Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 15

On February 14, Acting President Duwa Lashi La stated on Twitter that the Acting President and Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government recognized and welcomed the decision of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) to fight against the military dictatorship.

“I welcome the decision of the Mon National Leaders to fight against the junta. This is the best time to work together to root out the military dictatorship. The NUG is ready to collaborate with the NMSP (Anti-military Dictatorship) and Mon people,” he tweeted.

It has been announced on February 14 that, including the General Secretary of the New Mon State Party, U Naing Zeya, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Brigadier General Salon Htaw, party leaders, party members, army captains, commanders, NCO soldiers, and patriots who have the same beliefs and positions, they will fight against the military dictatorship in cooperation with the ethnic revolutionary forces and spring revolutionary forces who are fighting against the military council in order to protect the atrocity of the coup army, and to build a federal union with national equality and full self-determination that the ethnic people desire.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than also stated, “The fighting of the New Mon State Party against the military dictatorship in an unwavering manner is especially recognized. Your dedication to justice and protecting the people is truly encouraging. Let’s march together towards a fair and equal federal union.”

In accordance with the attitude of the New Mon State Party (Anti-military Dictatorship), the Mon Liberation Army (M.L.A) has officially announced that it will join forces and fight the military dictator.

It is reported that CRPH urges the National Unity Government and partner ethnic alliances to provide systematic support to the people who are forced to serve in the military by the terrorist military council.

The Fascist Military Council’s statement that the Military Conscription Law is in effect is a crime against humanity, which acts under the guise of law to oppress the public with arbitrary orders and power, and is an attempt to misuse it for the perpetuation of their power.

Since the Military Council is developing a military mechanism to further oppress the people in order to replace the collapse from all sides due to people’s revolutionary forces, ethnic revolutionary allied forces, people’s joint revolutionary struggles, defections of army officers and soldiers who realized the truth, surrender by the military  council’s battalions, desertions, and defeats in the battles, participation and cooperation in the various stages of this mechanism is committing a serious war crime.

The CRPH urged the National Unity Government and partner ethnic allies to systematically support the people who are forced to serve in the military by the terrorist military council in various ways.

In addition, CRPH urged regional and international governments and parliaments, including the United Nations Security Council, to take special measures to stop this terrorist group’s actions as soon as possible and to practically protect the people of Myanmar who are in danger.

The Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government and the judges on the ground held meeting No. (2/2024) on February 10.

The ceremony was attended by the Director-General of Interim Judicial Affairs, office team leaders, directors, responsible employees of the Interim Judicial Affairs Department, judges from 28 court offices, and communications officers.

In his opening remarks, the Director General of the Interim Judiciary Department of the Ministry of Justice said, “We are convening meetings to engage in open dialogue with the department regarding the challenges experienced in the courts on a daily basis. Our goal is to streamline the process of ground justice work and address any obstacles promptly. Should there be any difficulties encountered in the field, they should be brought to our attention. In terms of meeting the needs of prisoners, we are collaborating with the Correction Department. Additionally, we have brought the challenges faced by field offices to the attention of the Interim Judiciary Central Committee for discussion. Efforts are currently underway to establish township-specific coordination committees.”

Further, the relevant officials answered the questions regarding operational difficulties and management difficulties asked by the judges on the ground. After that, the decisions of the meeting and the previous processes were approved by the Director General.

According to the Karen National Union – KNU, it stated that it will annihilate the online fraud gangs protected by the coup military council for their interests from behind.

On February 13, KNU expressed their position regarding the international concern and desire to annihilate online fraud gangs and illegal casino gambling businesses along the border of Karen State.

Because of these activities protected by the military council, they are making not only the people of Karen State but also all those involved suffer all kinds of social problems and instability in the region, as well as threatening the financial security and economic stability of the countries of the world.

These illegal casino gambling businesses and online fraud gangs are rooted in the bad system and corruption practiced by the successive governments of Myanmar, and they have come to expand because of successive governments’ corruption, lack of accountability, and lack of rule of law.

Karen National Union – KNU has also informed that it will cooperate with neighboring countries and international organizations to completely annihilate online fraud gangs and illegal casino gambling businesses.

On the other hand, there have been several meetings between the coup military council and the Thai government regarding issues related to the stability of the border region, including online fraud gangs called Zhàpiàn located near the Myanmar-Thai border in Myawaddy, Karen State.

Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar (PPNM) reported that political prisoners from Myeik (Beik) Prison in Tanintharyi Division are being transferred to Kawthaung Prison and will be transferred more until the evening of February 14.

About 100 political prisoners were taken out of Myeik Prison on the morning of February 14 and are being transferred to Kawthaung Prison by sea. It is said that their family members were not informed about the prison transfer of political prisoners.

“Currently, there are military and police forces guarding Myeik Prison, and it is heard that they will be transferring in groups this afternoon and evening,” PPNM stated.

Currently, there are many violations of the rights of political prisoners in Myeik Prison, and they do not get enough health care, said a political prisoner, who was released from the prison in parole in 2023.

Since last September 2023, the military council has re-authorized the right to prison visit, but there are still many political prisoners who have not been allowed for prison visit.

The General Strike Committee against the military dictatorship (GSC) has recommended that young people be careful when going out, as the coup junta may carry out random and forced arrests rather than acting according to their laws. It is also urged that rather than cooperation, it is wise to cause disturbances in the gathering of information for the military junta’s forced recruitment.

In addition, the GSC suggested that because armed revolution requires very strong determination and adherence to rules, it will not suit everyone, so they should only participate in the revolution in their strongest ways.

It also stated that one should not enter armed organizations without his own conviction and determination, with the sole purpose of avoiding being recruited forcefully as a soldier by the military junta. If he were recruited as a soldier forcefully, he should try to connect the revolutionary forces and reach out to the liberated areas.

In addition, the GSC recommended that armed organizations need to approach the public in an organized manner and should be prepared for those who will strongly participate in the armed movement in advance so that they can serve safely. It must be able to identify the enemy’s insiders.

The NUG Pay has officially announced that people can participate and donate with the NUG Pay to the campaign “A Strength for 3 K’s”.

“People’s For Our People program with NUG Pay is back. NUG Pay and the people will gather together for the revolutionary comrades of the 3 K’s regions in No. 1 Military Region. While the comrades are fighting from the front, let us people support from behind,” is stated.

Donations will be accepted from February 14 to 29, and the funds will be delivered to the ground.

On February 14, the Arakan Army (AA) confirmed that, in the fighting in the Rakhine and Paletwa regions, which started on November 13, 2023, and lasted for more than 3 months until February 14, 2024, the AA has attacked and captured all the military council’s military and police battalions in the entire Paletwa region, and cities of Rakhine States such as Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Minbya, and Mrauk-U.

In addition, Lt. Col. Nyi Nyi Win was among those who got medical treatment provided by the medical corps of the AA. He was the strategic commander of Strategy 3 under SaKaKha 9 of Kyauktaw, and at the time of capture, he was in a near-death situation due to head and chest injuries. He was captured on January 16, 2024, and now he is recovering well under good care.

The other one is the division commander of the 11th Division, Colonel Min Min Tun (Army), who died before being rescued. It is said that he was captured dead during the attack and occupation of LIB-377 in Mrauk-U on February 7, 2024.

In addition, Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun, 9th Division Commander, Army/27988, 51 years old, was captured alive along with some of his troops while fleeing for their lives during naval battles near A Paut Wa Village, Kyauktaw Township, on February 7 and 8, 2024.

During the Arakan Army’s strategic offensives in the Paletwa region, Lt. Col. Banyar Paing Soe (Army), the commander of the terrorist military council’s Nonbu Strategy, was also captured dead with gunshot wounds during the second week of December 2023.

The division commander of the other front-line headquarters, SaKaKha 19, based in Paletwa region, Brigadier General Zin Myo Swe, was said to have been killed, lost, drowned, or escaped, but it cannot be confirmed at the moment.

It is reported that on February 13, 2024, at 5:45 a.m., the center guard outpost of the military council based in Mawt Ka Nin Village, Lamaing Sub-Township, Ye Township, Mon State, was attacked by Ye Guerrilla Force (Dawna Column Company-3) with MA 10 (RPG) from a distance of 300 yards. It is said that the target was hit directly and exploded in the attack. The death toll is still under investigation.

At the same time, the office and house of Mawt Ka Nin Village administrator U Htin Win, who has been unjustly threatening the villagers with weapons and bribing, were raided, according to the people’s complaint. But he escaped ahead, and 2 motorcycles belonging to him and office equipment were seized.

The NUG Ministry of Defence released that revolutionary forces attacked the military council reinforcement and logistic convoy with mines in Tamu Township, Sagaing Division, and seized weapons and ammunition.

It is said the forces of People’s Defence Force battalions of No. (1) Military Region intercepted and captured a vehicle that was sending reinforcements to the military council’s IB-89 that retreated from the Aung Zeya military base on February 13.

During the attack, 4 bodies of military council soldiers, 2 pistols, 3 machine guns, 7 small arms, 980 rounds of carbine ammunition and 170 rounds of tri-type ammunition were seized, according to the Ministry of Defence.

It is reported that Inbin Gate in Pakokku Township, Magway Division, where the military council troops were stationed, was bombed by RC planes.

Young Force UG confirmed that they and allied forces bombed Inbin Gate in Pakokku Township, Magway Division, where the military council troops were stationed, with RC planes on the evening of February 13.

During the attack, at least 8 bombs were dropped, and at 2:00 p.m. on February 13, about 70 rounds of 60-mm artillery shells were fired, and about 10 Enaga bombs were dropped at Kyat Htoe, stationed by the military council troops.

A detailed investigation is underway into the injuries sustained by the military council soldiers in the attacks.

The attack was jointly carried out by the Earthquake People’s Defense Force, Pakokku People’s Defense Force, Myananda Drone Force (Mandalay), Pakokku Township PaLaFa and Pakokku Township’s PaKaFa Company 2 (Young Force UG).

On February 13, at around 1:15 a.m., the revolutionary forces attacked the Pyu Saw Htee camp in Ywar Thar Village, Shwebo Township, Sagaing Division, and captured the whole camp at around 10:30 a.m., according to the Anyar Region Squadron of 96 Soldiers – PDF.

During the battle, 7 military council soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members were killed, and many were injured. Two comrades from the revolutionary joint forces were fallen during the battle.

In addition, a 9-barrel gun, two Enaga grenades, an MA 2 magazine, and some uniforms were seized. The rest of the military council soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members fled to nearby Paline Pyu Saw Htee Village.

The operation was jointly carried out by Shwebo Crocodile, Shwebo People’s Security Force, Shin Shin People’s Defence Force, TANA (5) Coalition, 96 soldiers – PDF Anyar Region Squadron, TANA (2) Coalition, and Bo A Linn Yaung People’s Defense Force (DPY).

The Sagaing District Battalion 4 – MSPDF announced that 3 junta soldiers were seriously injured as a result of a drone attack on the terrorist military council’s troops stationed at the Kyauk Yit Police Station in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region.

On February 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., the terrorist military council’s troops stationed at the Kyauk Yit Police Station in Myaung Township were attacked with 6 air bombs and 4 hand-made rockets using Shar Htoo WAW combat fixed-wing drones, resulting in serious injuries, of which one might have been killed as he was hit in the head.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by Sagaing District Battalion 4 – MSPDF/MSDF, Myingyan District Battalion 3, Myingyan District Battalion 8 – NRDF, Mithila District Battalion 3, Chauk PDF, Monywa District Battalion 12 Squadron 2, Justice Warrior Forces and MGN-35 PDF.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) announced that 2 residents of Pachakalo Village, Hsihseng Township, were killed and at least 8 were injured due to the aerial bombardments by the Air Force of the Military Council.

On February 14, at around 10:30 a.m., the Military Council Air Force bombarded Pachakalo Village 5 times, resulting in civilian casualties. The PNLA stated that many houses of the local residents were destroyed because the army carried out airstrikes without a fight, as were the places stationed by the PNLA troops. It is said that Pachakalo Village is over 40 miles away from Hsihseng town and is a village located on the border between Hsihseng Township and Hopong Township.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) has issued a statement saying that this action by the military council and its associates is committing war crimes and deliberately destroying Pa’O villages.

Hsihseng Township, which is controlled by the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA), is an area where fighting between the PNLA and the Military Council takes place almost every day.

  1. The Acting President and Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government recognized and welcomed the decision of the New Mon State Party to fight against the military dictatorship
  2. CRPH urges the National Unity Government and partner ethnic allies to provide systematic support to the people who are forced to serve in the military by the terrorist military council
  3. Interim Judicial Affairs Department and judges from 28 ground courts held a meeting
  4. KNU announced that it will annihilate online fraud gangs protected by the military council
  5. Political prisoners from Myeik Prison were suddenly transferred   to Kawthaung Prison
  6. GSC advises people to be cautious as random arrests by the military may occur
  7. People can participate in donations and support the “A Strength for 3 K’s” campaign along with NUG Pay
  8. The Arakan Army released the situation of the division commanders and strategic commanders of the terrorist military council being captured and killed in the battles in the Rakhine and Paletwa regions
  9. The military council’s IB-106 was attacked by Ye Guerrilla Force (Dawna Column Company-3) with RPGs
  10. In Tamu, the military council logistic convoy was intercepted by the revolutionary forces
  11. Inbin Gate in Pakokku Township, Magway Division, where the military council troops were stationed, was bombed by RC planes
  12. PDF forces captured the Ywar Thar Village Pyu Saw Htee camp in Shwebo Township, and there were casualties from both sides
  13. A drone attack on the Kyauk Yit Police Station in Myaung Township seriously injured 3 junta soldiers
  14. Due to the military council bombardments in Hsihseng Township, 2 residents were killed and at least 8 were injured

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