Spring Revolution Local News (Trending News) – 2024 Sep 03


1. Child and Four Women Killed in Bombing of Min Chaung Kone Village

According to the Kyaukpadaung Youth Network, a bombing of Min Chaung Kone village, Deedotkone village tract, Kyaukpadaung Township, Nyaung-U District, killed one child and four women. Four bombs were dropped, three exploded in the air, and the fourth bomb exploded near the village monastery, resulting in the death of the women and the child, as well as the destruction of two houses by fire. On the morning of September 2nd, it was reported that an additional injured woman had passed away and a 12-year-old child had suffered a severe limb injury.

The Htilin TR Team confirmed that nine civilians were killed in two airstrikes on Maung Kone village, Htilin Township, on September 2nd. The airstrikes, conducted by a jet from Meiktila between 2:30 and 3:00 PM on September 1st, targeted the front of a shop and near the Great Wall entrance in Maung Kone village. Six civilians were reported killed when one bomb hit a car loaded with fuel at the shopfront. The total death toll reached nine, with 10 others injured. The area is close to a market and has no military targets, making it a civilian area.

According to a report from the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) and research institutions, the military junta has consistently committed war crimes by targeting non-military locations such as monasteries, schools, health facilities, and homes in repeated airstrikes. On August 27th, airstrikes in Kyaukme and Thibaw townships, Shan State, damaged schools and homes, leading to civilian casualties and injuries. On August 28th, airstrikes on Leftwing Minnin village in Nwahtoegyi Township, Mandalay Region, destroyed monasteries and injured civilians.

In Pin U Lwin, security measures have resulted in all military bases and military-affiliated universities, including the Military University and Technological University, turning off lights at night. Since MNDAA took control of the Northeastern Command in Lashio, there have been increased night patrols and security checks in Pin U Lwin. Additionally, soldiers’ wives and military school teachers have reportedly fled the area, stopped attending classes, but continue to collect salaries. Students have been without lessons for nearly two months, and local authorities have taken no effective action.

On the evening of September 1st, junta forces fired nearly 30 heavy artillery shells towards Naungcho and southern areas.

A skirmish between the Pyu militia and soldiers broke out at the Waeloung school on September 1st. As the Pyu group retreated toward Thanaukone and New Village, a white vehicle disguised as a PDF vehicle attempted to enter Waeloung from the east. Junta forces at the bridge fired at the vehicle, killing one Pyu fighter and injuring another.

The remaining Pyu soldiers stationed at the school looted rice and oil from the villagers under the pretext of needing food supplies.

On the night of September 1st, a village administrator in Lapandan Township, Bago Region, was shot and killed after mocking PDFs, saying, “PDFs are not even worth worrying about, not even as much as dogs.” The administrator, who was also a Pyu leader, was shot dead in Pinyin Gadoe village at around 11 PM. The body was retrieved by junta police around 6 AM the next day.

The administrator had been warned in 2022 but continued to collaborate with the junta by running illegal gambling dens and engaging in extortion. The operation to eliminate him was part of the “Spring Light” military campaign.


1. 22 civilians, including children, killed by airstrikes and artillery in Thibaw, Shan State

On September 3rd, it was reported that 22 local civilians, including children, were killed and over 60 were injured in Thibaw, Shan State, due to airstrikes and artillery shelling by the military junta between August 1st and September 2nd. This news was confirmed by the PSLF/TNLA.

On the morning of August 31st, at around 10:30 AM, a 52-year-old woman named Daw Sein Pwint was killed when an artillery shell hit the Nyaung Koe Pin ward during a military attack, striking her directly.

2. Missile attack on junta military camps in Mandalay this morning

On the morning of September 3rd, it was reported that military camps in Mandalay were attacked with missiles.

The MDY Revolution confirmed that the attack began at 4 AM on September 3rd. One of the missiles landed on the rooftop of an apartment between 80th and 112th Streets, with no reported injuries.

The second missile landed near the 4th Police Station, damaging the upper wall of a building but causing no casualties. The third missile struck Shwekyin Toll Gate, and further details are being confirmed.

The targeted areas are believed to be key military positions, and civilians are advised to avoid areas near junta military facilities.

3. Warning issued to avoid using roads around Loikaw-Demoso highway

On September 3rd, the KNDF issued an official warning advising civilians not to use the Loikaw-Demoso highway and its surrounding routes.

Since August 1st, the KNDF has been blocking and attacking junta military convoys on this road. Fierce battles have taken place around Pankan, Daw Po Si, and Six-Mile Model Village throughout the month, resulting in significant casualties on the junta’s side. The KNDF has also seized weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, and other materials from the military.

In addition, throughout August, the junta forces burned down more than 40 civilian houses in villages along the Loikaw-Demoso highway, including Pankan, Daw Po Si, and Six-Mile Model Village.

Due to the ongoing military situation, the KNDF strongly urges the public to avoid traveling along the Loikaw-Demoso highway and its connecting routes.



These updates were provided by Min Thihann, a Radio NUG correspondent.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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