Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 June 11

1. Union Prime Minister said that in the history of revolution against the terrorist military council, this time it was able to do it crippled and near collapsed

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that in the history of revolution against the terrorist military council, this time it was able to do it crippled and near collapsed.

On June 10, it was stated in the deduction of Union Prime Minister’s speech delivered at the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) meeting (23/2023).

“Throughout the history of fighting against the terrorist military council, this time it was possible to do it crippled and near collapsed, and it is because of the unity and passion of the people. The current situation is proof,” said the Union Prime Minister.

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government declared the beginning of the People’s Resistance War.

At present, the Ministry of Defence has officially announced that, with the collective capacity of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) and allied Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs), they have been able to wipe out at least 30,000 enemy forces and injured more than 10,000 in two years.

2. The National Unity Consultative Council NUCC strongly condemned Russia for interfering in Myanmar’s political issues  

It was stated in the NUCC statement released on June 10, 2023, and the official statement is as follows:

“Statement on Russia interfering in Myanmar’s political issues  

Date: 10 June 2023

1. The National Unity Consultative Council NUCC strongly condemns Russia for its blatant support of the terrorist military junta that is brutally killing the people of Myanmar. 

2. NUCC and the people of Myanmar note that in 2021 Russia applied it veto power to deny the passing of the UN Security Council Resolution Myanmar, in 2021 refusing to sign the  UN General Assembly Resolution on selling weapons and arms and still continue selling of weapons, and recently the Deputy Chair of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament signing a memorandum with the terrorist regimes election Commission Chair to support the terrorist regimes illegal election. 

3. The building of a nuclear facility creates instability not only for Myanmar but also for the region. NUCC advises Russia to immediately stop supporting the building of a nuclear facility for Min Aung Hlaing.   NUCC is also notifying Russia to stop selling, supplying to war weapons and equipment of military intelligence as they are used in brutal killings, gross atrocities, and violations of Human Rights. 

4. Meeting and developing relationships with Min Aung Hlaing who has increasingly killed and tortured the people of Myanmar, who is facing the ICC under Crimes Against Humanity is openly supporting his atrocities.  NUCC condemns Russia, which itself is violating international laws in invading Ukraine, under the allegation of Genocide for openly embracing the terrorist Min Aung Hlaing. 

5. The diplomatic and military support provided by Russia is the basis for the terrorist Min Aung Hlaing group to totally disregard the agreements developed within the ASEAN and also creates difficulties for other nations to work on solving Myanmar’s political issues. It is also evident that Russia is supporting the brutal killings, mass killings, and all atrocities in the people of Myanmar by the terrorist regime. 

6. Russia blatantly supporting and advocating for the terrorist regime is prolonging the sufferings of the people of Myanmar.  The support and advocacy for the terrorist regime by Russia is not to solve Myanmar’s political issues but only to further Russia’s geopolitical interest, and as the actions are destabilizing Myanmar and the ASEAN region the National Unity Consultation Council NUCC strongly condemns Russia for these actions.

With solemn oath to the revolution

National Unity Consultative Council – NUCC”

3. 11,400,000 kyat in cash was seized during the camp capture battle of Nyaung Pin Gyi Police Station in Salingyi Township

On June 10, the NUG Ministry of Defence announced that 114,000,000 kyat in cash was seized during the camp capture battle of Nyaung Pin Gyi Police Station in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region.

“On June 9, from 5:50 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., under No. (1) Military Region Command of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) Army, Yinmarbin District Battalion 1, Salingyi People’s Defense Force (Salingyi-PaKaFa) and Alpha PDF (Salingyi-PaKaFa) and allies forces conducted a camp capture battle to seize Nyaung Pin Gyi Village police station in Salingyi Township, Yinmarbin District, Sagaing Division, where about 40 forces were stationed under the command of Inspector, Zaw Htay Myint, head of the station,” it stated.

During the battle, 12 enemies were killed, and 2 MA-13 guns, 4 G-3 (BA-63) guns, 1 shotgun, 2040 rounds of 7.62 bullets, 50 rounds of 5.56 bullets, 500 rounds of 9 MM bullets, 27 M-79/40 MM bombs, 13 grenades, and cash worth 11,400,000 kyat were seized.

1 defense comrade fell bravely and 2 got minor injuries.

At 6:24 p.m. on June 9, the enemy’s MI-35 aircraft that came from Regional Military Commands (RMC) opened fire, but the defense forces were able to retreat after successfully raided, seized and destroyed.

4. Karenni Nationalities Defense Force – KNDF B01 recruits 2,000 support troops to mark its 2nd anniversary

On June 10, the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force – KNDF B01 officially informed that 2,000 support troops were recruited to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion-01.

“A total of 350 members participated in the call for support troops from the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force – KNDF B01 to commemorate the 2nd year anniversary. Since the number is still very low, we are calling for more members to participate,” it stated.

KNDF B01 is also the battalion that attacked the junta forces in the Karenni region to inflict the worst military damage.

5. Asho Chin Defence Force (ACDF) and People Independence Army (PIA) joined as an alliance

On June 10, the Asho Chin Defence Force (ACDF) officially announced that the Asho Chin Defence Force (ACDF) and the People Independence Army (PIA) have joined as an alliance.

“The Asho Chin Defence Force (ACDF) and the People Independence Army (PIA) have joined as an alliance. The ACDF and the PIA envisage the future state as a new nation that guarantees the right to create its own destiny and self-determination based on a federal system.”

It also stated that it will build a systematic command in military operations and work together with other allied revolutionary organizations.

The commanders and comrades of the Asho Chin Defence Force and the commanders and comrades of the People Independence Army will fight in a spirit of brotherhood.

6. The Prison Department has banned lawyers and witnesses from taking mobile phones into the prison

It is reported that the Prison Department has banned lawyers and witnesses from taking mobile phones into the prison.

In June, the Dagon University Students’ Union announced the news.

“Since the beginning of June, only judges, law officers, police personnel, and prison department staff have been allowed to use mobile phones. And the prison department has banned the lawyers and those who will testify on behalf of unjustly arrested people from bringing their mobile phones into the prison,” it stated.

It is reported that the families of the political prisoners are having many difficulties sending provisions due to the fact that prison news is often leaked these days.

In addition, it is said that political prisoners imprisoned in Insein Prison are shackled with spreader bar leg irons, and handcuffed even in a normal situation.

7. Botekone Village in Kanbalu Township was burned down by the military council troops

On June 10, Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activists Group – Kanbalu District informed that the military council troops had burned down the village of Botekone, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division.

On June 10, at 10:30 a.m., about 100 members of the military council and Pyu Saw Htee raided and burned down Botekone Village in Htankone Ward, Kanbalu District, Sagaing Division. Because the column was stationed in the village, the damage caused by the fire cannot be confirmed yet,” it stated.

In addition to this, the Pyu Saw Htee column, which came out from Chatgyi Pyu Base, Chatthin Ward, arrested and brutally killed U Thein Win, an innocent resident of Pitaukpin Village, at 7:00 a.m. on June 10. After that at 8:30 a.m., the column arrested an innocent citizen from Pintthargyi Village and took him as a guide.

8. Traffic warning not to pass through Myeik-Palaw Union Road between 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.

On June 10, Palaw People’s Defense Force, Myeik District Battalion-01, issued a traffic warning not to pass through Myeik-Palaw Union Road between 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.

“Since June 10, there has been an increase in military tensions between the People’s Defense Force, Myeik District Battalion-01, with revolutionary alliance forces, and the coup terrorist military council troops along and around Union Road in Palaw Township. The coup terrorist military council troops may use travelers, passenger vehicles, and personal cars as human shields, disguising themselves as civilians and carrying out military activities. As the People’s Defense Force, Myeik District Battalion-01, we are especially concerned about the safety of the people,” it stated.

Therefore, in order to avoid the inhumane acts of the coup terrorist military council forces, it has been announced that the Myeik-Palaw Union Road between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. will not be used at all during the period before the further announcement is made.

9. The NUG Pay invited the public to participate in the 11th campaign of the For Our People movement, “Anyar is still revolting even though Neem trees are not shady,” to support the revolutionary forces in the Magway Region

On June 10, the NUG Pay has invited the public to participate in the 11th campaign of the For Our People movement, “Anyar is still revolting even though Neem trees are not shady,” to support the revolutionary forces in the Magway Region.

“NUG Pay will contribute to the 11th campaign for the For Our People movement, “Anyar is still revolting even though Neem trees are not shady,”  to support the revolutionary forces in the Magway Region together with the people,” it stated.

Donations will be accepted from June 10 until July 5, 2023, and will be delivered to the ground.

  1. Union Prime Minister said that in the history of revolution against the terrorist military council, this time it was able to do it crippled and near collapsed 
  2. The National Unity Consultative Council NUCC strongly condemned Russia for interfering in Myanmar’s political issues 
  3. 11,400,000 kyat in cash was seized during the camp capture battle of Nyaung Pin Gyi Police Station in Salingyi Township
  4. Karenni Nationalities Defense Force – KNDF B01 recruits 2,000 support troops to mark its 2nd anniversary
  5. Asho Chin Defence Force (ACDF) and People Independence Army (PIA) joined as an alliance
  6. The Prison Department has banned lawyers and witnesses from taking mobile phones into the prison
  7. Botekone Village in Kanbalu Township was burned down by the military council troops
  8. Traffic warning not to pass through Myeik-Palaw Union Road between 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.
  9. The NUG Pay invited the public to participate in the 11th campaign of the For Our People movement, “Anyar is still revolting even though Neem trees are not shady,” to support the revolutionary forces in the Magway Region

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