Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 10 (Evening)

Summary of News

1.  The National Unity Government provides food aid to IDPs who were affected by the military junta’s arson attacks in Sagaing Division

On June 9, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management announced that it had, in collaboration with the relevant administrative organisations and humanitarian representatives, provided food aid to the IDPs from villages that were destroyed by the terrorist military’s arson attacks in Sagaing Division.

The terrorist military burned down more than 60,000 civilian houses across the country, of which Sagaing Division suffered the most.

“Local residents are being displaced due to the invasion of the military council troops, and in addition, their houses were burned down, so the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management is continuing to work to rebuild the houses in order to provide emergency shelter for them,” stated the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in its announcement.

2. Ko Mya Aye, a prominent leader of the 88 Generation Students, says that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi cannot excluded when considering solving Myanmar’s political problems

Ko Mya Aye, a prominent leader of the 88 Generation Students, stated the following on June 10 through his social network regarding Myanmar politics and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi:

“Whether or not a politician continues to exist solely depends on the will of the people who trust and support him/her and the decision of the politician himself/herself. People will support him or her if they are acting right; conversely, if they are acting in the wrong way, they won’t. That’s it; it’s very simple. One has the right to criticise them, but morally, slandering shouldn’t be. Even though various methods are used to drag him/her down, he/she will not fall as long as he/she has people’s support. Politically, there is a right to point out political disagreements. There is also a right to reject them. There may be different opinions about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. That’s not a problem. But we cannot ignore the fact that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is trusted and supported by the majority of Myanmar’s people. The will of the people must be respected; whether you like her or not and whether you agree with her or not is another matter. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi cannot be excluded if solutions are to be sought for Myanmar’s political problems.”

Ko Mya Aye also prayed for the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners as soon as possible.

3. Ye-U MP urges buying Treasury bonds as it is a critical moment for the revolution

Ye-U MP U Myint Htwe said the following on June 10, urging people to buy Treasury bonds:

“This is the critical moment. From defensive to revolutionary offensive, it cannot be fought by using air; only if we make preparations by using money will we be able to advance. So, in order to be able to say proudly after the revolution during conversations in your living room or when drinking beer or tea together with friends, buy bonds for the revolution and save your money for a while in them.”

Myanmar nationals who want to buy Bonds can do so through United Bond sales representatives or purchase directly through the United Bonds website by using cryptocurrency.

4. At least 10 soldiers were killed, and the police station was being burned down when the revolutionary forces conducted a camp capture battle at the Nyaung Pin Gyi police station in Salingyi Township, in which the military deployed its air forces’ in support

The Buffalo People’s Defence Force reported the military news on June 10: “On June 9, around 5:45 p.m., the revolutionary forces fought a battle to capture the Nyaung Pin Gyi police station in Salingyi Township. The operation was carried out jointly by the Buffalo People’s Defence Force and the Union Liberation Front (Sagaing), killing at least 10 terrorist soldiers and burning the whole camp.”

It was reported that comrade Ko Wai Yan Lin (aka Doh Ler) was hit by a bullet in the abdomen and gave his life for the country due to the aerial attack by the terrorist military.

Four G3 rifles, one MA rifle, one machine gun, one M79 grenade launcher, and a lot of ammunition were reportedly seized in the battle.

5. In Taungtha Township, the military troops opened fire on civilians who were looking for wild animals, and one was hit by a bullet

According to the Taungtha news and media, on June 9 at around 9:00 p.m., a civilian from Zeyar Thiri village who was hunting wild animals near Shwe Man zayat, located near Pan Paung split road on the road connecting Yonesingyi village and Taungtha Town, was hit by a bullet.  With seven other villagers, U Myint Wai was on the hunt for wild animals when he came across the patrolling military council troops from Yonesingyi village and was shot, according to the report.

U Myint Wai was reportedly struck in the lower body, and it was said that up until this morning, he had trouble getting treatment.

6. Free Burma Rangers (FBR) reveals that internet access is available in some parts of the Karenni Region

David Eubank, the Director of the Free Burma Rangers (FBR), expressed his gratitude to Starlink and its founder Elon Musk through a video message shared on Twitter for bringing Starlink Internet to some parts of Karenni State, which had limited to no internet access.

“Thank you so much, Starlink people, Elon Musk, and company and family,” David Eubank said. “We love you all because you made this, and here we are in Burma, under heavy attack. 73 years of civil war, but the last two years since the coup, even worse, with over 3 million displaced, 300,000 right here in Karenni. We’re in one of the few villages that hasn’t been bombed. We have a bunch of displaced people here. The way we can get the news out is by your system. Thank you and God bless you and please make more and we’ll pay what we need to pay,” he continued.

The terrorist military is currently cutting off the internet in regions such as Karenni and Sagaing and raiding villages, killing civilians, and burning down houses.

7. The Spring Lottery (NUG Lottery) tickets can be purchased 24 hours a day through the Messenger chat box

The Spring Lottery (NUG Lottery) family said that the lottery tickets could be purchased 24 hours a day through the Messenger chat box.

It stated, “As the Spring Lottery is a support program for the CDM heroes, who are one of the main forces of the Spring Revolution, the purchases of Spring Lottery lovers are a strength for CDM heroes.”

In March 2023, NUG Government’s Spring Lottery program distributed subsidies to various departments, and 65 health CDM employees received a total of thirty-two hundred and fifty thousand kyats of subsidies for health CDM employees. In April 2023, a total of thirty-two hundred thousand kyats of subsidies for health CDM employees were shared by 64 health CDM employees.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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