Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 13 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President highlights accelerated pace of Spring Revolution across the nation

In a letter released on March 13 to mark the 36th anniversary of the deaths of RIT students Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, Acting President Duwa Lashi La emphasised the rapid progress of the Spring Revolution across the nation and highlighted the military junta’s increasing losses on multiple fronts—military, political, and diplomatic.

Reflecting on the significance of the 8888 Movement, which not only challenged the 26-year one-party dictatorship but also symbolised a milestone in the pursuit of democracy and human rights, Acting President Duwa Lashi La honoured Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, the first martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of this historic milestone. He noted that while they may no longer be with us, Generation Z is now carrying forward the torch of democratic revolution ignited by these martyrs and is vigorously advancing the Spring Revolution throughout the country.

The Acting President continued, “The entire public can clearly see that the military dictators have been defeated on various fronts—military, political and diplomatic.”

Acting President Duwa Lashi La underscored the visible defeat of the military dictators on various fronts and urged the country’s leaders, along with the young student leaders who participated in the ceremony commemorating Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, to persevere in the struggle until the revolution prevails. He emphasised the importance of implementing the federal democracy that the fallen student leaders envisioned, ensuring that they may rest in peace.

2. On the 36th anniversary of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing’s deaths, Union Prime Minister pays tribute to democracy martyrs

In a letter released on March 13 to mark the 36th anniversary of the deaths of RIT students Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann expressed reverence for democracy martyrs, including Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, who dedicated their efforts, and ultimately their lives, to the cause of democracy, human rights, and equality.

Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked, “Today marks the 36th anniversary of the tragic loss of RIT students Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, who were subjected to torture and killed by the terrorist war criminals while actively engaged in the struggle for democracy and human rights. On this significant anniversary, I wish to extend my heartfelt remembrance and tribute to Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, and express my gratitude for having the opportunity to write this letter.”

The Prime Minister lamented the continuous brutality of successive terrorist military dictators over the past 36 years until now, who forcibly seized control of the country and ruthlessly killed numerous individuals of all ethnicities, including monks and students, plunging the nation into turmoil. He noted the enduring efforts of the ethnic communities throughout history to break free from this oppressive situation. In the context of the ongoing People’s Spring Revolution, he pledged the National Unity Government’s unwavering commitment to overthrowing military dictatorship permanently so that Myanmar never again falls under the grip of a dictator and establishing a new federal democratic union by prioritising the will of the people and fostering trust with allied ethnic revolutionary organisations.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann honoured the democracy martyrs who sacrificed for democracy, human rights, and equality in previous revolutions, as well as the heroes and martyrs of the ongoing Spring Revolution. He reaffirmed his steadfast determination to redouble efforts towards achieving the shared goal as swiftly as possible.

3. CRPH issues letter to mark the 36th anniversary of the deaths of RIT students Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing

On March 13, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) released a letter commemorating the 36th anniversary of the deaths of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing. The letter honours these two Rangoon Institute of Technology (RIT) students, who were martyred in the struggle against successive oppressive regimes. The letter recounts how Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing were tragically shot and killed by the army of military dictator Nay Win within the university campus on March 13, 1988, sparking the 8888 People’s Uprising and becoming enduring symbols of student martyrdom in Myanmar’s journey towards democracy.

The letter further emphasises the sacrifices made by numerous young people of the newer generation, who, on February 1, 2021, were brutally killed by the terrorist military for peacefully protesting against the military’s forceful and unjust seizure of the country’s sovereignty. The CRPH expresses immense pride in the unwavering spirit, determination, and sacrifices of these students and youths, who are actively participating in various roles within the ongoing Spring Revolution. They embody the inherent courage of students who refuse to succumb to injustice. With deep reverence, the CRPH pays tribute to all heroes, including Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, as well as the youth heroes who have sacrificed their lives for democracy throughout Myanmar’s history.

Additionally, the letter reaffirms the CRPH’s solemn commitment to collaborate with the people of Myanmar, students, political parties, and all revolutionary organisations, including ethnic resistance groups, to achieve the shared goal of completely eradicating military dictatorship and restoring human rights in Myanmar, drawing lessons from past history.

4. Human Rights Minister speaks at CEEAsia Forum in Bratislava, Slovakia

On March 12, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, took to social media to publicise his participation in the Europe-ASEAN relations policy meeting at the CEEAsia Forum held in Bratislava, Slovakia. He stated that during the event, he presented Myanmar’s current affairs and discussed the European Union’s policy towards Myanmar.

The CEEAsia Forum 2024, which took place from March 11 to 12, 2024, in Bratislava, Slovakia, was organised by the Central European Institute of Asian Studies in collaboration with the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA). Union Minister U Aung Myo Min was invited to speak at the two-day conference, which featured eight panels focusing on critical topics for global security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.

The forum reportedly saw participation from 41 panellists and attracted more than 100 attendees.

Earlier, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min engaged in discussions with members of the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. During the meeting, he addressed the dire situation of civil rights violations occurring in Myanmar. He emphasised the National Unity Government’s strong commitment to ratifying the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Consequently, the Union Minister reportedly engaged in discussions regarding the necessary steps to proceed with the signing of the agreement.

5. Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd to meet Myanmar diaspora in Paris, France

La Communauté Birmane de France and the NUG Representative Office in France are organising a meeting featuring Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd, a Professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKIAPCSS) and a Myanmar military expert/retired U.S. Army Officer, for the Myanmar community in France in Paris on March 31, 2024. Alongside the meeting, Myanmar cuisine will reportedly be available for purchase at the event to raise funds for Myanmar.

The Myanmar community in France has been invited to seize the opportunity to engage in a close discussion with Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd, focusing on the ongoing developments in both the military and political situation in Myanmar, as well as to offer support to the Myanmar people.

6. Arakan Army captures Aung Tha Pyay border guard outpost in Maungdaw; discovers poisoned food left behind by junta troops

In its latest battle report released on the night of March 12, the Arakan Army (AA) declared its successful capture of the Aung Tha Pyay border guard outpost in Maungdaw township, Rakhine State, on March 11. Furthermore, during the subsequent area clearance operation following the outpost’s capture, the AA seized weapons, ammunition, and some bodies of enemy military junta forces, supported by photographic evidence. Additionally, the AA discovered evidence indicating that the junta troops had contaminated the food they left behind at the base with deadly poison before fleeing.

The AA reported that the fleeing junta troops from the Aung Tha Pyay outpost had crossed the border into Bangladesh, bringing the total number of junta border guard troops who had fled into Bangladesh to 179.

The AA reiterated its commitment to continuing its offensives to capture the remaining junta bases in Rakhine State. Thus far, the AA has successfully captured Paletwa township in Chin State, as well as Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Mrauk-U, Ponnagyun, and Ramree townships in Rakhine State.

7. Six civilians, including three children, killed in military junta’s artillery attacks in Bhamo, Kachin State

According to reports from local sources, three civilians, including three children, from two villages in Bhamo township of Kachin State lost their lives in artillery attacks by the military junta forces.

On the evening of March 11, around 8:00 p.m., junta forces initiated artillery bombardments on Kaunt Sint village, situated on the opposite bank of the Irrawaddy River across from Bhamo town. The shelling struck in front of a civilian named U Htay Saung, resulting in his death and the injury of his daughter. Similarly, junta forces launched artillery strikes on Kan Ni village, claiming the lives of three children and two women. Local residents identified the units responsible for the attacks as the No. 236 Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-236) and the No. 21 Military Operation Command (MOC-21), both stationed in Bhamo town.

8. Town Market and homes decimated by military junta’ heavy weaponry and drone strikes in Hsihseng, southern Shan State

The Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) reported on March 12 that the town market, religious structures, and residential buildings in Hsihseng, a town under its control in southern Shan State, were severely damaged by heavy artillery shelling and drone attacks carried out by the military junta. According to the PNLA, on a single day on March 11, the military forces launched an unprovoked artillery attack on Hsihseng town, firing a total of 40 rounds between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Later that day, at around 2:00 p.m., a two-hour-long clash erupted between the military junta forces and PNLA troops in the northern part of Hsihseng town.

Additionally, the PNLA reported similar unprovoked attacks by the military junta forces in Hopong township the previous day, where they fired 21 artillery rounds towards the Me Nei Taung area.

The PNLA condemned these acts as blatant war crimes committed by the military junta forces and criticised the international community, including the United Nations, and the world’s countries for their apparent failure to take decisive action against the junta’s atrocities targeting civilians.

The PNLA called for concrete actions from the international community, emphasising the need for more than just verbal condemnations to hold the military junta accountable for its ongoing war crimes and human rights violations.

9. Civilian properties destroyed in arson and artillery attacks by military junta forces in KNU-controlled territories within Nyaunglebin District of Bago Region

In a statement issued on March 12, the Karen National Union (KNU) reported civilian properties destroyed by military junta forces in its controlled territories within Nyaunglebin (Kler Lwee Htu) District, Bago Region, between March 9 and 12.

According to the statement, on March 9, around 11 a.m. in Shwegyin (Hsaw Hti) township, junta’s No. 20 Infantry Battalion, stationed in Nyaunglebin, raided Puzun Myaung village, looting civilian belongings and subsequently setting houses on fire. The junta troops then remained in Puzun Myaung village and launched indiscriminate artillery shelling around 8:30 p.m., resulting in the destruction of a farm hut in the neighboring Wine Thit Seik village. Later that night, No. 264 Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-264), stationed in Pein Za Loke, targeted Wine Thit Seik village again with artillery fire.

In Mone (Mu) township on March 11, military junta forces reportedly deployed drones to drop firebombs and conducted ground artillery attacks on Yin Tike Kone village and A Nyar Su village, causing extensive damage to houses, farm buildings, and other properties. Furthermore, on March 12, the junta forces raided Yin Tike Kone village once more and set houses on fire.

10. PDF forces capture large cache of weapons and ammunition in three-day Thabeikkyin clash

According to a statement from the No. 1 Military Region of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) of the National Unity Government, a coordinated attack was carried out by joint PDF forces from March 5 to 7 on two military junta columns advancing towards Ma Taung village, Man Gyee Kone village, and Sin Nyat Kone village in Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay Region.

The two military junta columns, originating from No. 13 Military Advanced Training Depot (also known as Tatmadaw Advanced Training School), included one led by Lieutenant Colonel Ye Khaung with 95 troops advancing from Takaung town, and another led by Captain Lin Htain with 70 troops advancing from Let Pan Kone village. Additionally, the statement revealed that on March 7, the military junta conducted three aerial bombardments and fired machine guns 10 times during the clash.

The joint forces participating in the operation included No. 3 Special Operation Force, Nos. 511 and 512 PDF Battalions, Mandalay Drone Force, and Thabeikkyin township people’s defence team, all under the command of No. 1 Military Region.

During the clash, the PDF seized 18 firearms and 4,200 rounds of various ammunition, along with the bodies of 14 deceased junta troops. Tragically, one member of the joint PDF forces lost their life during the operation.

11. Bombings struck the residence of Air Force officers and ward administrative office in Insein, Yangon

The Dark Shadow guerrilla group reported bomb attacks on the residential complex of Air Force officers and the administrative office of Sawbwargyikone (Sel Mile Kone) ward in Insein township, Yangon Region. The attacks occurred around 8:40 p.m. on March 12, with no details available yet regarding the extent of the damage. Witnesses heard two explosions in the vicinity of Insein Sel Mile Kone, followed by the arrival of military vehicles for inspection along Pyay Road.

Additionally, explosions were reported in several other townships on the same night, including North Okkalapa, Mingaladon, North Dagon, Thingangyun, and South Okkalapa townships.

Earlier, on March 8, the Urban Special Force (U.S.F), another urban guerrilla group based in Yangon, targeted the Air Force staff housing in Insein township.

12. PDF forces target various military junta locations in Myaing and Pakokku

On March 12, around 9:00 a.m., collaborative defence units in Myaing township, comprising the Myaing Township People’s Defence Team, Myaing (northern Myaing zone) 4 MPL, Red Dragon, and Earthquake Defence Forces, conducted an aerial attack on military junta forces stationed at Myaing General Administration Office and a security checkpoint on the north entrance of the town. They used RC planes to drop 10 grenades.

Similarly, on the same day, joint defence forces in Pakokku township, including Black Cobra, Dar Min Gyi (DMG), Pku Thurain, N.Yso, and Nos. 1 and 3 Battalions of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), carried out an aerial attack against military junta forces at the security checkpoint between Nyaung Gyit village and Nyaung Hla village. They dropped 11 Energa grenades during the attack.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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