Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 13

The NUG announced that the SSPP, CNF, and KIA have delivered a message that they hope the Spring Revolution will bring an end to years of internal conflict by restoring Panglong commitments and agreements.

On February 12, the 77th anniversary of the signing of the historic Panglong Treaty, the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), Chin National Front (CNF), and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) delivered this message.

“During the Spring Revolution, when the entire people are participating, we hope that the internal conflicts that have been going on for many years will be ended by bringing back the Panglong commitment and the Panglong Agreements, which failed to be implemented after resisting the military dictatorship and any dictatorship,” the message stated.

It is the first time that the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) sent a message to the NUG during the 3-year period of the Spring Revolution.

At the 77th Union Day ceremony jointly organized by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) and the National Unity Government (NUG), Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government said this.

“It is crucial to embody freedom and justice in our hearts at all times. Additionally, it is essential to prioritize equality and self-determination. Any inclinations towards domination, bullying, or discrimination must be eradicated along with the military dictatorship.”

In addition, Acting President expressed that he does not want to face new conflicts in the construction of a new union.

The Union Prime Minister said this at the 77th anniversary of the Panglong Treaty signing ceremony held on February 12.

“We all know that the establishment of the federal dream for our country, which has many ideologies and diversity, will be difficult and harsh. Not only those who are implementing it but also the entire population have seen and understood it. Meanwhile, military dictators are plotting to exploit our differences, sow division, and create a lasting enemy that they can viciously attack. Now, we have realized the real enemy of the country. In order to combat this common threat and forge a new, cohesive society, we must unite, engage in dialogue, and work towards finding a resolution,” the Union Minister said.

Currently, the National Unity Government is following the federal charter and working together with the ethnic revolutionary forces in military and political affairs.

Organized by the University Admissions Organizing Committee of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, the Fresher’s Welcome, which was held to welcome students who applied for admission to interim universities for the 2023 – 2024 academic year, was held successfully on February 11, 2024.

At the welcoming ceremony, the Union Minister of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan, and representatives from various relevant interim universities attended and gave words of congratulations to fresher students.

The event was successfully held by invited public artists and famous celebrities on social media, giving congratulatory words to fresher students, performing music, reading poetry by students, performing audio plays, performing music, and the University Admission Committee awarding students with question and answer sessions, etc.

The National Unity Government, the Ministry Commerce held a video conference meeting on February 11, 2024, with the Public Affairs Committee of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) regarding the allocation of funds received from the “Support Revolution and Learn” campaign.

In the meeting, Union Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, first clarified the circumstances of the successful opening of the first Mini-MBA course regarding the “Support Revolution and Learn” campaign launched by the Myanmar Institute of Economy, Commerce, and Industry (MIECI), the attendance of trainees, the availability of funds, and the courses and plans to be opened by the ministry.

After that, the chairman, secretary, and members of the public affairs committee discussed the funds received from the “Support Revolution and Learn” campaign to support the revolutionary forces that are actually needed on the ground as the revolutionary momentum rises and develop programs that can be carried forward.

Public Affairs Committee chairman Dr. Khin Soe Soe Kyi and members, and Union Minister of the Ministry of Commerce Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo and officials attended the meeting.

On February 12, the “Seize Naypyidaw and Raise the Victory Flag” campaign announced that Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung and Deputy Minister U Khun Myo Aung came to donate 600,000 kyats to the campaign, “Seize Naypyidaw and Raise the Victory Flag”.

The fundraising campaign “Seize Naypyidaw and Raise the Victory Flag” of the Karenni Nationalities People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF) – K.P.L.A have been launched on February 11, organized by CRPH – OFP Fundraising Program with the aim of raising 1,000 million kyats of support fund.

The campaign “Seize Naypyidaw and Raise the Victory Flag” is a campaign that aims to raise 1,000 million Myanmar kyats within 45 days for the Karenni Nationalities People’s Liberation Front/Karenni People’s Liberation Army (K.P.L.A).

1,000 million kyats will be used to fill the necessary ammunition, including 0.5, machine guns, and RPG 7 in order to effectively defeat the enemy’s aircrafts and camps.

National Unity Government, Ministry of Defence, People’s Defense Force, Southern Military Region’s Special Operations Training Week (5) was led by KNU Brigade (6) Special Operations Forces – S.O.F and it has been successfully completed.

The Special Operations Training Week (5) was divided into groups of basic military training for one and a half months, special operations training for two months, and special refresher courses (sniper training, medical training, artillery training, drone training) for one month, for a total of four and a half months from (May 15, 2023) to (September 30, 2023).

The training was supervised by instructors from KNLA, former U.S. Marine Corps instructors from Myanmar, and S.O.F instructors. Special forces trainees specially selected from various revolutionary groups in Mon, Karen and Tanintharyi participated.

It is said that the comrades who graduated from the special operations training were re-organized as Column (2) under the SPECIAL OPERATION FORCE – S.O.F (9999/SOF) of the southern military region, and the other comrades who were trained have rejoined the mother battalions/forces and are already carrying out revolutionary duties.

The S.O.F Column (2) composed of week 5 trainees, immediately after completing the training, has engaged in Kale-Tagundaing battles in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State; Chaung Hna Khwa battle; Kyainseikgyi battle in Karen State; Taung Kya In camp capture battle; Kawkareik battle; and Kyaukhtu camp capture battle in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Division, and has achieved many victories.

The Special Operations Force – S.O.F said that they have started receiving trainees for the Special Operations Training Week 6.

According to AA and KNU, 4 people were injured in Tote Pin Lel Village, Minbya Township, Rakhine State, and 9 houses were damaged in Win Tar Pan Village, Bilin Township, Mon State.

On February 12, at around 3:30 p.m., the terrorist military council bombed Tote Pin Lel Village, Minbya Township, with a jet fighter, and the village residents Ko Aung Soe Min (28 years old), U Maung Kyan Yit (52 years old), U Thein Tun Hla (39 years old) and U Than Shwe Maung (40 years old) were injured.

Similarly, on February 10, around 1:40 p.m. in the afternoon, KNU announced that 9 public houses were damaged when the military council troops fired the village of Win Tar Pan, Bilin Township, with Mi35 helicopters.

On January 31, 7 innocent civilians from Mrauk-U Township, who were unjustly arrested and detained by two members of the Military Council’s LIB-378, were brutally shot and killed in the battalion’s detention cell. The bodies of those who were killed were hidden in a bomb pit near Mrauk-U Hospital, according to the statement.

Among those killed included the rapper who sang the anti-military song ‘Exodus’, Kyaw Zan Wai (aka) Yin So, who is well-known on local social networks, and a local journalist Pho Thiha.

The AA has announced that, as the Araka People’s Government, it will punish the perpetrators of these war crimes according to the crimes they committed, and will act effectively and decisively to achieve justice for the victims and their families.

At present, all military council battalions in Mrauk-U, Min Pia, and Kyauktaw townships have been captured by the Arakan Army (AA).

  1. The SSPP, CNF, and KIA delivered a message to the NUG that they hoped the Spring Revolution would bring an end to internal conflicts by restoring Panglong commitment
  2. The Acting President said that it is necessary to put an end to the desire to rule, to bully, to act arbitrarily, and to discriminate along with the end of the military dictatorship
  3. The Union Prime Minister said that we must root out the real common enemy of the country and find a solution to build a new social community
  4. The Union Minister and Deputy Ministers attended the Fresher’s Welcome event organized by the University Admission Organizing Committee
  5. Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo attended a meeting between the Ministry Commerce and the Public Affairs Committee regarding the allocation of funds received from the “Support Revolution and Learn” campaign
  6. Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung and Deputy Minister U Khun Myo Aung came to donate 600,000 kyats to the campaign, “Seize Naypyidaw and Raise the Victory Flag”
  7. People’s Defense Force, Southern Military Region’s Special Operations Training Week (5) successfully completed
  8. The military council carried out airstrikes on villages in Minbya and Bilin townships, injuring 4 people and damaging 9 houses
  9. AA releases that the military council killed 9 people from the detention cell in Mrauk-U and Minbya

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