Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 12 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Excerpt from Union Prime Minister’s address at the 10th Cabinet Meeting of 2024

In his address at the 10th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government (NUG) held on March 12, 2024, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann made significant remarks. He stated, “As the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) initiated the fighting to root out the terrorist military council on March 7, up to 20 bases have been captured. In fact, we all know that Kachin leaders and the people have been fighting alongside our revolutionary forces since the start of the Spring Revolution. I would like to emphasise that the KIA’s operation, alongside Operation 1027 and Operation 1111, marks a notable success not only for Kachin State but also for all revolutionary forces engaged in the Spring Revolution, as well as for the entire populace.”

Acknowledging the sacrifices made, he continued, “Alongside our successes, we have also faced sacrifices. I extend my utmost respect and bow to all the heroes who laid down their lives for our country in battle. It is imperative that we collectively share both our successes and the challenges encountered in our fight against the terrorist military council and continue to march forward with unwavering determination until the revolution’s end.”

Regarding the terrorist military council’s desperation, Union Prime Minister Man Winn Khing Thann remarked, “The weakening terrorist military council, under constant attack by revolutionary forces nationwide, has resorted to forcibly recruiting new troops. In its recruitment efforts, it indiscriminately targets individuals regardless of their support or opposition, resorting to illegal means that burden the general public both mentally and physically. These forcibly recruited troops are then deployed to the frontline battle fields, where there is no way back.”

He further emphasised, “To address this, ongoing discussions among our revolutionary forces are underway. Today’s meeting is going to focus on approving the final draft of a plan to strategically transform the political climate caused by the terrorist military council’s forced conscriptions into a strength for the revolution’s success. Thus, I urge all ministries to diligently adhere to the plan.  As a revolutionary government, we must carefully manage our responsibilities from all perspectives, focusing not only on the military sector but also on administration, which plays a crucial role on the ground.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister emphasised the significance of efficient governance as a reflection of the government’s management capabilities. He urged ministries to exert comprehensive efforts in governance to uphold the government’s effectiveness and credibility.

2. Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration holds meeting with local people’s administration bodies from Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Regions

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI) of the National Unity Government (NUG) held the 6th meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies from Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Regions on March 11 at 10:00 a.m.

At the meeting, the Associate Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening address. Then, the attending members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding the policies, direction, ground administrative activities, difficulties, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by the Associate Permanent Secretary, officials from the Department of Public Administration, Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Immigration, and Department of Special Investigation, as well as members of the township people’s administrative bodies from Sagaing, Magway, and Mandalay Regions, as released by the MOHAI.

3. Burmese-Americans voice opposition to US State Department’s engagement with military junta-run Burmese Embassy

Reports indicate that on March 11, a letter will be dispatched to the US government expressing objections and concerns regarding the presence of U Thet Win, a junta-appointed Chargé d’Affaires of the Myanmar Embassy in Washington, at a luncheon hosted by the ASEAN Committee in Washington (ACW) Chair 2024 for the Office of the White House National Security Council (NSC) and officials from the US Department of State. The event took place on February 6, 2024, as stated in the press release by the junta’s Burmese Embassy in Washington. 

The luncheon, hosted by the Lao Embassy in Washington and attended by NSC team led by Dr. Kurt Campbell, Deputy Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs on the National Security Council, and officials from the US Department of State led by Mr. Daniel Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs saw the participation of the junta-appointed Chargé d’Affaires of the Myanmar Embassy U Thet Win, along with ASEAN ambassadors and officials from other ASEAN embassies, as seen in news reports and photographs.

Burmese exiles perceive the US government’s acceptance of Myanmar junta personnel’s presence at such events as tacit recognition of the illegal military junta, known for its numerous war crimes against the people of Myanmar.

In light of this, the objection letter, a collective effort by Myanmar democracy forces and organisations inside and outside the country, asserts the necessity for the US to refrain from extending any support to the oppressive military junta and to avoid actions that endanger the lives of Myanmar’s citizens. Apart from objecting to the attendance of junta personnel at the luncheon, the letter will call on the US State Department to ensure that humanitarian assistance to Myanmar, which the US government recently collaborated with Thailand to transport through the Thai border, is not channelled through the military junta, to promptly provide support for Myanmar as stipulated in the Burma Act, to oppose the military junta’s compulsory conscription law, and to stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar.

A Burmese campaigner based in the San Francisco Bay Area remarked that some of the US government officials and ambassadors establishing relationships with the military junta and publicising such news on social media are not conducive to the ongoing Burmese Spring Revolution or the interests of the people of Myanmar.

4. PDF joint force launches attack on military junta column advancing in Kalay township, Sagaing Region, eliminating at least two

According to a statement from the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, a coordinated operation led by the No. 1 Military Region Command launched an attack on a military junta column, accompanied by Pyu Saw Htee militia, as they advanced towards Kan Thar Yar village in Kalay township of Sagaing Region at 1:43 p.m. on March 10. The engagement, lasting approximately four hours, resulted in the reported deaths of two junta members and numerous injuries.

Amidst the engagement, the joint force successfully confiscated 29 firearms of various types, along with ammunition, while six members of the joint force sustained injuries.

The forces participating in the attack included Sagaing Special Operation Forces Nos. 2, 5, and 6, Kalay District Operation Force, Kalay District Battalions Nos. 2, 4, 5, and 6, Kalay District Drone Force, as well as various local defence forces such as the Kalay Township People’s Defence Team, RKDF, HNB, S2UG, EFDF, TCDF, Daung Thway Yarzar, and GRF.

5. AA declares full capture of Ramree town in Rakhine State

On March 11, the Arakan Army (AA) declared the successful capture of Ramree town in Rakhine State, following the seizure of the last remaining military base in the town at 1:15 p.m. on the same day.

Ramree township, situated on Ramree Island, became a target for the AA’s offensive starting from December 18, 2023, a month after initiating operations in Rakhine State and the neighbouring town of Paletwa in Chin State. Despite facing fierce resistance from the junta, including coordinated attacks from the air force, navy, and army throughout the nearly three-month offensive, which started with the attack on Ramree’s Aung Chan Thar pagoda hill, the AA successfully secured control over the town.

The AA commended the bravery of Arakan warriors who fought during the battle for Ramree Island. Additionally, the AA stated that it had pursued and attacked junta troops fleeing in disarray.

The AA issued a warning to the residents of Ramree township, urging them not to hastily return home due to the ongoing mine clearance operations necessitated by the three-month-long battle and the presence of abandoned mines, as well as mines planted by the military junta forces.

6. KIA and allies capture military junta outpost on Kaseng Hill, Hpakant township, Kachin State

According to reports from local news sources, the combined forces of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and its allies successfully took control of Kaseng Hill (also known as Kaseng Bum) in Hpakant township, Kachin State, after launching an attack in the evening of March 11. It’s said that the Kaseng Hill military outpost had previously functioned as a support base, firing artillery shells and dispatching infantry reinforcements when the KIA-led forces attacked the military outpost in Tar Ma Hkan village.

The offensive on the Tar Ma Hkan outpost was initiated by the KIA-led forces on the night of March 9, and they managed to capture it the following day. Upon the capture of the Tar Ma Hkan outpost, the remaining junta troops, led by Lieutenant Colonel Thet Paing Tun, commander of the 119th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-119) stationed there, retreated to the Kaseng Hill outpost. When the KIA-led forces once again captured Kaseng Hill outpost, it’s reported that around 70 junta troops, including Lieutenant Colonel Thet Paing Tun, were killed, as per military news sources. Additionally, the remaining junta forces from Kaseng Hill outpost that attempted to flee in five vehicles to a military outpost near Hseng Taung village were reportedly intercepted by the KIA-led forces, resulting in casualties among junta troops and the seizure of military equipment.

Meanwhile, fierce fighting near the KIA headquarters at Laiza continues unabated.

7. KNLA and allies capture military junta outpost in Hpa Lu Gyi, Myawaddy township, Karen State

According to reports from military sources, a coalition led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) of the Karen National Union (KNU) successfully took control of the military junta outpost in Hpa Lu Gyi village, located in Myawaddy township, Karen State, on the evening of March 11. The seizure of the Hpa Lu Gyi outpost, which had been occupied by the military for approximately 35 years, reportedly lasted only five minutes due to the small number of junta troops present, although they were reinforced by junta-backed militia at the time.

Following the loss of the Hpa Lu Gyi outpost, the military junta conducted airstrikes and artillery shelling in Myawaddy township that same evening, as reported by Myanmar war refugees who heard explosions from the Mae Sot side.

The allied Karen forces had previously seized two military junta bases—the 355th and 356th Light Infantry Battalions (LIB-355 and 356)—in Thingannyinaung, also located in Myawaddy township, earlier this month. They are reported to be continuing their attacks on the remaining military junta bases. Military sources suggest that the deterioration of military junta bases in Karen State is attributed to the Karen State Border Guard Force, a junta-affiliated Karen armed group, dropping its alliance with the military junta.

As a result of the military junta’s increasing airstrikes following the loss of its battalion bases in Karen State, residents along the Moei River and in border areas have been relocating to the Thai side for safety.

8. Maungdaw Border Guard Police members flee to Bangladesh amidst the fight

According to reports from Bangladesh, 29 members of the “Aung Tha Pyay” Border Guard Police stationed in Maungdaw township of Rakhine State fled across the border to Bangladesh. The news indicates that on March 11, these 29 border guard police crossed into Bangladesh along with their firearms, which were subsequently disarmed by Bangladeshi authorities.

Md Shariful Islam, the communication officer of the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), confirmed the incident to the media on the afternoon of March 11.

The Arakan Army (AA) has been pursuing and attacking military junta forces that fled from the Aung Tha Pyay border guard post, situated north of Maungdaw town. Clashes between the AA and these forces occurred on the evening of March 10 and continued into March 11. Subsequently, the military junta forces being pursued and attacked by the AA fled to Bangladesh. The AA noted that more than 100 of the of the junta’s border guard personnel have fled to Bangladesh thus far.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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