Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister stresses complete overthrow of military dictators for revolutionary organisations’ eternal guarantee

During the seventh meeting of the 2024 Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government (NUG) held on February 20, the Union Prime Minister underscored that the revolutionary organisations can secure eternal guarantees only through the complete overthrow of the military dictators, emphasising the importance of mutual support. He stated, “The military council will completely fall only if the upcountry regions and states continue to carry out joint operations in a balanced manner.”

Additionally, he stressed that 2024 is another year of increased struggle, requiring heightened efforts. Urging cabinet members, he remarked, “While it’s true that we’re all fatigued, I encourage everyone to persist in the struggle until the revolution achieves success, considering the sacrifices made by those who have given their lives, blood, and dedication to this cause.”

The NUG initiated the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021, and escalated its military endeavours throughout 2023. In the current year, 2024, the NUG continues to exert all possible efforts to overcome the terrorist military junta.

2. CRPH engages in discussions with Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF/Ka-La-La-Ta)

The virtual meeting between the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF/Ka-La-La-Ta) was held on February 20 via video conference. 

Opening remarks were delivered by CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt, followed by greetings from Lauren Soe of the KNPLF. The discussions primarily focused on the present conditions on the ground and the political landscape.

3. KNU Chairperson calls for consolidation of all Karen ethnic armed organisations under unified leadership

Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win, Chairperson of the Karen National Union (KNU), called on all Karen ethnic armed organisations to join together under a single leadership. He made this call during a speech in Karen ethnic language made on February 20.

He said, “This February marks the 77th anniversary of the founding of KNU, the 76th anniversary of Karen National Day, and the 75th anniversary of Karen Revolution Day, so it is a special month. So it is also a month that is very valuable to the entire Karen nation. Today, I would like to convey to all Karen people that the stance, aspiration, and plan of the Karen National Union (KNU) is for all dispersed Karen armed organisations, regardless of whether they were previously expelled from or voluntarily separated from the Karen National Union, to reunite and to operate collectively.”

During his address, Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo specifically mentioned Karen armed organisations such as the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), Karen Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), and Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), which originated from the DKBA. He emphasised that despite their divisions, these organisations share the common objective of achieving Karen State or Kawthoolei State with the right to self-determination. He conveyed the message that they had always hoped for these groups to reunite.

Therefore, Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo extended an invitation to all, regardless of whether they were expelled or voluntarily separated, to come together and collaborate under the leadership of a single organisation.

4. National Unity Government to hold accountable those threatening No. 54-56 residence on University Avenue Road, previously designated as a national cultural heritage site

On February 20, the Heritage Administration Interim Board of the National Unity Government issued a statement, affirming that legal action will be taken against those who disturb the integrity of the No. 54-56 residence, including 1.923 acres of land and all immovable properties, located on University Avenue Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, previously recognised as a national heritage site in 2022.

The National Unity Government had previously warned on September 29, 2023, of legal consequences for anyone involved in activities such as possession, sale, destruction, alteration, renovation, or any other unauthorised use of the site, in accordance with relevant laws.

Despite these warnings, there have been attempts to violate the site’s integrity. On January 25, 2024, the Kamayut District Court under the military junta ruled that the floor price for the land and properties at the No. 54-56 residence was set at 315 billion kyats, scheduling an auction for March 20, 2024, in front of the residence.

The statement emphasised the historical significance of the No. 54-56 Residence, which served as the residence of Daw Khin Kyi, the wife of General Aung San, known as the “Father of Independence,” and their daughter, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who dedicated their lives to Myanmar’s democratic affairs, declaring that any individuals who continue to be involved in disrupting the existence of this historic site will face legal punishments.

5. Protest banner and PDF flag displayed in Yangon Kyimyindine with message “Unity in Struggle or Selfish Abandonment”

On February 21st, an anti-military dictatorship campaign took place in Kyimyindaing Township, Yangon, featuring a banner displaying the message “Unity in Struggle or Selfish Abandonment” and the raising of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) flag. The campaign was a joint effort by the Kyimyindaing Networks (KMD18) and the Mayangone Democratic Front (MDF).

The campaign was collectively carried out by the Kyimyindaing Networks (KMD18) and the Mayangone Democratic Front (MDF).

The KMD18 and MDF urge that there is no reason for people to bow down to accept or follow the illegal conscription law that has been issued by the terrorist Min Aung Hlaing and his illegitimate organisation since they are merely a terrorist organisation that is evilly torturing and killing people and has no authority to enact any law or order.

Calling for unity, they urged everyone to resist under the PDF flag, emphasising that evasion is not an option and encouraging collective defiance against unjust orders.

6. Military conducts airstrikes on Ramree Town, destroying hospital, market, and residential buildings with 500-pound bombs

The Arakan Army (AA) said in a statement released by the Three Brotherhood Alliance that the military junta launched two airstrikes on Ramree Town in Rakhine State by using 500-pound bombs on February 20, destroying the public hospital, the town’s market, and residential buildings.

According to AA, the bombs deployed by the military junta on February 20 were more potent than previous attacks, causing a cloud of smoke and soil powder to rise up to 100 feet into the air after the explosions. Additionally, three more airstrikes were carried out by the junta’s fighter jets, leading to the destruction of a nunnery in Ward No. 3.

Moreover, the military junta’s bases in Sittwe, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, and Buthidaung Townships have continued to launch indiscriminate artillery strikes on towns and villages where civilians live. In one event, junta forces stationed on Kin Hill in Ponnagyun Township set fire to a ward in Ponnagyun Town using gasoline, resulting in the complete destruction of the ward, as detailed in the statement.

7. Clashes between junta’s military and Pa-O ethnic army in Hopong, Southern Shan State, result in five junta troop deaths

The Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) issued a statement reporting a confrontation with the military junta’s forces in Hopong Township, southern Shan State, resulting in the deaths of five junta troops and the seizure of four firearms on February 20.

After the junta’s troops and affiliated Pa-O militia withdrew, the PNLA discovered the bodies of five troops and seized the firearms during the area clearance operation.

Additionally, on the same day, the junta’s troops and militia fired 57 rounds of indiscriminate artillery shells near the Me Nei Taung area in Hopong Township, causing extensive damage to local residences. Additionally, indiscriminate artillery fire was reported near Htam Sam Cave.

The PNLA emphasised that there was no PNLA presence in the area and that the locations targeted were not PNLA bases.

The PNLA called on the Pa-O militia aligned with the military junta to abandon their support for the junta, join the struggle against military dictatorship, and cooperate on the path of national liberation. They assured that those who brought weapons with them would be appropriately rewarded.

8. Military conducts airstrikes in Taze Township, Sagaing Region

The Depeyin Township Brotherhood issued a report on February 21, stating that the military junta had carried out airstrikes in Taze Township from the previous night until dawn. The group advised residents to be cautious of aerial threats as military aircrafts continued to fly between Taze Township and Depeyin Township.

9. Junta forces set fire to accessible areas in Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region

Reportedly, the military junta’s troops ignited areas within reach in Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region. On February 16, they set fire to Kyu Taw village, as well as some wards in Kawlin Town. Furthermore, they destroyed a bridge leading to Kawlin Town near Ya Ma village.

Additionally, the Kawlin Township People’s Administrative Team also reported that the military junta deployed a drone to target an elderly nursing home, endangering the lives of the elderly residents.

10. People’s Defence Force conducts a crone attack against military junta forces torching chicken farms in a village in Sagaing Region

The 8th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Monywa District announced that they had launched a drone strike against the military junta forces who were setting fires at chicken farms in Ngar Shan village, Chaung-U Township, Sagaing Region. The attack involved the dropping of an Energa grenade.

11. Junta policeman defects to the people’s side in Sagaing Region, bringing firearm and receiving 5 million kyat reward

Myaing Township People’s Defence Team (Myaing Pa-Ka-Fa) announced on February 21 that a policeman associated with the military junta defected to the people’s side, bringing along a firearm.

Policeman Ye Aung expressed his desire to defect, citing his inability to serve under the oppressive military junta, and sought refuge with the Myaing People’s Defence Team on February 19. He brought with him an Uzi gun, two box magazines, and 17 rounds of 9-mm ammunition. In appreciation for his defection, the Myaing Township People’s Defence Team rewarded him with a 5 million kyat cash incentive in exchange for the firearm.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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