Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 02

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says if the National Unity Government has anti-aircraft weapons, the terrorist army will be defeated in six months

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that if the National Unity Government has anti-aircraft weapons, the terrorist army will be defeated in six months. NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La stated on December 1 at the Reuters Next online conference hosted by the Reuters news agency.

“I think we can win the revolution in six months if we have anti-aircraft weapons to protect people from the dangers of attacking, killing, and burning villages. “I assume they would also come to dialogue tables,” he said. Moreover, the Acting President reiterated that international communities should assist Myanmar like Ukraine and that the people of Myanmar are suffering severely from the military council’s airstrikes.

2. Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than says the COC should be strong because the public will face difficulties if they fight each other under an ineffective governance system

According to Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than, the Chain of Command (COC) should be strong because the public will face difficulties if they fight each other under an ineffective governance system. The Prime Minister said at the Interim Local Administration Central Committee meeting on December 1. “People’s resilience can decrease as the revolution accelerates, and it is difficult for them to persist, especially in areas that are continuously oppressed. At this point, the NUG’s leadership and management abilities are critical; otherwise, the public might face difficulties when they fight each other under an ineffective governance system. Therefore, the PAF, PSF, and PDF on the ground as well as the PDF and LPDF under the management of the various military regions need to have a strong COC of the relevant departments,” Prime Minister said.

The members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee who were attended then clarified the decisions made in 38/2022, as well as the completion conditions and the remaining processes to be completed. The meeting was attended by Union Prime Minister U Mahn Win Khaing Than, the chairperson of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, as well as Union Minister of Home Affairs U Lwin Ko Lat, the Central Committee’s Deputy Chairman (1), Deputy Union Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and department officials.

3. Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing says we will march relentlessly until we achieve the goal of the spring revolution.

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing said that we will march relentlessly until we achieve the goal of the spring revolution. U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister of Planning, Finance, and Investment, stated on December 1. “We will march relentlessly until we reach the goal of this revolution for human-like survival with justice and freedom,” he said.

4. The Minister of Human Rights urged the public to take part in the Profile Campaign to reveal that people are fighting for human rights

The Minister of Human Rights urged the public to take part in the Profile Campaign to reveal that people are fighting for human rights. Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min stated on social media on December 1. We urge the public to participate in the Profile Campaign to demonstrate that the entire public is not cold-bloodedly under the unjust oppression of the military dictator, to demonstrate that the country is struggling because human rights are being violated, and to demonstrate the purposes of honoring and remembering all the martyrs who fought in successive revolutions. The public is required to participate in the Profile Campaign from December 2nd to December 11th. On December 10, 1991, young students protested in Yangon for anti-dictatorship, human rights, and peace, as well as the release of Nobel Peace Prize winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who had been arrested by the military dictator.

5.  Selling raffle tickets for actor Min Maw Kun’s guitar as part of the revolution project

It is reported that raffle tickets for actor Min Maw Kun’s guitar are being sold as part of the revolution project. It is said that Min Maw Kun’s treasured partner guitar, which he has had for over 20 years, will be given to the public for the revolution, and the public is invited to participate in his first project. Tickets for the “Guitar Sounds of Yangon Urban Night Project” can be purchased at the H2B page for $20 per one.  

6. A soldier from KhaLaYa-284 of Kyainseikgyi township defected from the military and joined KNLA forces

It is reported that one soldier from KhaLaYa-284 of Kyainseikgyi township defected from the military and joined KNLA forces. The Red Dragon column, division 2, announced on December 1. Sat Paing Tun, a soldier from KhaLaYa-284 in Kyainseikgyi township, Karen State, took part in the CDM in collaboration with the Red Dragon column (Division 2) and the 17th KNLA battalion (Division 2). The Red Dragon 2nd battalion welcomed the CDM soldiers and provided him with necessary clothing, utilities, and grant money. There are more than ten people who came to the Red Dragon column (Division 2) and the 17th KNLA battalion (Division 2) to join the CDM.

7. Four military council troops patrolling Myaing township Kaingtawma hospital’s north lane were attacked by landmines, killing two of them

It is reported that four military council troops patrolling Myaing township Kaingtawma hospital’s north lane were attacked by landmines, killing two of them. On December 1, Myaing Garuda P.D.F confirmed the military news. “Around 7:45 a.m. on December 1, Myaing Garuda P.D.F (Battalion 1, Division 2) and GOD OF BURMESE ARMY (G.O.B.A) attacked four military council troops patrolling in the north lane of Kaingtawma hospital,” they said. According to reports, two military council soldiers were killed on the spot, and the other two were seriously injured as a result of the mine attack.

8. Approximately 70 terrorist military council troops invading the village of Kanpyar in Tabayin town entered the village and burned down about 20 civilian houses

According to the report, approximately 70 terrorist military council troops invaded the village of Kanpyar in Tabayin town and burned down about 20 civilian houses. On the morning of December 1, the Tabayin township’s refugee support group confirmed that military council troops had entered and destroyed the village. “This morning, approximately 70 troops of the terrorist military council entered the Kanpyar village of Tabayin and burned down about 20 civilian homes,” they said. In addition, it was reported that four people from Masoeyein village were arrested and entered into the Tabayin town.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says if the National Unity Government has anti-aircraft weapons, the terrorist army will be defeated in six months
  2. Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than says the COC should be strong because the public will face difficulties if they fight each other under an ineffective governance system
  3. Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing says we will march relentlessly until we achieve the goal of the spring revolution.
  4. The Minister of Human Rights urged the public to take part in the Profile Campaign to reveal that people are fighting for human rights
  5. Selling raffle tickets for actor Min Maw Kun’s guitar as part of the revolution project
  6. A soldier from KhaLaYa-284 of Kyainseikgyi township defected from the military and joined KNLA forces
  7. Four military council troops patrolling Myaing township Kaingtawma hospital’s north lane were attacked by landmines, killing two of them
  8. Approximately 70 terrorist military council troops invading the village of Kanpyar in Tabayin town entered the village and burned down about 20 civilian houses

Credit to #RadioNUG


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