Summary of News

1. Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) holds discussions with township people’s administrative teams from Sagaing Region

The 12/2024 meeting between the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative teams from Sagaing Region was held online on February 9. At the meeting, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence and member of the ILACC delivered opening remarks.

Following that, officials from relevant ministries provided details about their respective departments’ functions, and the township representatives inquired about relevant policies and guidelines, also bringing up the challenges they encountered on the ground. These difficulties were then addressed and discussed by the ministries.

The meeting was attended by deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, associate permanent secretaries, officials from various ministries, and representatives from PAOs in Sagaing Region.

2. President Office Spokesperson speaks at a symposium at the Canadian Parliament, discussing Myanmar’s revolution, crisis, and impact on neighbouring countries

U Kyaw Zaw, President Office Spokesperson, participated in a symposium titled “The Dance” for International Development Week, hosted by Canadian MP Mr. Garnett Genuis, Shadow Minister of International Development, on February 7 in Ottawa, Canada. During the event, U Kyaw Zaw discussed the relationship between international development and geopolitical competition. The symposium was attended by international diplomats, representatives from international organizations, and researchers.

Additionally, U Kyaw Zaw spoke at a colloquium titled “The Current Crisis of Myanmar and Its Impact on the Neighbouring Region,” organised by the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) of the South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG) at North South University (NSU) on January 31, held in hybrid mode. He addressed the ongoing situation of Myanmar’s Spring Revolution, the political landscape, and the potential impact of the revolution’s success on the stability and interests of neighbouring countries.

3. Two NLD MPs, 100 party members and 314 children among the 4,251 individuals unlawfully killed by the military junta

The Central Work Committee of the National League for Democracy (NLD) issued a statement on February 8 revealing that as of January 15, 2024, the military junta had unlawfully killed 4,251 individuals, including 2 NLD parliament members, and 100 other party members, since the coup on February 1, 2021. Moreover, 314 children were also included in those being killed.

The statement also highlights that the junta has specifically targeted NLD members and offices, with repeated attacks on headquarters and branch offices, including three instances on the headquarters office in Yangon, 15 instances on state and regional offices, 6 instances on district-level offices, 112 instances on township-level offices, and 28 instances on village/ward offices, totalling 164 assaults.

4. Political prisoners in Kyaikmaraw prison stage hunger strike over health checks and treatment demands

The Political Prisoner Network of Myanmar (PPNM) reports that 47 political detainees held in Kyaikmaraw prison in Mon State have initiated a hunger strike, outlining three demands. Firstly, they call for daily health assessments for two political prisoners currently undergoing investigation, with subsequent relocation to suitable accommodations other than solitary confinement at the earliest opportunity. Secondly, upon the conclusion of investigations, they demand the return of the two political prisoners to their original dormitory of residence as soon as possible. Lastly, they demand that interrogations only take place during the prison’s open hours.

The hunger strike began at 10:00 a.m. on February 6 in response to the mistreatment of two political prisoners, Thet Maung Maung Soe and Thet Zaw, from dormitory no. 3, who were physically assaulted before being investigated and subsequently placed in solitary confinement on the night of February 4, accused of using mobile phones inside the prison. However, the PPNM stated that a prison staff member confirmed no discovery of mobile phones.

Additionally, in support of hunger strikers, 164 other political prisoners have refused the food provided by the prison.

The political prisoners participating in the hunger strike have declared their intention to continue the strike indefinitely until all of their demands are met. They emphasised that these demands aimed to prevent extrajudicial actions during prisoner investigations, ensure their human rights, and facilitate easy access to healthcare.

Concerns have been raised about the deteriorating health conditions of the 47 prisoners on hunger strike, given the duration of their protest and the lack of response from prison authorities.

Political prisoners at Kyaikmaraw prison had previously staged a hunger strike on December 7, 2022, expressing their objection to the military junta’s imposition of the death penalty on seven students from Dagon University.

5. At least 157 males killed by the military junta across Myanmar in 2024

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), as of February 9, a total of 137 males have been killed by the military junta across the country since January 1. Among these, 45 were killed in aerial attacks, and 44 were killed after being detained by the military junta, with 25 of them being under the age of 18.

Sagaing has the highest number of male fatalities, with 46 killed, followed by Rakhine with 30.

6. Closing and Lucky Draw Ceremony for the Freedom Tattoo Campaign scheduled for February 13

The Freedom Tattoo Campaign organising committee announced that the closing and lucky draw ceremonies of the campaign were set to be held on the birthday of General Aung San on February 13. Various valuable prizes, including a portrait painting of Kim Aris, will be included in the draw.

The raffle tickets will be available to purchase until February 12.

7. KNDF Strategy 6 reveals confiscated weapons from the military junta in a basic military training completion ceremony parade

The Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) Strategy 6 unveiled weapons confiscated from military junta bases during the completion ceremony for its third batch of basic military training.

The two-month training, which involved over 100 troops, concluded on February 7. The ceremony, attended by Karenni Army (KA) commanders, KNDF representatives, family members of the graduates, and other guests, featured a military parade showcasing the seized weapons from junta bases to boost morale, as stated in the KNDF headquarters’ release.

8. Drone attack targets military junta camp near Shwe Dar Kan village in Shwebo Township of Sagaing Region

The BGS Drone Force disclosed that they conducted a drone attack on a military junta camp near Shwe Dar Kan village, southwest of Shwebo Palace. One 120-mm grenade and two 60-mm grenades were dropped on a building where about 100 junta troops were stationed. According to the BGS Drone Force, there were casualties among the junta troops during the attack, and investigations are ongoing.

Despite return fire from the military junta with both large and small weapons, the combined revolutionary forces involved in the operation managed to withdraw successfully without harm.

The collaborating groups included the BGS Drone Force (Ayadaw unit), the Ayadaw Rocket LPDF, the Shwebo Buffalo Soldiers, and other local defence groups.

Previously, on February 7, the BGS Drone Force (Ayadaw unit) had also targeted the military junta’s 5004th Armoured Battalion based in Ayadaw Township by dropping two 120-mm grenades using a drone.

9. Attack on military junta’s security checkpoint in Okpho likely claim the lives of three junta policemen

The Tharyarwaddy District People’s Defence Force (PDF) 1st Battalion announced that they had launched an attack on the military junta checkpoint along Yangon-Pyi Highway in Okpho Township, Bago Region, where the junta members were extorting money from residents. The battalion said that three junta policemen may have died and four others may have been injured. The operation was conducted by Company 5 (Hero Guerrilla Force) at 5:40 a.m. on February 9.

The comrades of the defence force reportedly managed to withdraw successfully without harm despite the junta troops’ return fire.

10. Drone attack targets a navy ship in Launglon Township of Tanintharyi Region

The Laung Lon People’s Defence Force (LLPDF) reported that they conducted a drone strike on the military junta’s No. 423 Navy Ship in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region. The attack was carried out in collaboration with the Federal Polaris Force (FPF) on the evening of February 6, when the navy ship entered Launglon Township along the Dawei River and indiscriminately fired at surrounding villages.

The LLPDF indicated that the superstructure of the navy ship was damaged, resulting in heavy injuries to five junta troops. However, one drone was lost during the operation.

11. Ambush on military junta forces and Pyu Saw Htee militia in Yesagyo Township results in two fatalities and two firearms seized

On February 9, the Yesagyo Township People’s Defence Team (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT) and their allies conducted an ambush on military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members as they were travelling on the Pakokku-Yesagyo Road in Yesagyo Township, Magway Region, coming from Sin Chaung village in a private car and a motorcycle. During the ambush, one junta troop and one Pyu Saw Htee militia member were killed on the spot. Additionally, five fleeing individuals were pursued and attacked, resulting in their escape with injuries, according to the Yesagyo Township People’s Defence Team.

The operation also resulted in the seizure of a G3 rifle and a carbine. Following the operation, members of the people’s defence forces successfully withdrew from the scene. This operation was carried out in collaboration with the Yesagyo Township People’s Defence Team (Yesagyo Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), the Pakokku Township People’s Defence Team (Pakokku Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), and the Southern Yesagyo PDF group.

12. Ambush using RC plane targets military junta troops scouting between Chauk Kan village and Let Pan Kan village in Pakokku Township

On February 9, in Pakokku Township, Magway Region, the collaborative local people’s defence forces from Myaing and Pakokku initiated an ambush on military junta troops scouting between Chauk Kan and Let Pan Kan villages. Utilizing a radio-controlled aircraft for the operation, as reported by the Young Force UG, one of the participating local defense groups, details regarding the casualties among the junta troops are still being assessed.

Following the ambush, the junta troops reportedly resorted to indiscriminate gunfire, targeting the nearby villages.

13. A military junta soldier defects to the Mandalay People’s Defence Force (MDY PDF) while bringing his firearm

The Mandalay People’s Defence Force (MDY PDF) declared on February 9 that a military junta soldier had defected, bringing along a MA-3 rifle, three box magazines, and 250 rounds of ammunition.

As a reward, the defected soldier received a cash reward from the MDY PDF. The MDY PDF stated that they warmly welcome any junta troops who wish to switch sides and join the people’s side.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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