Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 11 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann expresses gratitude towards Starlink Internet for its support to enable internet access in the Karenni Region

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann expressed his gratitude to Starlink on June 6 via Twitter, quoting the Tweet of David Eubank, Director of the Free Burma Rangers (FBR), who thanked Starlink and its founder Elon Musk for bringing Starlink Internet to some areas of Karenni State that had limited to no internet access.

“Gratitude knows no bounds!🙏 Thanks to @SpaceX’s Starlink for their support in Karenni and it would be incredibly supportive to communities facing junta atrocities across the country to have similar access.” — the Union Prime Minister tweeted.

David Eubank, the founder of the Free Burma Rangers (FBR), stated on Twitter on June 8 that Starlink Internet by Elon Musk was then available in parts of the Karenni Region.

2. Union Minister Dr. Sasa denounces the genocidal military junta’s aid manipulation against Cyclone Mocha victims

On June 9, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of International Cooperation issued a statement on “Denouncement of the Genocidal Military Junta’s Aid Manipulation and Urgent Call for International Intervention in Cyclone Mocha-Affected Myanmar.”

“The people of Myanmar face an unprecedented dual crisis: the military junta’s use of aid as weapons and obstruction of critical assistance, along with the catastrophic impact of Cyclone Mocha. We condemn these actions and call for justice, compassion, and international intervention to alleviate the profound suffering in Myanmar. The junta’s tactics expose their ongoing genocidal campaigns, particularly against ethnic minorities like the Rohingya, violating international humanitarian laws.” — said the Union Minister in the statement.

Cyclone Mocha, which hit on May 14, caused extensive damage to many areas in Myanmar, including Rakhine State, Sagaing Division, and Chin State.

There are currently incidences of interference and suspension by the military council to help the people affected by the cyclone.

3. The U.K. government collaborates with the US, EU, and Canada to continue cooperation on Myanmar sanctions efforts

Tariq Mahmood Ahmad, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and United Nations at the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, responded to the questions about the UK government’s assessment of the current political and security situation in Myanmar and its recent collaboration with international partners in relation to the situation in Myanmar.

Minister Tariq Mahmood Ahmad answered that “the UK is worried about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar, where violence is widespread, human rights violations are increasing and humanitarian needs are growing, especially following Cyclone Mocha,” and “the UK has worked closely with the US, Canada and the EU to target sanctions on the military leadership, its access to revenue, arms, and military equipment, in response.”

He also noted that the UN Security Council’s first ever resolution on the situation in Myanmar, which demands an end to violence and urges immediate action by the military regime to fully implement the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Five Point Consensus and release all those arbitrarily detained, was led by the UK.

“The UK has made it clear that it must be held accountable for the horrific violence committed in Myanmar. We condemn the human rights violations that the military continues to commit. We will continue to express these issues on the international stage, including the United Nations Security Council,” he said.

4. In response to the Nyaung Pin Gyi police station in Salingyi Township being captured and destroyed, the junta troops burn nearby villages with malice

According to the local revolutionary forces, on June 11, the military council forces torched nearby villages of Nyaung Pin Gyi in Salingyi Township following the capture and destruction of the Nyaung Pin Gyi police station.

On June 9, from 5:50 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., under the command of No. 1 Military Command, the NUG-MOD’s People’s Defence Force (PDF), the Yin Mar Bin District No. 1 PDF Battalion, the Salingyi Township People’s Defence Organisation (Salingyi Pa-Ka-Fa), and the Alpha (Salingyi Pa-Ka-Fa) joined forces to launch a camp capture battle against the Nyaung Pin Gyi police station in Salingyi Township, Yin Mar Bin District, Sagaing Division, where Police Station Officer Inspector Zaw Htay Myint and about 40 police were stationed, killing 12 of them.

5. The number of people sentenced to death has risen to 157

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the military coup, as of June 9, there are a total of 115 death row prisoners in connection with the spring revolution, and with 42 people who were sentenced to death in absentia, it makes a total of 157 people who have been sentenced to death.

A total of 23,299 people were arrested; of them, 18,968 are still in detention, and 6,330 of those detained have been sentenced to prison, stated the AAPP on June 9.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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