Military News

Photo credit MDY-PDF

According to reports from local sources, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) successfully took control of Momauk Town in Kachin State after a series of military engagements:

  • On May 7, the KIA initiated an attack on Momauk Town, targeting military council troops stationed there.
  • After capturing the Momauk police station, the KIA continued their offensive against the military council forces in the town.
  • By May 8, the military council troops retreated and fled the town, allowing the KIA to fully secure control of Momauk Town by 6:00 p.m. local time.
  • The remaining military council troops reportedly retreated to Kyan Khin Village as the KIA pursued them.

Prior to the takeover of Momauk Town, the KIA had intensified their offensive since March 7, capturing several military camps including Dawthponeyan, Konlaw, Myo Thit, and Nawnglum, as well as battalion headquarters in Momauk Township.

Currently, there remains one camp of the Military Council Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-437) outside the town that the KIA aims to capture to consolidate their control over the entire area.

The situation underscores ongoing military dynamics in Kachin State, reflecting the KIA’s strategic advances and the fluidity of control in contested regions amid Myanmar’s political turmoil.

According to a source from the People’s Defense Force (Southern Military Region), a joint operation between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Force (PDF) successfully captured all three camps under the military council’s Pe Det Camp in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Division. Here are the key details:

  • The KNLA and PDF joint forces launched an offensive starting from May 5 against three key locations:
  1. Kyauksal Pyu camp on the Myeik-Dawei Union road,
  2. Pe Det camp,
  3. Win Wa police station.
  • By the morning of May 8, all three camps were completely captured by the joint forces.
  • During the offensive, the military council reportedly conducted intensive airstrikes, dropping over 100 bombs over four consecutive days. Naval warships and bases also reportedly fired heavy weapons continuously.
  • The operation resulted in many casualties among the military council soldiers. Additionally, more than 20 soldiers were captured alive by the KNLA and PDF forces. Video footage shows these captured soldiers being transported away in a vehicle.
  • The Southern Military Region plans to release further details regarding the capture of prisoners of war, as well as the seizure of weapons and ammunition during the battle.

This development underscores ongoing military engagements in Tanintharyi Division, reflecting the dynamic nature of conflict in Myanmar amidst the political turmoil following the military coup.

It has been reported that during intense fighting between the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) and military council troops near The Yet Kon Village in Nawnghkio Township, chemical bombs were allegedly dropped by the military council on May 8, around 3:30 p.m. This incident resulted in some Mandalay PDF comrades experiencing symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Despite facing heavy resistance and ongoing airstrikes from the military council, including 43 airstrikes during the battle for The Yet Kon camp, the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) has maintained control of the camp. The military council has reportedly been deploying substantial ground forces, artillery, and air power in their efforts to retake the area.

This development underscores the intensity of the conflict in Nawnghkio Township and highlights the reported use of chemical weapons, which could exacerbate the humanitarian situation and pose serious health risks to combatants and civilians alike.

On May 8, at approximately 5:20 a.m., a group of around 80 military council troops from the Pakokku 101st Division launched a sudden raid on a People’s Defense Force (PDF) camp near Kan Thit Village in the southern part of Myaing Township. The raid resulted in significant damage and casualties:

  • The military council troops destroyed 13 civilian houses in Kan Thit Village during the raid.
  • Two individuals, U Nan Aung and U Aung Zaw Oo, both approximately 40 years old, were brutally tortured and killed after being arrested during the raid.
  • The troops also seized approximately 8 motorcycles and 2 cars from Kan Thit Village, and reportedly arrested around 20 people.


  • Many ammunition supplies were lost during the raid.
  • The military council troops reportedly lost over 80 million kyats in cash due to the actions of the defense forces.
  • During their retreat, two of the seized cars were abandoned on the road after being targeted by mine attacks carried out by the defense forces.

This incident underscores the ongoing violence and conflict in Myanmar, particularly in areas where local defense forces and military council troops are engaged in confrontations. The humanitarian impact on civilians, including destruction of property and loss of life, continues to escalate amidst the country’s political instability.


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