay Region, for allegedly being members of the PDF.

Locals and people close to the district administration said that the military council has started distributing propaganda leaflets in Yangon city for young people to join the army.

On February 21st, the military council distributed pamphlets titled ‘No need to worry about militia conscription law’, as well as propaganda leaflets titled ‘As a citizen, do 2 years of military service honorably, or end up as a rebel in the forest?’

Since February 20, the military council troops have distributed these propaganda leaflets in Mandalay, Bago, Irrawaddy, Nay Pyi Taw and some villages in Shan State.

According to a person close to the district administration, the Yangon Region government has ordered stricter guest lists and increased security in the neighborhoods after the enforcement of the militia law.

The Militia Conscription Law went into effect on February 18, requiring all individuals who reach the age of 18 to potentially be drafted into military service for a minimum of 2 years. In times of crisis, this period of service may be extended to 5 years.

The military council is less and less powerful due to the number of dead and wounded in the battles across the country, people who have fled and surrendered, and those who have joined the revolutionary forces. As there are fewer people who want to join the army, the military council is trying to force young people to join the army, according to political and military analysts.

The Arakan Army (AA) is fighting the best for the people of Rakhine and the oppressed people of Myanmar as a whole. Instead of the cities controlled by the Military Council, the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) has issued a statement asking them to come and take refuge in the territories controlled by the AA.

Faced with many losses in the battles in various regions of Myanmar, the military council is trying to enforce the conscription law to replenish the military force, and is targeting the public, so the people are forced to flee the war.

The areas under the control of the military council are being destroyed from all sides and the oppressed people’s lives and homes are being threatened on a daily basis. In addition, the military group is highlighting racial hatred in cities such as Yangon and Mandalay and inciting the people to oppress the Rakhine people.

The United League of Arakan (ULA) has urged the people to move to the areas controlled by the Arakan Army as it is the safest place for the oppressed people, instead of the areas controlled by the Military Council, which blatantly commits war crimes.

In addition, the military group and their family members who were arrested during the Paletwa Battle have been detained by the Arakan Army (AA) in accordance with the policy for prisoners of war.

Those who gave the order to commit war crimes will also be investigated and punished legally, and it was informed in the statement that if the military council army that is facing defeat in the war continues to commit war crimes, it will take strict and decisive action.

PDF Battalion 3501 Company 4, based in Yedashe Township, informed that 4 civilians, including 2 children, were killed in an aerial bombardment by the terrorist military without a fight in Yedashe Township, Bago Region.

On February 21, at 2:15 p.m. on Monday, the terrorist military bombarded about 12 81-mm bombs with a helicopter and opened fire with a 0.5 machine gun towards Padauk Kone Village, Si Pine Village, and Mi Chaung Ai Village on the east bank of the river in Yedashe Township, resulting in civilian casualties.

It is reported that 4 civilians, including 2 children of 8 years old and 10 years old, were killed and 5 others were injured due to the terrorist military’s inhumane bombardment and targeted attack on civilians.

Yedashe Township based PDF Battalion 3501 Company 4, informed that the place where the terrorist military attacked was neither the place where fighting was taking place nor the military target. It has also expressed its deep sorrow for the inhumane attack by the terrorist military, and warned civilians to take special care.

It is reported that some houses in the neighborhoods of Loikaw were set on fire by the military council troops with incendiary bombs.

The KNDF (Central) has confirmed that civilian houses were set on fire by military council troops by firing incendiary bombs with drones and long-range missiles in the morning of February 21 into the neighborhoods of Loikaw City, Karenni State.

On the morning of February 21, the military council fired incendiary bombs and long-range incendiary missiles unprovokedly into the neighborhoods of Loikaw City without any fighting between the two sides. It is said that incendiary bombs fell in five places in the neighborhoods, such as Shwetaung, Mingalar, and Poezar Farm, and civilian houses were burned down.

In Loikaw City, there are continuous clashes between the military council troops and the revolutionary forces, and the military council is firing heavy artillery with drones, and conducting aerial bombardments every day. So, civilians are informed not to stay in or travel through the city.

According to local news sources, around 30,000 local residents of nearby villages, including Kaduma Village and Pakar Village, have been fleeing the war since the terrorist military launched airstrikes after the revolutionary forces attacked and captured the Kaduma police station in Taze Township, Sagaing Region.

According to reports on the ground, in the early morning of February 21, revolutionary forces attacked and burned down the Kaduma police station in the western part of Taze Township. Military sources stated that after the attack on the police station, the jet fighters that came from the Tada-U Air Force launched an aerial bombardment on the surrounding villages, including Kaduma Village, starting about 4:00 a.m. After that, a Mi-35 fighter jet from the Northwestern Military Command (NaMaKha) based in Monywa, conducted airstrikes until the afternoon.

It is said that some civilians were killed as jet fighters from the Tada-U Air Force, Y-12 bomber jets, and Mi-35 combat helicopters from Monywa NaMaKha bombarded the area more than 20 times until around 5:00 p.m.

After more than 20 aerial bombardments and airstrikes, the terrorist junta column that came from Ye-U Township on the ground invaded from the side of Khayan Chan Village and Pe Gyi Village, towards Kaduma Village. Therefore, about 30,000 local residents from villages in the west of Taze Township such as In Taing, See Gyi, Ah Nout Kone, Taung Sun, Hman Chaing, Painhnae Kone, Thayet Kwa, Hman Yin, Kan Pauk, Koe Taung Boe, Wayon Kan, In Tagar, Thar Yar Kone, Ywar Thit, Nyaung Yin, Shwe Kyar Tan, Kone Yoe, Thapyay Yin, Khayan Chan, Kawtat, In Taw Yoe, Letsae, Pay Kone, Yay Shin Kone, Kyat Su Kan, Mayan Mi, Thayet Khar, Kaduma, Kyaung Kone, Ai Yar Shey, Inpin Ai, In Yay Oe, Pakar, Set Chey Kuu, Taung Kyaung, Nwar Kuu, Pan Htain Kone, Yay Shin, etc., have been forced to flee.

The revolutionary forces have also asked for the reinforcement to the Taze region where the most severe junta airstrikes are taking place in Sagaing Region. Also, the revolutionary forces have urged the public to live in safe places due to the ongoing military tension between the terrorist military and the revolutionary forces.

5. Defense forces bombed the junta troops and police from Ah Myint police station who were returning after bringing food by waterway with 3 bombs dropped by a Shar Htoo WAW technology combat drone

On February 21, Monywa District Battalion 8 informed they bombed the junta troops and police from Ah Myint police station who were returning after bringing food by waterway with 3 bombs dropped by a Shar Htoo WAW technology combat drone.

“On February 15, at 5:00 p.m., the junta troops and police from Ah Myint police station who were returning after bringing food by waterway were attacked with 3 bombs dropped by a Shar Htoo WAW technology combat drone,” it stated.

The casualties of the junta troops are still not yet confirmed, but there were reportedly wounded ones.

Kawlin Revolution – KR Team confirmed on February 21 that the military council troops seized two visses of gold and a car were seized from an elderly woman before her death due to a mine accident while fleeing the war in Kawlin.

On February 15, at around 2:00 p.m., a mother and son from Aung Mingalar Ward, Kawlin Town, came out to escape the war. Then, they were hit by a mine near Kyu Taw Village Bridge, Shwe Min Wun Road, Kawlin Town. The mother, 75-year-old Daw Chit Yi, died on the spot, and the son, U Naing Lin, was injured in his sole. Currently, he is provided with necessary medical care and taken care of by Kawlin Township revolutionary forces.

On February 14, while attempting to flee the war, the military council soldiers seized two visses of gold and a car from them without allowing them to take these belongings.

According to the Myaing PaKaFa, a policeman under the military council defected to it along with a weapon and ammunition in Myaing Township, Magway Division.

On February 19, police constable Ye Aung, who had been serving duty for almost 2 years in Kanni Pyu Saw Htee Village, Myaing District, defected along with an Uzi gun, 2 magazines, and 17 rounds of 9mm bullets. It is reported that the CDM police constable, who defected with the weapons and ammunition, was awarded 5 million kyats by Myaing PaKaFa and was sent to a safe place together with his family.

According to the testimony of the CDM police constable, there are about 13 junta soldiers and policemen in Kanni (Pyu) Village, Kanni Pyu Saw Htee leader Kyaw San Win and his family forced the people to enter the Pyu Saw Htee group, and if they did not do so, they cut off food and seize properties and assets. So, even if they want to cooperate with the people, it is difficult for them to escape. In addition, due to the blockade by the revolutionary forces, there was a shortage of food in Kanni (Pyu) Village, and he had to drink boiled rice for three months.

Myaing PaKaFa has informed that junta soldiers, policemen and Pyu Saw Htee within Myaing Township can contact the nearest Myaing PaKaFa zone, circuit, and ward groups if they want to defect from the military council.

  1. The Defence Minister is encouraging young people facing a crisis due to the conscription law to consider going to a liberated area and working for the revolution
  2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  3. 2 million tickets for the Nway Oo Hti Version 2.0 will be sold monthly
  4. According to the latest figures from the United Nations, the number of internally displaced people in Myanmar has reached nearly 2.7 million
  5. A total of 37 people, 12 women and 25 men, were arrested by the junta across the country in February, with the highest number of arrests in Yangon and Mandalay
  6. Propaganda leaflets about the conscription law are being distributed in Yangon
  7. The United League of Arakan (ULA) issued a statement calling for people to take refuge in the territories controlled by the Arakan Army, which is fighting all the best for the oppressed people
  8. 4 civilians were killed in an aerial bombardment by the military without any fight in Yedashe Township
  9. Some houses in the neighborhoods of Loikaw City were set on fire by the military council troops with incendiary bombs
  10. About 30,000 local residents have fled the war due to the military’s airstrikes after the revolutionary forces attacked and captured the Kaduma police station in Taze Township
  11. Two visses of gold and a car were seized by the military council troops from an elderly woman before her death due to a mine accident while fleeing the war in Kawlin
  12. In Myaing, a policeman under the military council defected along with a weapon and ammunition

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