Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that Myanmar military is an organisation comprised of cruel individuals

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) for the National Unity Government, expressed on February 7 in a Facebook post, particularly in reference to the brutal killing of two YDF comrades by the military junta, that the military is composed of cruel individuals.

He said, “I feel humbled to share a country with an organisation comprised of such cruel individuals. At the same time, it makes us sure that it is an organisation that needs to be wiped out.”

Recently, a distressing video depicting the torture and brutal burning alive of two members of the Yaw Defence Force (YDF) by junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia during an operation in Myauk Khin Yan village, Magway Region, on November 7, 2023, surfaced on social media. This video emerged three months after the tragic incident occurred.

2. NUG Representative in France attends a conference hosted by the Lyon Mayor’s Office on Myanmar issue

On February 5, 2024, a conference on the Myanmar issue was organised by the Lyon Mayor’s Office in Lyon, France. During the event, Mrs. Sonia Zdorovtzoff, Deputy Mayor of Lyon for International Relations, Cooperation, and Solidarity, delivered the opening remarks. Ms. Nan Su Mon Aung, the Representative of the National Unity Government (NUG) in France, also expressed gratitude in her address.

Mr. Salai Yaw Aung, a political activist and former member of the ABSDF, along with anthropologist Dr. Franois Robinne, participated as speakers at the conference. Additionally, singer Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein contributed to the event by performing revolutionary songs.

Artist Ms. Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein, closed the conference with two songs from her repertoire on Burmese resistance.

3. A protest demonstration against the military takes place along Pan Pin Gyi Road in Kyimyindaing, Yangon

On February 8, amidst tight security, members of the General Strike Committee (GSC) staged a protest demonstration along Pan Pin Ni Road (formerly Pan Pin Gyi Road) in Kyimyindaing Township, Yangon. They held up a banner bearing the message “We will not forgive what you’ve done” as they voiced their opposition to the military’s brutal actions during the demonstration.

Furthermore, the GSC reported that they conducted anti-military activities in various locations across Yangon.

4. Military junta forces and the Pyu Saw Htee militia raid and torch villages in Yesagyo Township, Magway, resulting in the death of an elderly man

According to a report from the Yesagyo Township People’s Administration Team, on the morning of January 28, combined revolutionary forces launched an assault on a Pyu Saw Htee militia camp in Sin Ma Ye village, located within Yesagyo Township, Magway. Later that evening, Pyu Saw Htee militias from Sin Ma Ye village, led by Kyaw Toe, collaborated with military junta troops to carry out a raid on Kyu village. They looted valuable items from residents and set fire to houses. Tragically, an 80-year-old man lost his life, and a total of 100 houses, 20 motorcycles, and 15 engine water pumps. were destroyed by fire. Additionally, around 60 residents were abducted and taken to the camp in Sin Ma Ye village.

The report also indicates that military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members from Sin Ma Ye village have been conducting routine raids on neighbouring villages, destroying civilian properties, and looting valuable belongings. Also on January 30, they raided Kyun Hla Yin (aka Za Ya Ma) village, setting fire to houses and destroying 5 residences and 5 motorcycles.

5. Military junta troops in Maungdaw sold their weapons to the ARA and RSO before fleeing to Bangladesh

The Arakan Army (AA) captured two crucial border guard strongholds in Maungdaw Township along the Bangladesh border, namely Taung Pyo (right) and Taung Pyo (left). Initiating simultaneous offensives against both bases starting on February 4, the AA successfully seized the Taung Pyo (right) border guard station headed by Superintendent Aung Si Thu on the same day. Subsequently, on the third day, on the evening of February 6, it secured the Taung Pyo (left) border guard station.

During the attacks on these bases, over 200 military junta troops and affiliated Border Guard Force (BGF) troops reportedly fled to Bangladesh. The AA, citing information from captured prisoners of war, claimed that the Arakan Rohingya Army (ARA) and the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO) had assisted the military junta forces in the two border guard bases during the AA attacks. The junta troops made prior deals with ARA and RSO, and military equipment from the bases was sold for 10 million Bangladeshi Taka (or 320 million Myanmar Kyat) before fleeing to Bangladesh, the AA said.

The ARA operates from a fortified camp constructed with sturdy materials such as plaster and bricks along the Nat River. Situated opposite this camp is a border guard base belonging to Bangladesh. Additionally, plaster walkways connect the ARA’s camp to the military junta’s Taung Pyo (left), as reported by the AA.

The AA declared that they had acquired military equipment from the two border guard bases of the military junta. Additionally, the AA claimed to have seized 69 packs of WY drugs and 28 packs of ICE, along with the military equipment that the military junta forces had sold when they captured the ARA camp.

6. Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack targets military junta troops at a ward administration office in Hlaingthaya Township and the junta’s bunker under the MyayNiGone flyover

The Dark Shadow, a guerrilla faction in Yangon, declared that they had executed an improvised explosive device (IED) attack targeting military junta troops stationed at a ward administration office in Hlaingthaya Township on the evening of February 7. The GOD guerrilla group reportedly collaborated in the attack. Furthermore, they had carried out a previous attack on the military junta’s bunker situated under the MyayNiGone flyover in the early hours of February 7.

They mentioned that these attacks were executed in honor of two YDF comrades who lost their lives on November 7, 2023, during the ongoing struggle for people’s liberation.

7. Civilian casualties mount as military junta forces advance in Ye-U, Khin-U, and Depeyin Townships, with the death toll reaching 15; over 10,000 residents displaced since January 1

According to local accounts, the death toll of civilians at the hands of advancing military council forces from 71st Infantry Battalion and 708th Light Infantry Battalion in Ye-U, Khin-U, and Depeyin Townships has risen to 15 as of February 7, since the start of the year, forcing over 10,000 residents to evacuate. Accordingly, the military junta forces refrain from taking action during daylight hours, instead conducting raids on villages solely under the cover of darkness. Their frequent operations involve silent incursions, wherein civilians are arrested, civilian property is looted, and individuals are purportedly killed under the guise of being members of the People’s Defence Forces (PDF).

Between January 1 and 12, the military junta forces conducted raids on villages situated in western Khin-U Township. During these raids, four civilians, including a pregnant woman, were reportedly killed, and ten houses were set ablaze in Kyun Taw Gyi village.

Subsequently, between January 15 and 24, similar raids were carried out in villages located in western Ye-U Township and eastern Depeyin Township. In these incidents, four men from Mae Aoe village were reportedly brutally killed, their bodies dismembered, and a woman from Mae Aoe village was subjected to rape and subsequently killed.

Moreover, the junta troops beheaded a member of Shwebo District People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalion 12 during their raids on Kone Thar village in western Ye-U Township.

From January 31 to February 7, military junta troops reportedly conducted second raid on several villages in western Khin-U Township. During these raids, three more men were killed in Kalon village, Thayet Kin Kone village, and Kin Pyit village. Additionally, Thar Wut Hti village was set on fire, resulting in the destruction of 148 houses and more than 10,000 rice baskets.

Reports indicate that, on February 5 and 6, military junta troops conducted a third raid on villages in western Khin-U Township. During this operation, they burned down four houses in Thae Kone Gyi village and beheaded two young men from Koke Ko Su village.

The advancing junta troops in Ye-U Township have reportedly forced more than 10,000 residents from 18 villages to flee, leaving them displaced and in urgent need of food aid. 

#Credit : Radio NUG


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