Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 1

On January 31, the Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, said in his State of the Union speech to mark the 3rd anniversary of the Spring Revolution.

“We are unwaveringly implementing political strategic steps and escalating the speed of the defensive war militarily. In addition, together with the broad public movement, we are trying our best to suffocate the military dictator under the pressure of the international community,” the Acting President said.

In addition, the Acting President said that the victory of the Northern Brotherhood Alliance and the victory of the Spring Revolution are interrelated.

It is reported that Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urged relevant ministries to work together carefully to address the problems of lax law enforcement activities on the ground.

The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, made this appeal in his speech at the NUG cabinet meeting held on January 30.

The Union Prime Minister said that law and order is important in the townships that are developing the administration that will come along with the speed of the military, that various groups such as the Forestry Department, Minerals Department, and Land Registry Department, as well as the People’s Police, PaLaFa, PaKaFa, and PaAaFa, are responsible, and that there is a need for the relevant ministries to work together carefully for the problems of law and order on the ground.

The Union Prime Minister urged, “Since the international community is monitoring law enforcement activities, enhancing the rule of law will lead to increased trust in the government. Dealing with the law enforcement sector is already challenging in regular circumstances, and even more so during times of revolution. Nevertheless, we must exhaust all avenues and diligently strive to effectively manage it.”

It is reported that the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government delivered a message of special pride and joy to the 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) of Karen Revolution Day, which falls on January 31.

The message first states that it is necessary to record and bow to the Karen martyr brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives for the Karen revolution.

The message continues that the Ministry of Defence recognizes and appreciates the leadership of the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in the current Myanmar Spring Revolution, collaborating with like-minded revolutionary organizations.

Moreover, the Ministry of Defence is committed to partnering in solidarity with the Karen community to bring an end to the military dictatorship and establish a future federal democratic union.

The Union Minister of the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, and the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw held a meeting via video conference on January 31.

The Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and representatives from the Hluttaw Affairs Committees attended the meeting, as well as the Ministry’s permanent secretaries.

During the meeting, the Union Minister and the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw Chairman gave greetings respectively, and the Union Minister clarified the federal affairs that the Ministry will continue to carry out and the work to be proceed.

After that, the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw also discussed the status of completion of the federal unit issues and the future work process. The Hluttaw representatives and the officials of the ministry held a mutual discussion and negotiation.

On January 31, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (5/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, attended the International Religious Freedom Summit held in the United States regarding the violence occurring throughout Asia on January 31.

Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe discussed the terrorist military’s targeting of religious minorities in Myanmar, targeting religious buildings and cultural facilities of those religious minorities, and shooting and arresting religious leaders, in order to punish the terrorist military.

In addition, he requested the United States designate the violence against religious minorities committed by the terrorist junta as a Crime Against Humanity, and clarified the National Unity Government’s policies regarding the issue of religious minorities and the measures taken to ensure equal rights for them.

Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung urged people to offer both emotional and physical support during city and village capture battles, via social media on January 31.

“It is a difficult undertaking to capture each town and village. We are not doing it for pleasure, but out of necessity. In these times, it is important for us to provide support, both mentally and physically, in the battles to seize control of cities and villages,” the Deputy Minister said.

At present, as a PRF support troop, you can participate in supporting the People’s Defense Forces every month, and you can choose to support according to the region and state you like.

The military council, whose term will expire on February 1, 2024, convened a meeting of the National Defence and Security Council (Kalon) and announced through the military-controlled state media that their terms have been extended by another 6 months.

The leader of the military coup, Min Aung Hlaing, proposed a 6-month term extension, stating that ongoing efforts are essential for achieving stability and peace in the country.

The Kalon meeting held after the elected civilian leaders were arrested approved the military leader’s presentation without objection.

The Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Soe Win, Acting President U Myint Swe, as well as U Henry Van Thio, who served as Vice President during the NLD government, and Speaker of the Pyithu’s Hluttaw U T Khun Myat also attended the meeting.

In addition, the Ministers of Defense, Home Affairs, and Border Affairs appointed by the Military Council also attended.

According to Article 417 of the 2008 Constitution held by the Military Council, the Commander-in-Chief of Defense has the right to assume state power in a state of emergency for one year. After that, the Commander-in-Chief of Defense can extend the power for another 6-month period only twice, according to Article 425, if the country is not stable. However, coup leader Min Aung Hlaing gave various excuses and extended his term five times, including this time.

On January 31, the Spring Lottery family announced that Spring Lottery version 2.0 has prepared more than 20,000 prizes, with the highest prizes.

“In the Spring Lottery version 2.0, which will be opened soon, we would like to inform you that a total of 22,238 lottery tickets will be presented in order to win many nationally prestigious opportunities with the highest prizes. The type of lottery tickets and the details of the prize amount will also be announced in a timely manner in a few days,” it stated.

In order to try the lottery regularly every month, people can deposit money in the Spring Development Bank (SDB) account and can purchase the lottery as soon as the new Spring Lottery platform is released.

Karen National Union (KNU) Chairman Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win urged all Karen armed organizations to reunite in his speech on the 75th anniversary of Karen Revolution Day, which fell on January 31.

“Every Karen organization, every Karen armed organization that defines itself as working for Karen nationalism, needs to be reunited and integrated like it was in 1949,” Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win said.

He said that the Karen National Union KNU aims to establish a “Kawthoolei” with full freedom, equality and self-determination and at the same time build a federal democratic union.

In addition, “Karen’s destiny is in Karen’s hands. The unity of the Karen people will decide the fate of the Karen,” Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win urged.

Currently, the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) that split from the KNU, the Border Guard Force (BGF) that split from the DKBA, as well as the Karen National Liberation Army (Peace Council) KNLA PC and the Kawthoolei Army (KTLA) founded by General Nerdah Mya during the Spring Revolution are Karen armed organizations.

The Karen people have been continuously calling for the disparate Karen armed organizations to reunify and fight back against the terrorist military, and the Karen armed organizations have been meeting and discussing since 2021 so that there is no conflict among each other.

On January 31, the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) officially announced the military news: “On January 30, while the Pa’O National Liberation Army was carrying out security issues in Hsihseng Township, a battle broke out with the military council troops somewhere north of the town.”

After clearing the area where the battle took place, about 50 bodies of the military council were found, and about 50 weapons were seized.

The military council and its subordinate militia are destroying Pa’O villages using heavy weapons and aircrafts. Last night, the military council bombarded the church in Lwe Htoi Village, Hsihseng Township, where there was no fighting nor the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) troops were stationed. As a result, Lwe Htoi Church, the most sacred place of Pa’O people, was damaged.

On January 31, at 6:27 p.m., Oppressed People’s Revolutionary Force (OPRF-PLA) attacked a checkpoint with more than 30 junta soldiers and policemen from Kalashin Village, Natmauk Township, Magway Division.

OPRF – PLA forces opened fire at the checkpoint from a distance of 100 meters, and it was confirmed that the enemy fired back.

After the exchange of fire, the OPRF – PLA comrades were able to retreat without harm, and the casualties of the enemies are still under investigation.

On January 31, the Albino Tiger Column informed about the event, “At around 11:00 a.m. on January 27, Albino Tiger Column Company 1 and allied columns opened fire on the terrorist military council troops stationed at the temple in Chang Taung Myoma Pagoda.”

In addition, it is said that the Albino Tiger Column Company 2, 6, and the local joint column were clearing the area at the intersection of Basic Education Middle School 2 and mountain way in Kawkareik, and had a clash with the enemy. In the clash, at least 8 soldiers from the enemy side were killed and 9 were injured.

On January 30, during the clearance of the area between the 8th and 9th posts in Kawkareik Township by the Albino Tiger Column Company 3, Galon Column, and joint forces, 2 policemen and 3 junta soldiers from SaKaKha 12 coming for the scout were arrested, and they were handed over to KNDO Battalion 6 in accordance with the law of war prisoners.

The local public defense forces have warned that 2 road sections in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, are temporarily closed due to the junta’s incursion.

The Khin U Special Force Organization – KSO said that the 150-strong junta column that entered Khin U Township on foot on the morning of January 31 through Kyar Pan Nyo Village of Ye-U Township, was stationed in Myin Kya Village, in the northwest of Khin-U Township.

Therefore, the revolutionary forces have informed that the Monhla-Myin Daung concrete road section and the Ye U-Khin U road section will be temporarily closed. The revolutionary forces said that that column included about 100 soldiers from Shwebo Training Unit 8 and about 50 military council troops from Bone Kone (Pyu) Village.

Therefore, the Khin U People Defense Force – KUPDF also warned the local people and revolutionary comrades in the region to take special care.

It is reported that local residents from at least 7 villages are fleeing because of the military junta incursion into Khin-U Township. The terrorist junta raided villages in the western part of Khin-U Township from January 3 to 12, and killed 4 local people, including a pregnant woman.

The Chinland Defense Force, Kalay-Kabaw-Gangaw (CDF-KKG), confirmed that a policeman from Hakha in Chin State took refuge there.

“On January 28, a policeman from Hakha, Chin State, came to the CDF-KKG for shelter along with one G3 rifle and 232 rounds of ammunition,” it stated.

The organization awarded the policeman 5 million kyat as a reward, and he was sent to the liberated area.

  1. Acting President delivered a message that the NUG was trying its best to suffocate the military dictator
  2. The Union Prime Minister urges concerned parties to resolve the laxity of law enforcement activities on the ground
  3. The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government delivered a message to the 75th anniversary (Diamond jubilee) of Karen Revolution Day,
  4. Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw and Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong held a meeting
  5. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  6. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights discussed at the International Religious Freedom Summit in order to punish the terrorist military’s targeting of religious minorities
  7. Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung urges everyone to provide mental and physical support in the battles to take over cities and villages
  8. The term of the military council was extended by 6 months again when the coup d’état completed three years
  9. Spring Lottery version 2.0 has prepared over 20,000 lottery tickets with the highest prizes
  10. KNU Chairman invites all Karen armed organizations to reunite
  11. While carrying out a security issue in Hsihseng Township, the Pa’O National Liberation Army clashed with the junta troops again in a place north of the town, and seized about 50 bodies of the military council soldiers and 50 weapons
  12. Revolutionary forces attacked a checkpoint with more than 30 junta soldiers and policemen from Kalashin Village, Natmauk Township, Magway Division
  13. During the clearance of the area between 8th and 9th posts in Kawkareik Township, 2 police officers and 3 junta soldiers from SaKaKha 12 coming for scouting were arrested
  14. 2 road sections in Khin-U Township are temporarily closed due to the junta’s incursion
  15. A policeman from Hakha in Chin State took refuge with CDF – KKG

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