Military News

Morning News
1. 2 Spring Revolution forces announced that they would stand with the AA regarding the current situation in Rakhine State
On May 23, 2 Spring Revolution forces announced that they stood with the Arakan Army (AA) regarding the current situation in Rakhine State. This was announced by the People’s Military Strategy Advisor Bureau – PMSAB and Thunder Guerrilla Force.
The 2 Spring Revolution forces have pointed out that if reviews and statements are made based on baseless, biased, and ideological information without a thorough investigation of the actual situation on the ground, it may lead to incorrect results.
It stated in the statement, “We announce that we will stand together and fight faithfully with the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) for the demolishing of the military dictatorship and the establishment of a new true federal democratic union.”
People’s Military Strategy Advisor Bureau – PMSAB and Thunder Guerrilla Force, have been working persistently with ethnic brother allies and underground revolutionary organizations to defeat the military dictatorship and establish a new true federal democratic state in any role in the Myanmar Spring Revolution.
Military council lobbies, Muslim activists and international human rights groups, international governments, UN organizations, and local and foreign media broadcast false news without carefully assessing the current situation in Rakhine State.
AA Commander-in-Chief General Tun Myat Naing has also stated on his social media page that he prayed for the political future they deserve for hypocritical friends who are acting to the likes of donors rather than the truth regarding the Arakan issue.
2. More than 300 million kyats of money seized by the military during the capture battle of Tonzang were discovered
According to CNF/CAN news sources, more than 300 million kyats were seized from the Military Council’s IB-296 after the capture battle of Tonzang in Chin State.
On May 22, joint forces of Chin Revolutionary Forces seized more than 300 million Myanmar Kyats, which had been moved from the Myanma Economic Bank and stored in IB-269 in Tonzang, Chin State, and it is said that the money is now moved to a safe place.
On May 21, 2 days after the Chin National Army-CNA and the Chinland Defense Forces-CDFs captured Cikha town in Tonzang Township on May 19, Chin Revolutionary Forces captured the military council camps, police station, and other military council stationed places in Tonzang town.
CNF/CNA spokesperson Salai Htet Ni told the news media that when the Chin Revolutionary Forces finally captured Tonzang town, more than 50 small arms were seized.
The Military Council, which had to give up the town of Cikha, was carrying out heavy airstrikes and sending reinforcements with helicopters continuously to prevent Tonzang from falling on May 22. The military council troops who arrived with air reinforcements captured some people fleeing the war near Tonzang as guides and released them on May 23, according to the statement of Tonzang Public Administration.
3. The military council troops were attacked 2 consecutive days in Mya Pin Kuu Village, killing 5 soldiers
According to the PDF Battalion 3501 Company 1, 5 military council soldiers were killed after being attacked 2 consecutive days in Mya Pin Kuu Village, Ka Nyin Myaung Village Tract, Taungoo Township, Taungoo District, Bago Division.
On May 21, at 6:50 a.m., comrades of PDF Battalion 3501 Company 1 encountered the military council column with a force of around 60 coming out of Wet Khaut Sein Village towards Mya Pin Kuu Village. The column was attacked again at 9:30 a.m. and once at 10:40 a.m., and 2 military council soldiers were killed and 2 wounded due to intercepted sniper fire.
In addition, on May 22, around 6:50 p.m., the military council troops of about 80-strong stationed at school and the village of Mya Pin Kuu were attacked again with snipers, killing 3 military council soldiers.
PDF Battalion 3501 Company 1 stated that there was no casualty among the people’s defense comrades during these battles. After being attacked, the military council troops returned fire with heavy weapons, and the fighting continued until May 23.
4. Basic Military Training School 8 (SaKhaTa-8) in Shwebo Township was attacked by 4 107MM missiles
Freedom Revolution Force (FRF) announced that at 12:30 p.m. on May 23, Basic Military Training School 8 (SaKhaTa-8) in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Division, was attacked with 4 107MM missiles.
In the attack, the 107MM missiles hit the central guard post, armory, artillery field, and barracks. It is reported that 2 junta soldiers on central guard duty were killed and the damage is still being investigated.
The attack was carried out by an alliance force involving the Freedom Revolution Force (FRF), Shwebo District Battalion 25 (TPC), and Shwebo District Battalion 24.
5. The junta troops inspecting the people by opening the checkpoint gate were bombed, killing 3 junta soldiers
Natogyi People Defense Force (Myingyan District Battalion 4) reported that around 9:00 a.m. on May 23, a drop bomb attack was carried out on the junta troops that were inspecting the people by opening the checkpoint gate near the villages of Khatlann and Tatsi.
It is reported that about 30 strong of the junta troops from Pyinsi Village on the Natogyi-Pyinsi road section who were inspecting the people by opening the checkpoint gate of the villages of Khatlann and Tatsi, were attacked with drop bombs with drones. It is reported that 3 junta soldiers died on the spot and 6 or more were injured.
6. Chinland Defense Force – Matupi (Brigade 1) successfully tested self-produced Matupi Rocket (MR1)
Chinland Defense Force – Matupi (Brigade 1) announced on May 23 that the self-produced Matupi Rocket (MR1) was successfully tested. The MR1 can be fired at a distance of about 10 miles in the air, and it is reported that Brigade 1 is preparing to produce hundreds of them.
7. In Tonzang, Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces managed to free 3 political prisoners
RFA news agency reported that Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces were able to free 3 political prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment and long prison terms in Tonzang, Chin State.
The in charge of the Tonzang Public Administration said that the 3 political prisoners who had been transferred from the police station to the Cyclone Center due to the fighting were rescued on May 22. They are CDM elementary school teacher Ma Vung Huai Kim, who was sentenced to life imprisonment by the military court of Tonzang, and her father, who was sentenced to 7 year term in prison, as well as a man from Phaitu Village, who was arrested under Section 505 (a).
Currently, Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces have taken control over all departmental offices, including the Tonzang Myoma Police Station, the military camp, and the Cyclone Center, and they are continuing to clear up the city.
In addition to 50 weapons, around 300 million kyats were seized from the military camp during the battle to capture the town of Tonzang, according to the Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces.