Summary of News

1. Federal Union Affairs Minister to attend the 76th anniversary of Chin National Day held in Canada

Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, the Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs for the National Unity Government and also serving as the Vice Chairman of the Chin National Front (CNF) and a council member of Chinland Council, will be present at a ceremony commemorating the 76th anniversary of Chin National Day in Canada.

The event, scheduled for February 24th in North York, Toronto, is jointly organised by the Myanmar Emergency Fund Canada (Mef Canada) and the Toronto Chin Community. Additionally, there will be a fundraiser sale as part of the event, along with offerings of Chin traditional cuisine, dances, and live music for attendees to enjoy.

2. Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw holds meeting with Karenni National People’s Liberation Front

On February 22, a virtual meeting was held between the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw and the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF/Ka-La-La-Ta) via video conferencing. The meeting commenced with opening remarks from Chairman U Myint Htwe of the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw and Lauren Soe of the KNPLF, followed by discussions on the current territorial status and political developments in the Sagaing Region.

The attendees included chairpersons and members from various committees under the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw, including the Committee Representing Sagaing Unit Hluttaw, Security and Defence Committee, Federal Research Committee, Education and Health Committee, and the Public Accounts Committee, along with representatives from the KNPLF.

3. UK Government allocates £0.75 million for landmine risk education in Myanmar

The UK government has announced £17 million in new funding to help in the clearance of mines and educate communities about associated risks in eight countries across Africa and Asia, including Angola, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Laos, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. This support will be facilitated through two leading British organisations, the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and The HALO Trust (HALO). In its February 20 statement, the UK government specified that £0.75 million (equivalent to $951,000 USD) would be channelled from the Global Mine Action Programme (GMAP) to provide landmine risk education and other community liaison activities in Myanmar.

Citing the latest report from Landmine Monitor, the UK Embassy in Myanmar highlighted that over 500 individuals fell victim to landmines and other Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) in Myanmar during 2022, marking the 4th highest casualty rate worldwide for that year. The embassy emphasised that this new funding would enable their partners to extend support to communities most impacted by ongoing conflicts in Myanmar.

4. Thayarwaddy Township People’s Defence Team encourages junta troops to surrender with firearms, offering up to 10 million kyat rewards

The Thayarwaddy Township People’s Defence Team released a statement on February 21, urging members of the junta’s armed forces stationed in Thayarwaddy District, Bago Region, to surrender, either individually or collectively, along with firearms such as MA, G3, etc. They promised rewards of up to 10 million kyat for surrendering personnel if they bring along weapons. Additionally, the township defence team assured that surrendering individuals would be relocated to safe locations.

This call to surrender came amidst heightened military tensions in Tahyarwaddy District, with a growing demand for firearms.

Ko Takhon from the township’s defence team stated to a local media outlet, Thayarwaddy 8 City, “Whether it’s 10, 20, 30, or even an entire battalion, if they surrender with firearms, we have sufficient funds to reward them.”

5. Arakan Army seizes outposts guarding military junta’s key base and another strategic location in Minbya, Rakhine State

The Arakan Army (AA) has launched an offensive against the No. 9 Military Advanced Training Depot, also known as the No. 9 Central Military Training School, which serves as a major base in Minbya Township, Rakhine State, starting in the early hours of February 17. According to a statement from the AA Info Desk on February 21, the AA successfully captured three outposts guarding the base, along with another significant location in Minbya.

Furthermore, the AA has been launching offensives against military junta bases in Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw townships, that have refused to surrender. It was also reported that junta forces in these townships, as well as in Sittwe, which were suffering losses, persist in launching indiscriminate artillery shelling on civilian residential areas. Additionally, the military junta conducted airstrikes on Ramree (Yanbye) on the evening of February 21, similar to previous days.

6. Civilian casualties and destruction of multiple buildings caused by military junta’s artillery and airstrikes in KNU-controlled townships in Bago Region

According to a statement issued by the Karen National Union (KNU) headquarters, between February 17 and 21, a civilian lost his life, three others sustained injuries, and numerous structures, including a school and religious buildings, were destroyed due to the military junta’s artillery and airstrikes in Mone (Mu) Township and Shwegyin (Hsaw Hti) Township, both under the control of KNU’s Brigade 3 in Bago Region.

The statement outlines that on February 17, the military junta carried out three drone airstrikes on Myat Ni Kwin village, resulting in the destruction of a house and the village school.

Likewise, on February 18, military junta forces stationed in Kwin Chaung Wa village indiscriminately launched artillery shells, resulting in explosions in Yay Twin Kone Lay village. This incident led to the death of a cow, the destruction of four acres of cultivated farmland, and damage to a monastery.

On February 19, the junta’s 307th Light Infantry Battalion, stationed in Mone Township, indiscriminately fired artillery shells, causing two explosions within Let Tat Kyi village. This led to the tragic death of a man, injuries to three others (including a 5-year-old child), and the destruction of two houses.

Furthermore, on February 21, the military junta conducted two airstrikes by using fighter jets on Htee War Htar village in Shwegyin Township, releasing a total of eight bombs that demolished a church and four houses.

7. Consecutive days of clashes between junta’s military and Pa-O ethnic army in Hopong, Southern Shan State, results in the deaths of four more junta troops

The Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) engaged in clashes with a combined force of military junta troops and affiliated Pa-O militia in the eastern part of Hopong Township, Southern Shan State, on February 21. In this confrontation, four junta troops were confirmed dead, and the PNLA seized four rifles, one 60-mm mortar, a vehicle, and ammunition.

The previous day, there was another clash resulting in the deaths of five junta troops, with the PNLA capturing four rifles in that encounter as well.

8. Natogyi People’s Defence Force ambushes junta patrol, resulting in one death

The 4th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Myingyan District, commonly known as the Natogyi People’s Defence Force (NPDF), executed an ambush on military junta troops patrolling near Ywar Thar Aye village in four motorcycles, originating from Thone Taung village in Natogyi Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region. According to the NPDF, the ambush resulted in the death of one junta soldier and injuries to three others.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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