Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 09 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister says that, in order to fully protect the people, it is the responsibility of all those who share a common goal to fight the dictator

At the meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held on June 8, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann stressed that, in order to fully protect the people, it is the responsibility of all those who share a common goal to fight the dictator.

The Union Prime Minister remarked: “Despite the fact that the Ministry of Defence is primary responsible for strengthening the People’s Defence Force (PDF) and fully protecting the people, it is also the responsibility of all those who share a common goal to fight the dictator. The people’s administrative organisations (Pa-Ah-Fa), the people’s defence organisations (Pa-Ka-Fa), the people’s security organisations (Pa-La-Fa), and the local people’s defence forces (LDFs) should coordinate and support each other.”

Furthermore, the Union Prime Minister also urged focusing on administrative work that can support the revolutionary resistance in accordance with the interim situation.

2. Union Minister U Aung Myo Min states that there were 104 cases of extra-judicial killings by the terrorist military in May

In a presentation to the public about the report on human rights abuses and crimes committed by the terrorist military in May that the Ministry of Human Rights received, as well as about the ministry’s activities, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min stated: “In May, the Ministry of Human Rights received 367 reports of human rights abuses. Among the reports we received, there were the most extra-judicial killings, with a total of 104 case reports received.”

In May, the terrorist military council launched 26 airstrikes and 7 massacres in which more than five people were killed, once each in Bago Region, Chin State, Karenni State, and Magway, and three times in Sagaing Region, reported the Union Minister.

3. The Union Minister for Electricity and Energy will hold a Zoom meeting with CDM government personnel to mark the second anniversary of the ministry

According to the June 8 invitation announcement of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Union Minister U Soe Thura Tun will meet with government personnel from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the Ministry of Construction who are taking part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) on June 10 via Zoom cloud meeting to mark the ministry’s second anniversary.

In the announcement, the Ministry of Electricity and Energy expressed its gratitude and respect to all the CDM staff heroes from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the Ministry of Construction who continue to take part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) until today while standing in solidarity with the righteous.

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy was established on June 5, 2021, and it was two years old on June 5, 2023.

4. The PDF allied forces attack the general administration office and the police station in Kani Town, Sagaing Division, by using Shar Htoo Wow technology drones

On June 8, the MSPDF, the Sagaing District 4th PDF Battalion, released an operation report stating, “The MSPDF led an attack on the general administration office in Kani Town, Sagaing Division, firing three 450-g grenades using Shar Htoo Wow technology drones, which resulted in the serious wounds of two policemen that led to their deaths. Then, we attacked the police station in Kani Town with three 450-g grenades again, which caused injuries to many policemen.”

According to the MSPDF, the groups that fought alongside it were the GZB (Mandalay), the CDSOM-001, the NRDF, the MRTF-SSTF, and the Kyauk Lone Gyi PDF.

5. The terrorist junta troops roaming in the southern part of Myaing Township have abducted about 40 local people as hostages from the villages along the way

According to the Myaing revolutionary teams, the terrorist military troops roaming in the southern part of Myaing Township have abducted about 40 local people as hostages from the villages along the way.

They stated: “It is discovered that the military council troops that spent the night on June 8 in the No. 2 Industry Enterprise branch in the southern part of Myaing Township left there on the morning of June 9 and are reaching the vicinity of Sate Thek village after passing through Kone village and Wet Pote village. The military council troops abducted about 40 local people as hostages from the villages along their way.”

The military council troops were expected to head towards Wel Tuu village’s oil field, and hence the residents of the western part of Myaing Township have been notified to remain vigilant.

6. Thailand’s Election Commission orders a vote recount at 47 polling stations in 16 provinces across the country

On June 8, Thailand’s Election Commission announced the order to recount the ballots at 47 polling stations in 16 provinces across the country as the total vote counts did not match the number of voters who showed up to vote in the May 14 general election.

Of the 47 stations, 16 have been ordered to recount the ballots for constituency MPs, while 31 stations must recount the ballots for party-list MPs.

It was learned that polling stations ordered to recount the ballots include key constituencies of the Move Forward Party (Phak Kao Klai) in Bangkok and other provinces.

The provinces where the recount of ballots will be conducted are Bangkok, Chonburi, Chumphon, Trang, Nakhon Nayok, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Phrae, Lopburi, Samut Sakhon, Saraburi, Sukhothai, Kanchanaburi, Chachoengsao, Phang Nga, Phetchaburi, and Nong Khai.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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