Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 11

On March 8, the Ta’ang National Education Committee – TNEC announced that more than 500 basic education schools will be opened in Ta’ang region of Shan State.

Ta’ang National Education Committee – TNEC held the committee’s annual meeting and organizational development workshop from March 2 to 7.

“Starting from the next academic year, we will provide a wide range of services in the education sector for all the people in Ta’ang State, and instead of national-based education, we will develop regional-based education so that all people can participate. Therefore, we transformed Ta’ang National Education Committee – TNEC into Ta’ang Land Education Council – TLEC,” it stated.

The TNEC statement stated that the federal education policy, including the expansion of higher education schools for the further development of basic education schools in Ta’ang area, the development of a strong university, the ability to promote early childhood education, the mother tongue-based education policy, etc., were discussed and adopted.

During the upcoming academic year 2024-2025, TLEC will be opening 550 basic education schools, an increase from the 381 schools opened in the previous year. As part of this expansion, they will be inviting CDM teachers who have shown solidarity with the people of Myanmar from various regions.

CDM teachers in Ta’ang area are urged to exercise their autonomy and take part in shaping local education initiatives. Additionally, young individuals who have finished their basic education are welcome to join TLEC as educational staff.

The Ta’ang National Education Committee (TNEC) is reaching out to both local and international donors and organizations for assistance in developing the education sector, which will include basic education, higher education, and vocational education in order to cultivate a strong educational foundation in the Ta’ang area.

In the last 2023-2024 academic year, under the leadership of the Ta’ang National Education Committee – TNEC, more than 380 basic education schools were opened in Ta’ang area, with more than 1,500 teachers, according to TNLA News and Information Department records.

On March 10, the township PaAaFa announced that collecting donations and taxes will no longer be allowed on the main roads in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division.

“Without the permission of the Ministry of Defence and the assignment of the Sagaing Township People’s Administrative Body, no organization shall accept donations or collect taxes on the Sagaing-Monywa Road, Sagaing-Shwebo Road, and District-to-District Road in Sagaing Township of Sagaing District, starting from March 16,” it stated.

It is said that the illegal collection of money on these roads, and the organizations collecting donations on the streets are disturbing travelers.

Therefore, Sagaing Township People’s Administrative Body has issued a notice to organizations collecting money and donations on the main roads of Sagaing Township to withdraw by March 16, and those who do not follow the instructions will be taken action in accordance with the laws.

The Blood Money Campaign has announced the launch of a global public campaign to stop international governments from selling jet fuel in order to stop the terrorist military council’s airstrikes.

The campaign will start on March 10, 2024, and will be conducted as a global public campaign by the public from home and abroad to block the relevant international governments and companies from exporting and selling oil to terrorist groups and providing marine insurance in transportation.

“As a public campaign to cut jet fuel, there will be a photo campaign, comment campaign, letter campaign, signature (petition) campaign, and Twitter campaign that individuals can participate in. In addition to sending an open letter that will be participated in as a group, we will also carry out ground activities in various ways,” the Blood Money Campaign informed.

The Blood Money Campaign group said that since the military group illegally seized power, people have been arbitrarily arrested and killed in various ways on a daily basis, and hundreds of children, pregnant women, women, and the elderly have died due to the military council’s aerial bombardments.

Although the revolutionary forces have the upper hand on the ground, they are still weak in controlling the territories, and because the military council is using more airstrikes at this time of military defeat, people’s lives and homes are being damaged every day. So, the campaign has urged everyone to join the global movement to cut off international jet fuel for terrorist military junta.

During the three years of the coup, the Military Council committed at least 210 incidents in which at least 5 people were killed, and a total of 2079 civilians had been killed, according to a report released by the Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica.

The focus of this report is the massacres involving the military, where at least 5 civilians were killed in each incident. The report published data collected from February 2021 to December 2023, when the military seized power.

The military’s involvement in these massacres included actions during battles and clearance operations, airstrikes, and the use of heavy weapons, according to the Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica.

Mass killings have been committed by the terrorist military group in all 14 provinces and territories except Nay Pyi Taw, and more than half (108) of the incidents have occurred in Sagaing’s Anyar Region, resulting in the deaths of 1,054 civilians.

Between September and December 2023, the Military Council committed at least 37 incidents in which at least 5 people were killed, and a total of 283 civilians had been killed.

According to local human rights activists and residents, the military council continued to massacre civilians in January, February and March of 2024, which was not mentioned in the report of the Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica.

In Nyaungpinthar Village, Shwebo Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, it is reported that Shwebo Township’s Freelance Support Group, which is active as a member of the Sagaing People’s Support Network, visited and donated rice, oil, and dried Yum Yum instant noodles to 50 households with elderly grandparents who fled the war from Shwebo Township, on behalf of the donors of the network.

The Sagaing People’s Support Network has systematically collected and compiled the needs of war refugees by township, and it has been reported that donors can make effective donations by looking at the network’s Donor Guidance information on the needs of war refugees. If you want to support the displaced people in Sagaing, you can send donations using NUG pay, Wave Pay, K pay, and Thai ACC.

On the morning of March 10, in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, the people of Hpakant and Hmawlae expressed their support for the “0307 Operation” by the KIA and allied forces.

In addition to banners showing support for ‘Operation 0307’ as it targets the terrorist military council, demonstrators also held vinyl signs with messages such as “Revolution requires selfless heroes” and “Freedom comes at a price” as they marched through various Hmawlae villages.

It is reported that KPDF comrades from the Hpakant region are also participating in the “0307 Operation”, which is attacking military council camps and camp hills in Laiza, where the current KIO/KIA headquarters is located.

Myaelatt Athan, a local news media, reported that local defense forces bombed the Khayay Phyu gate and Township Plantation Office gate alongside Chaung U-Monywa Road in Chaung U Township, Sagaing Division, and one of the gates caught fire, killing one soldier.

At around 11:00 a.m. on March 9, local defense forces attacked the two gate outposts with 5 drones and 25 bombs, where around 30 soldiers of the military council under the 33rd Division were stationed. As a result of the bomb attack, the Khayay Phyu gate was caught fire and burned down, killing one military council soldier and seriously injuring 3, according to company commander Ko Moe Kyoe of Monywa District Battalion 12, Company 3 (Lightning Unit).

The attack was cooperatively carried out by Monywa District Battalion 12 Company 3 (Lightning Unit), Myaung Special People Defense Force, Yan Shin Local Defense Force, Monywa District Battalion 12 Company 2 and 4, and Monywa District Battalion 8.

It is reported that the military council troops marched towards the south of Chaung U with a force of 30 at around 6:00 a.m., and returned to the town at around 10:00 a.m. after destroying a chicken farm owned by a civilian.

The Taw Twin Tup Pee Local PDF released the military news that they attacked Ywar Thit Gyi police station, which is extorting money from cars passing through Sagaing and Ohntaw area, killing 4 policemen, and seizing 4 guns and ammunition.

During the attack, four policemen were killed, and one pistol and two magazines, two G3 guns and four magazines, one Uzi gun and 3 magazines, 269 rounds of 308 ammunition, 240 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, one hand grenade, 2 handcuffs, 5 phones, 2 sets of uniforms, and a car were seized. The military junta stated that three police officers, namely Police Sergeant Gaytam, Police Sergeant Zarni Tun, and Police Deputy Sergeant Yan Naing Soe, from the Ywar Thit Gyi Village Police Station were killed in the attack while they were taking security for the trip of the Military Council’s Deputy Minister of Industry.

A resident of Sagaing said that some villages were fleeing as the military council troops were patrolling the Monywa-Mandalay road after the police were attacked.

On the morning of February 21, the junta convoy of Sagaing Administration which came out of Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College in Ohntaw Village, Sagaing, was attacked with mines, resulting in casualties.

Zalen news media, which reports local news, reported that the terrorist military council bombed the village school in Nan Chaung Village, north of Kale Township, Sagaing Division, with a drone.

On March 10, at around 1:30 p.m., the military council troops stationed in Aung Myin Thar Village bombed the village school in Nan Chaung Village, damaging the doors and some of the school’s equipment.

Nan Chaung Village is only about 1 mile and 2 furlongs away from Aung Myin Thar Village where the military council troops are stationed. Frequent fights broke out around the village between the military council and the revolutionary forces. So, the military council frequently opens fire on the village with heavy weapons and drones. As a result, the local residents have fled their homes since last year, and so there were no casualties in the bombing attack.

Delta News Agency, a local news media, reported that the military council arrested around 20 teachers, including two township education officers who had come to Sittwe, Rakhine State, to get their salaries and to invigilate in the exam room.

Township education heads from Kyauktaw and Mrauk-U townships who came to get staff salaries and teachers who came to invigilate in the matriculation exam rooms were arrested by the military council on March 7, and they have not been released till now, said an education staff close to the arrested teachers. It is said that the arrested teachers were summoned by the state education commissioner’s office to invigilate for the matriculation (grade 12) exam to be held on March 11. It is said that the teachers and educational officers were arrested by the police chief of Rakhine State for investigation and detained at Sittwe City No. 1 Police Station. Currently, it is not yet known why they were arrested.

Since the Arakan Army (AA) has captured most of the townships in northern Rakhine State, the military council is planning to hold the matriculation exam starting on March 11 only in the capital Sittwe and a few other towns.

A student’s parent said that matriculation students in northern Rakhine State are afraid to go to take exams because of the military council’s arrests.

In Sittwe, where the matriculation exam is planned to be held, there has been no fighting between the two sides yet, but the military council troops have been firing heavy weapons in a one sided manner. In more than a week, at least 17 people have been killed and around 100 injured.

  1. More than 500 basic education schools will be opened in Ta’ang region
  2. Township PaAaFa announced that collecting donations and taxes will no longer be allowed on the main roads in Sagaing Township
  3. The campaign has begun to block the export and sale of aviation fuel in order to halt the air attacks by the military council
  4. During the three years of the coup, there were 210 massacres and 2,079 deaths
  5. Donation for 50 households with elderly grandparents who fled the war from Shwebo Township
  6. The people of Hpakant expressed their welcome to the “0307 Operation”
  7. Two military council deployment sites were bombed, killing one soldier
  8. An attack on Ywar Thit Gyi police station, which is extorting money from cars passing through Sagaing and Ohntaw area
  9. The military council bombed a village school in the north of Kale Township
  10. In Sittwe, the military council arrested around 20 teachers who were summoned to invigilate in the exam room, including 2 township education officers

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