Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 14 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Defence Minister U Yee Mon encourages PDF soldiers to draw lessons from enemy’s failures and build a trustworthy, people-supported army

In a felicitation letter sent to a graduation ceremony of 8th batch of military training organised by the Magway Regional Command, Defence Minister U Yee Mon said, “The enemy terrorist junta’s army is gradually collapsing soon. Why did an army that was once considered very strong fall? The most crucial factor is that it did not receive public support and trust. When studying the enemy, it’s crucial to analyse the factors contributing to their defeat. We must draw lessons from their failures and work towards constructing an army that earns the support and trust of the public.”

Currently, the National Unity Government oversees over 300 units of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) under the Ministry of Defence, along with affiliations with local people’s defence teams across more than 250 townships.

2. KNU reports at least 19 junta troops killed in battle for 355th Light Infantry Battalion headquarters in Thingan Nyi Naung, Karen State; 6 coalition members also lost

The Karen National Union (KNU) issued a statement on March 13 regarding the successful capture of the junta’s 355th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-355) headquarters in Thingan Nyi Naung, Myawaddy township, Karen State. Led by the 6th Brigade of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), a revolutionary coalition accomplished the capture of LIB-355 within 9 hours of the offensive on March 7. 

From the LIB-355 base, the revolutionary coalition confiscated a significant arsenal, including heavy weapons, firearms, snipers, machine guns, anti-tank mines, various anti-personnel mines, six military-use six-wheeled vehicles, and two military-use four-door vehicles, as per the KNU’s report, supported by accompanying photographs. 

The statement reported that at least 19 junta troops were killed during the offensive, with the possibility of more casualties as investigations continue. Additionally, six members of the revolutionary coalition lost their lives, and eight others sustained injuries, with four sustaining heavy injuries and four sustaining minor injuries.

Furthermore, the KNU reported civilian casualties resulting from excessive airstrikes and ground artillery strikes launched by the military junta during the engagement. Approximately ten civilians lost their lives, numerous others sustained injuries, and around 20 houses were destroyed due to these attacks.

3. Military junta forces burn down Pa-O village in Hopong Township, Pa-O Self-Administered Zone

Nam Hu village, located in Hopong township within the Pa-O Self-Administered Zone in southern Shan State, was reportedly devastated in an arson attack carried out by the military junta forces on March 12, according to a statement released by the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA). The attack reportedly resulted in the burning down of nearly all the approximately 100 houses in the village, situated in the vicinity of Me Nei Mountain (Lwe Mei Mountain).

The PNLA stated that following the arson, the military junta and pro-junta propaganda channels spread misinformation, alleging that the village was destroyed by revolutionary forces, with the aim of sowing discord between the revolutionary forces and the local populace. The PNLA clarified that Nam Hu village was not occupied by PNLA forces, and Pa-O regional security operation units had not yet reached the village.

Additionally, the PNLA reported that on the preceding day, March 11, military junta forces stationed in Hsaik Hkawng village had launched more than 80 rounds of heavy weapons into Hsihseng town, resulting in the destruction of at least 14 houses.

In response to these events, the PNLA called on the public to remain vigilant against fake news and misinformation spread by the military junta, emphasising that the junta was exploiting the complex military situation to sow discord between revolutionary forces and the civilian population.

4. Graduation ceremony held for first batch of basic military training organised by Magway District Command under No. 1 Military Region

The Magway District Command, operating under the No. 1 Military Region, recently organised a graduation ceremony to mark the completion of the first batch of basic military training on March 10, following the training conducted from February 23.

Attended by the head of the Magway Regional People’s Defence Team (Magway Region Pa-Ka-Fa) and head of the Magway Regional Command Office, the ceremony included various activities such as saluting, administering the oath, delivering a graduation speech, and presenting awards.

It has been reported that military training programs are being conducted across various district-level commands within the No. 1 Military Region (Magway). The Magway District Command has completed its first training session and is reportedly making arrangements for subsequent training sessions.

5. Attack on junta forces in Gyoe Taung village, Tanintharyi Region, results in deaths of 10 junta troops

A revolutionary coalition in Myeik reportedly launched an assault on the military junta forces stationed in Gyoe Taung village, located in Kyunsu township, Myeik District, Tanintharyi Region, on March 11. The village was occupied by approximately 100 junta troops, and the revolutionary coalition initiated the attack using a combination of a drone and 40-mm mortars, engaging in gunfire throughout the entire day.

An official from the Palaw Township People’s Defence Team said that it was confirmed that 10 junta troops were killed in the engagement and there were also many others who injured.

The operation was a collaborative effort involving various groups under the 2nd Column of the Myeik District People’s Defence Coalition, which comprised the Tanintharyi Township People’s Defence Team, the 2nd PDF Battalion in Myeik District, the Kyunsu Township People’s Defence Team, the Palaw Township People’s Defence Team, the Tanintharyi Guerrilla Team, Tanintharyi Yoma, Taw Pone Gyi, Red Wing, and Dragon Squad. 

Security measures have recently been heightened by the military junta in Tanintharyi Region, and the revolutionary forces have advised the general public to construct bomb shelters as fighting is ongoing in the area.

6. PRF February fundraising hits $732,200 with support from 24,301 members

The People’s Revolution Support Family (PRF), an initiative led by the NUG Ministry of Defence, has issued a summary report for the month of February. During February 2024, a collective total of 24,301 PRF members contributed approximately US$732,200. This fund will be distributed to cover the expenses of People’s Defence Force (PDF) units and battalions throughout the nation, marking the 22nd allocation of funds from the PRF, as stated in the report.

7. Ye Beluu Force launches new operation by attacking junta security checkpoint at Ye-Chaung Taung Bridge in Mon State

The Ye Beluu Force initiated a new operation by launching an attack on a military junta security checkpoint situated at a bridge spanning the Ye River that links Ye town and Chaung Taung village on the morning of March 14th. This new operation, named “Beluu Nin Mae Lann,” was declared by the Ye Beluu Force to specifically target military junta forces in Mon State. They also issued a warning to the public, advising caution while moving around as they would conduct the operation at anytime and anywhere within Mon State.

8. Union Prime Minister urges National Unity Government officials to redouble efforts as revolution’s victory nears

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, speaking at a meeting of the Union-level Resource Management Committee on March 13, called upon officials across various departments within the National Unity Government to redouble their efforts, emphasizing that the victory of the revolution is drawing near. The meeting, chaired by the Union Prime Minister and attended by committee members including union ministers, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, and officials from various ministries such as Home Affairs and Immigration, Planning, Finance and Investment, Electronics and Electricity, and Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, as well as representatives from the Union Prime Minister’s Office.

During his address, the Union Prime Minister highlighted the significant expansion of the Union-level Resource Management Committee’s operations amidst the rapid progress of the revolution. He stressed the importance of ministries adhering to concise and systematic directives in managing natural resources suited for the revolutionary era, ensuring accuracy in statistics, and fostering transparency. Furthermore, he urged ministries responsible for natural resources to maintain systematic documentation within their respective sectors. Additionally, he underscored the necessity for ministries to provide guidance, in alignment with NUG policies, to township-level administration bodies on documenting operations and working on natural resource management, emphasising the importance of accountability in the post-revolutionary era.

Moreover, the Union Prime Minister emphasised the need for a gentle approach in addressing emerging issues such as environmental damage, disputes among the general public, and other problems, given the significant reliance on natural resources at present.

9. NUCC and NLD call for public support against junta’s forced conscription, petition to be submitted to governments, ASEAN, and UN Security Council

In a joint statement issued on March 14, the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) and the National League for Democracy (NLD) party announced a petition campaign against the military junta’s enforced conscription since March 10, 2024, in recognition of the widespread protests by Myanmar citizens, including youth, both domestically and internationally. The NUCC and NLD are calling on the public to sign the petition, aiming to garner widespread support against the junta’s compulsory recruitment efforts. The statement said that the signed petitions would be submitted to various governments and international organizations, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the UN Security Council (UNSC), the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the European Union (EU), and others. This effort seeks to maintain continuous pressure on the military junta until its downfall.

The statement emphasised, “The military junta’s enforced conscription is compelling the younger generation to partake in the war crimes it is currently committing. Therefore, people worldwide and citizens across the country should voice their opposition and reject all attempts by the military junta to recruit new soldiers.”

10. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe calls on junta armed forces to surrender promptly

In a recent statement on social media, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe called upon the armed forces of the junta to surrender without delay. He emphasised, “You surrender. You have already lost. The longer you resist, the worse it will be for you, and the worse the future will be for you and your family.”

Currently, the military junta forces are facing setbacks in various regions including Karen State, Karenni State, Kachin State, and Rakhine State.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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