Summary of News

1. Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee holds regular meeting with local administration bodies from Sagaing Region

The Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee convened its 16th regular meeting of 2024 with the township people’s administrative teams from Sagaing Region at 10:00 a.m. on February 23.

The meeting addressed current on-the-ground situations and challenges, with attendance from members of the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee representing various ministries, including permanent secretaries, deputy permanent secretaries, associate permanent secretaries, and other pertinent officials. Additionally, leaders and members of the township people’s administrative teams from Sagaing Region were present.

2. Junta initiates compilation of eligible individuals in Mindat, Chin State, for forced military enlistment

Local residents report that the military junta has started to compile eligible individuals in Mindat, Chin State, for forced military enlistment. On February 10, 2024, the military junta enforced the conscription law that was first enacted on November 4, 2010 by the previous regime.

According to a resident, the collection of names is being conducted indiscriminately, with individuals being enlisted from all locations, including those encountered on the streets. He noted that although the junta authorities mentioned they would recruit 70 individuals from Mindat, it is likely that they aim to recruit as many eligible individuals as possible from the town.

The junta has issued threats of imprisonment for those who refuse to serve in the military.

In response to the conscription law, which mandates the compulsory service of young people starting in April 2024, the Chinland Defence Force-Mindat (CDF-Mindat) has declared that they will accept individuals who choose not to serve in the junta’s military but instead wish to join the armed resistance against the military regime. They also express readiness to welcome members of the junta’s armed forces who wish to surrender, following necessary verifications.

3. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on international community to pressure Myanmar junta to cease campaign of terror against reporters and release detained journalists and press freedom defenders

Yesterday, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) issued a call to the international community, urging them to take action to force the Myanmar junta to cease its campaign of terror against reporters and release 62 detained journalists and press freedom defenders.

This call comes in the wake of the discovery of the buried body of Myanmar journalist Myat Thu Tun in a bomb shelter within the compound of the junta’s 378th Light Infantry Battalion in Mrauk-U, with gunshot wounds and signs of torture, alongside the bodies of several other prisoners. The bodies were retrieved after the Arakan Army (AA) captured Mrauk-U town on February 10.

Myat Thu Tun becomes the fifth Myanmar journalist to be killed by the junta since the coup d’état in February 2021, according to RSF.

RSF also highlighted that Myanmar ranked 173rd out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2023 World Press Freedom Index and remains one of the world’s leading jailers of journalists, with 64 currently detained, second only to China.

4. CNDF Vice Chief of Staff and three other members killed by military junta forces and affiliated Pyu Saw Htee militia

The Chin National Defence Force (CNDF) has confirmed the death of Salai David New, also known as Joshua, who served as the Vice Chief of Staff (VCS) of the organisation and three comrades.

Alongside two other comrades, Salai David New was arrested and subsequently killed during operations in southern area of Kalay township of Sagaing Region by military junta forces and the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia.

“During the recent operations, our Vice Chief of Staff and two comrades accompanying him were arrested and killed yesterday (February 23) while returning from a visit to one of our frontline battalions. They were surrounded, captured, and killed by military junta forces, and Pyu Saw Hteenear Aung Thar Yar village. Their bodies were then burned and left unclaimed. Aung Thar Yar village and the surrounding villages are Pyu Saw Htee villages,” CNDF spokesperson Salai Cung Ngai told Zalen Media.

Aung Thar Yar village is situated in the southern area of Kalay township in Sagaing Region, bordering Chin State’s Falam township and Magway Region’s Gangaw township. Aung Thar Yar and its neighbouring villages comprise a community known for its strong support of the military junta.

“Satkant village was managed to capture the day before. During the mine clearance operation conducted for the safety of the local populace, Salai Mang Pu fell after accidentally triggering a landmine,” the spokesperson continued.

The CNDF and allied forces seized control over Satkant village in Kalay township on February 22, and Salai Mang Pu, a comrade of the CNDF, lost his life during the area clearance operation on the following day.

Recently, the CNDF has been engaged in a series of battles in both Falam Township and Kalay township.

5. Rakhine State: Arakan Army (AA) seizes another military junta base in Maungdaw township following 5-hour offensive and continues widespread operations against junta positions

The Arakan Army (AA) announced a successful seizure of the military junta’s Yan Aung Myin outpost in Maungdaw township, Rakhine State, on February 23 after a 5-hour offensive. The AA announced it would continue to attack junta outposts in the area.

The AA mentioned its ongoing offensives against military junta bases in Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Maungdaw and Minbya townships, that have refused to surrender.

In addition, the AA said that it has been carrying out its sixth day of offensive to capture No. 9 Military Advanced Training Depot, also known as the No. 9 Central Military Training School, which serves as a major base and is the only remaining junta’s position in Minbya township.

The Arakan Army (AA) has managed to capture the city police station in Ponnagyun on February 22 and is now advancing its offensives against the 550th Light Infantry Battalion based in the township.

Moreover, the AA reported that the military junta has been targeting Ramree (Yanbye), where the AA has gained upper hand, with the aim of destroying the town with daily airstrikes.

6. Southern Shan State: PNLA seizes junta outpost in Hopong; Military junta forces launch unprovoked airstrikes in Hsihseng

On February 24, the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) declared its successful seizure of a military junta outpost in Hopong township, located in the southern region of Shan State. The seizure of the outpost occurred following an attack by military junta forces and affiliated Pa-O militias on a PNLA column engaged in security measures within the township, as outlined in the PNLA’s statement. Subsequent to the confrontation, the PNLA launched an attack and captured the outpost jointly held by military junta forces and affiliated militias near Loi Woe Toke village. During this operation, the PNLA seized an RPG, a pistol, and various ammunition.

Furthermore, the PNLA reported instances of unprovoked attacks by military junta forces and affiliated groups in Hopong and Hsihseng townships the previous day. On February 23, the military junta conducted three airstrikes on Hsihseng town without encountering any clashes. Additionally, military junta forces and affiliated militias fired approximately 100 rounds of indiscriminate artillery shells in the Me Nei Taung area and near Htam Sam Cave in Hopong township.

7. Bago: Junta policeman killed and over ten injured in IED attack on CID housing in Pyay

According to a report from the Pyay Underground News (PUGN), an independent local media network, an improvised explosive device (IED) attack on the housing of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Pyay, Bago Region, occurred the previous day, resulting in the death of a junta policeman and injuries to at least ten other junta members.

The incident occurred around 4:00 a.m. on February 23 when a guerrilla group targeted the CID housing located behind the office of the Road Transport Administration Department (RTAD) in Pyay using eight IEDs. PUGN suggested that the explosion happened while military junta forces were heavily stationed in the RTAD office, leading to the death of one policeman and injuries to at least ten others.

“The group carrying out the mission had issued a prior announcement. Consequently, security measures were heightened yesterday, with individuals crossing the bridge required to present their IDs and register their passage record. Security was also intensified in the city center. Despite these stringent measures, the group executed the mission as announced. The injured individuals were transported by ambulances with their sirens silenced to the Pyay 100 Bedded Military Hospital. One of them did not survive,” a news source said.

The operation was carried out by an urban guerrilla group operating under Battalion 3602 of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Pyay District, known as the Pyay Urban Force, in coordination with the Yangon Northern District Production and Special Operation Team.

“We detonated a total of eight bombs, comprising four sound bombs and four improvised explosive devices (IEDs), in a sequential manner. That’s why they suffered a lot,” stated the Pyay Urban Force.

After the operation, it was reported that the military junta forces conducted a deceptive mine clearance operation by placing black plastic bags at the explosion site, giving the false impression that they were clearing mines laid by the People’s Defence Forces.

8. Sagaing: Remote-controlled mine attack targets a military junta vehicle equipped with jammers along ChaungU-Monywa Road

The Area 71 People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Monywa issued a statement concerning a remote-controlled mine attack on a military junta vehicle equipped with jammers, which occurred early this morning along the ChaungU-Monywa road section in Sagaing Region.

The military vehicle, which had dropped off troops in Chaung-U town, was targeted with remote-controlled mines around 4:45 a.m. The group had initially attempted to attack three military junta vehicles transporting troops from Monywa town to Chaung-U town at 3:30 a.m., all equipped with jammers, but encountered technical issues and only managed to target one on its return journey to Monywa. The group mentioned that investigations into the extent of damage on the junta side are ongoing.

The Chaung-U Township People’s Defence Team advised local residents to avoid using the Monywa-Mandalay road section due to potential stringent checking measures implemented by the junta since yesterday.

9. Sagaing: Drone attack targets military junta positions in Ye-U town

The 14th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Shwebo District, also known as the Ye-U PDF, released a statement detailing drone strikes on three military junta positions in Ye-U town, including a location where junta members were holding a meeting.

On February 23, at around 10:00 a.m., drone strikes targeted three areas: one aimed at junta troops stationed in front of the No. 2 B.E.H.S., another at a gathering spot for a junta captain, ward administrators, and non-CDM staff, and the last at around 12:30 p.m. where junta members were conducting a meeting.

The attacks, utilising fixed-wing drones to drop grenades, resulted in severe injuries to three junta members, as reported by the Ye-U PDF. Despite returning gunfire from the junta forces, members of the Ye-U PDF managed to retreat unharmed.

10. Mandalay: Two-Day attack on military junta forces in Natogyi Township, leaves at least seven Junta troops dead

The 4th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Myingyan District, also known as the Natogyi PDF, released a statement on February 24, reporting an attack on a military junta column advancing in Natogyi township for two consecutive days, which resulted in the deaths of at least seven junta troops.

On February 22, at around 1:00 p.m., the combined PDF forces launched an attack on a military junta column comprising roughly 100 troops that was marching from Nabuai village using large and small firearms. The clash lasted for about two hours, killing at least seven junta troops while injuring at least ten others, as stated by the Natogyi PDF. A member of the Natogyi PDF was also injured during the clash.

The Natogyi PDF also launched a previous attack against a military junta column marching with about 30 troops from Wetlu village on the previous day by using a drone to drop four grenades.

11. Sagaing: Military junta forces and affiliated Pyu Saw Htee militias stole civilian belongings in Pale township

The Pale Township People’s Administrative Team reported that on February 22 and 23, military junta forces and affiliated Pyu Saw Htee militias, advancing from Zee Phyu Kone village in Pale township, Sagaing Region, stole belongings from residents of Nhget Pyaw Taw village. The stolen items were transported away using oxcarts.

Additionally, it was reported that on February 23, these junta forces and Pyu Saw Htee militias, who were engaged in stealing civilian belongings, were attacked and injured by the Pale Township People’s Defence Team using drones.

As a result of the raids by military junta forces in their villages, including firing both large and small firearms, residents of villages in Pale township such as Nhget Pyaw Taw, Aing Ma, Kyaung Than, Min Taing Pin, and Myay Ni Kone are currently forced to flee.

12. Mon: Coordinated attack on junta checkpoint in Kyaikto leaves six junta troops dead

The Kyaikhto Revolution Force (KRF) released a statement on February 24, detailing a coordinated attack involving a drone and artillery targeting a military junta security checkpoint at the Mokepalin intersection in Kyaikto township, Mon State. The attack resulted in the deaths of six junta troops.

The operation, which took place on February 23 around 11:00 a.m., utilised a drone, a 60-mm mortar, and a 40-mm mortar. Three junta troops were reported dead at the scene, with an additional three succumbing to their injuries during transportation to the hospital, as per the KRF statement. Three junta troops sustained severe injuries, and a civilian selling goods near the checkpoint suffered a minor injury to the nape. The KRF expressed regret for the civilian injury, urging the public to avoid proximity to military junta forces.

The joint operation involved the KRF and the Kyaikto Township People’s Defence Team, and all members of the operation managed to retreat unharmed. The KRF affirmed its commitment to continue fighting until the overthrow of the military dictatorship, emphasising the protection of lives and properties of the general public and vowing to avoid actions that could harm civilians.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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