Military News

It seems like a release regarding the military training photos of the PaKaFa Attack Force Batch-1 in Yangon Region was made on May 7, titled “Record photos of Yangon Region PaKaFa Attack Force Batch-1 military training (1/2024).” The release emphasized the commitment and sacrifices made by comrades in the revolution, aiming to eliminate military dictatorship and establish a federal union. These photos likely serve to document and commemorate the training efforts and dedication of those involved in the movement.

On May 7, KIA News and Information reported a series of successful attacks by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) on military council camps near Sin Khan Bridge in Bhamo Township, Kachin State. Here are the key details:

  • Early in the morning on May 7, KIA forces launched an offensive against several military council camps near Sin Khan Bridge, an important strategic bridge connecting Bhamo-Mansi-Mohnyin.
  • By approximately 7:30 a.m., the KIA had captured all the targeted camps despite reinforcements sent by the military council from units including IB-602, IB-319, IB-56, and IB-109.
  • During the intense fighting, some military council soldiers surrendered while others fled the camps.
  • The KIA successfully seized the Sin Khan River Bridge guard post camp, two camps on Tower Hill, three militia stations in Waingmaw Township, a police station in Momauk Township, Man Rut Camp between Bhamo and Mansi, and Mansi Myoma police station.
  • Over the past days leading up to May 7, the KIA had also captured approximately 15 military council camps in Waingmaw Township, Chipwi, and Sumprabum. This brings the total number of military council camps captured by the KIA in the first week of May to more than 20.

These operations highlight the ongoing conflict in Kachin State and the KIA’s efforts to assert control over strategic locations in the region, demonstrating their capability to engage and challenge the military council’s presence.

It is reported that on May 4, the checkpoint gate at Magyi Yoe Village in Taungtha Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region, was the target of a drone attack using 5 drop bombs. Here are the details of the incident:

  • The drone attack took place on May 4 and was directed at the checkpoint gate located at Magyi Yoe Village in Taungtha Township.
  • The attack resulted in the deaths of 3 junta soldiers, while 5 others sustained injuries.
  • The operation was a coordinated effort involving forces from Myingyan District Battalion 1, 27 Revolution Forces, Myingyan District Battalion 3, and Mahlaing Township PaKaFa.

This incident underscores the ongoing conflict in Myanmar, with targeted drone strikes by revolutionary forces against military positions leading to casualties among the junta soldiers stationed at the checkpoint gate.

It is reported that on the morning of May 6, junta troops invaded Zayet Gyi Village in Taungtha Township. Here are the details of the incident as reported by the People’s Strike Committee – Taungtha:

  • Junta troops destroyed the traditional spirit house located in Zabuthiri forest at Zayet Gyi Village.
  • During their presence in the area, one junta soldier was bitten by a snake. He was subsequently evacuated from the scene on a stretcher and later transferred by a Thukhahita social welfare vehicle from Yone Sin Gyi.
  • As the junta troops moved westward towards Shwe Si Gyi Village, they encountered a mine, and during their passage, they fired shots at four family members who were on a nearby farm. Fortunately, the family members escaped unharmed.
  • Since the arrival of junta troops in Zayet Gyi Village, residents have been forced to flee their homes. Reports indicate that when residents were absent, the troops ransacked houses and stole food supplies.

This incident highlights the ongoing conflict and humanitarian impact in Myanmar, with military actions causing disruption, fear, and displacement among local communities.

It is reported that on May 6 at 8:15 a.m., a car carrying junta troops to guard the house of a major in the junta was intercepted at Padauk Lane, Bo Tayza Road, Monywa. The incident resulted in significant casualties among the junta troops. Here are the details provided by Mahura People Defence Force – MHRpdf (Monywa District Battalion 25 Company 5):

  • Approximately 5 out of 10 junta soldiers who were traveling in the car were killed during the interception.
  • The attack was a joint operation carried out by Mahura People Defence Force – MHRpdf (Monywa District Battalion 25 Company 5) (Liberation Front), Chindwin Spring Revolutionary Alliance Force – CSRAF (LPDF), and the Monywa Fire Group (LPDF).
  • The operation was part of the Northwest Plains Spring Operation Project conducted by Company 5, aimed at further dismantling the dictatorship system.

This incident underscores the ongoing resistance efforts against the military junta in Myanmar, with local defense forces cooperating to undermine the junta’s control and operations in various regions.

According to a KIA news source, on May 6 at 6:00 p.m., a military intelligence officer (SaYaFa) was arrested by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) near the police station in Hgnatpyawtaw Ward, Hpakant Township, Kachin State. During the arrest, the officer resisted and a shootout ensued, resulting in his death.

Key details from the incident include:

  • The military intelligence officer was killed during the shootout while resisting arrest by the KIA.
  • Items seized from the deceased officer included a gun, a hand grenade, bullets, and a cellphone.

This incident underscores ongoing tensions and confrontations between the KIA and Myanmar’s military intelligence in the region, highlighting the challenges and risks involved in the conflict.

According to reports, on May 6 around 4:00 p.m., the military council detonated and destroyed the Pan Zinn Chaung Bridge at the entrance to Buthidaung Town. This action was taken after the Arakan Army (AA) had captured the Military Council’s Military Operation Command Headquarters MOC-15 (SaKaKha-15) in Buthidaung Township.

Key points from the report include:

  • The Pan Zinn Chaung Bridge is a vital bridge connecting Buthidaung with Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, and Maungdaw townships in Rakhine State.
  • Local residents will face significant transportation difficulties due to the destruction of the bridge.
  • This destruction follows a pattern where the military council has blown up other bridges and roads in Buthidaung Township in response to advances and attacks by the Arakan Army.
  • The AA has captured multiple military battalions, including MOC-15, as part of their aggressive actions against the military council forces in the region.

The ongoing conflict in Rakhine State continues to impact infrastructure and civilian life, exacerbating transportation challenges and further complicating the humanitarian situation in the area.


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