Summary of News

1. Union Minister U Aung Myo Min Cautions Revolutionary Forces on Safety Amid the Escalating Cruelty of the Enemy

U Aung Myo Min, the Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, advised revolutionary forces to remain vigilant, emphasising, “The adversary exhibits an inhumane degree of cruelty. Do not jeopardise security for the sake of sharing information.”

Recently, a distressing video depicting the torture and brutal burning alive of two members of the Yaw Defence Force (YDF) by junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia during an operation in Myauk Khin Yan village, Magway Region, on November 7, 2023, surfaced on social media. This video emerged three months after the tragic incident occurred.

2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun Urges UN and Its Agencies to Come Together to Help Myanmar Eliminate Military Dictatorship

During the first regular session of the exclusive board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS on February 1, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN, urged the UN, its principal organs, and its agencies to unite their efforts in supporting Myanmar’s complete eradication of military dictatorship.

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun further stated that over the three years since the coup, the brutal military junta has blatantly violated international laws and international human rights law, committing numerous atrocities and engaging in systematic and barbaric collective punishment against innocent civilians. Consequently, he asserted that their actions have escalated to the level of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

3. Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun Highlights Persistent Atrocities by Myanmar’s Military Junta After UN Security Council Resolution 2669

During a media stakeout following the closed meeting of the UN Security Council on Myanmar on February 5, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN, highlighted the ongoing atrocities committed by the military junta against the people of Myanmar, despite the adoption of Resolution 2669 by the Security Council in December 2022.

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun underscored that during the three years since the military coup, the junta has brutally killed over 4,400 individuals, internally displacing more than 2.6 million people. Additionally, he noted that over 86,000 civilian properties, as well as religious structures, have been destroyed or set ablaze by junta forces. Furthermore, almost 19 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, with half of the population falling into poverty.

He lamented the lack of effective enforcement of the resolution by the UN Security Council, emphasising the urgent necessity for a clear and enforceable resolution building upon Resolution 2669 to compel the military junta to adhere to its provisions.

4. Myanmar Residents in Japan Present ‘Letter of Request’ During Courtesy Call to Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs

According to reports, Myanmar citizens residing in Japan visited Mr. KOMURA Masahiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, on February 5 to pay a courtesy call. During the meeting, they presented a ‘letter of request’ outlining eight demands from the people of Myanmar, urging Japan to take concrete actions towards the swift restoration of democracy in Myanmar.

The Myanmar representatives briefed Mr. Komura on the situation within Myanmar three years after the military coup, highlighting the hardships faced by the people. Mr. Komura carefully listened to the voices and aspirations of the Myanmar people and assured them that Japan would continue its efforts to improve the situation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan also released an official statement regarding this courtesy visit on its website.

5. Brotherhood Alliance Urges Support for Landmine Clearance Efforts, Calls for Demining Equipment and Technology Assistance

The Three Brotherhood Alliance has announced that they are actively engaged in area clearance operations to remove unexploded landmines, abandoned mines, and remnants of military weapons left after conflicts. In their Operation 1027 Day 103 statement released late at night on February 6, they emphasised the urgent need for demining equipment and invited those interested in providing technological or equipment assistance to cooperate with them.

On February 4, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), a member of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, successfully cleared seven landmines planted by the military near the Moe Tay bridge connecting Hsipaw and Namtu.

In their February 6 statement, the Three Brotherhood Alliance strongly condemned the military junta’s airstrike on a school in western Demoso, Karenni State, which resulted in the tragic deaths of children. They expressed heartfelt condolences to the families affected by the loss of children in the airstrike.

6. AAPP Report: 119 Individuals Sentenced to Death in Connection with the Spring Revolution, Currently Detained in Prisons

In its statement dated February 6, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reported that since the military coup on February 1, 2021, as of February 6, 2024, a total of 119 individuals have been sentenced to death in connection with the Spring Revolution and are currently held in prisons. Additionally, there are 43 individuals who have been sentenced to death in absentia, bringing the total number of individuals sentenced to death to 162.

Furthermore, the total number of individual arrests related to the military coup has reached 25,987. Among them, 20,047 individuals are still detained, with 8,752 of them having received prison sentences.

7. AA Seizes Control of Minbya After Capturing Last Two Key Military Junta Infantry Battalion Headquarters

The Arakan Army (AA) announced today that it has taken control of Minbya Town in Rakhine State by successfully seizing all three key infantry battalions of the military junta operating under the 9th Military Operation Command (MOC-9) after nearly a month of fighting days and nights.

The capture began with the headquarters of the 380th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-380) on January 28th, followed by the remaining two battalions, LIB-379 and LIB-541, located outside Minbya Town on February 6th, with many soldiers surrendering.

The AA has now controlled all military junta bases in Minbya Town, resulting in the liberation of the entire Minbya Township from military junta control.

8. AA Seizes Control of Two Strategic Border Guard Strongholds on Bangladesh Border; Junta Troops Flee to Bangladesh

In a statement today, the AA confirmed its capture of two crucial border guard strongholds in Maungdaw Township along the Bangladesh border, namely Taung Pyo (right) and Taung Pyo (left).

Initiating simultaneous offensives against both bases starting on February 4, the AA successfully seized the Taung Pyo (right) base on the same day. Subsequently, on the third day, on the evening of February 6, it secured the Taung Pyo (left) base.

The AA said that during the attacks on these bases, there have been more than 200 military junta troops and border guard force (BGF) troops who have fled to Bangladesh along with their firearms.

Additionally, the AA noted a growing trend of military junta members, including personnel from the military, police, and administration, surrendering to them day by day since the initiation of Operation 1027 in Rakhine State.

9. Revolutionary Forces Launch Coordinated Attacks on Multiple Military Junta Installations in Za Yat Gyi, Bago Region

According to reports, the combined revolutionary forces have launched coordinated attacks on various military junta installations in Za Yet Gyi Town, located in Htantabin Township, Bago Region, since the early hours of the morning. The targets included the Za Yat Gyi Police Station, the base of the 73rd Infantry Battalion, a bridge security checkpoint, and several military outposts.

Collaborating in this operation were the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the People’s Defence Force (PDF), and the Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA).

Maung Saung Kha, the leader of the BPLA, hinted at the operation in a Facebook post, mentioning “Za Yat Gyi Town, Htantabin, Bago, KNLA, PDF, BPLA.”

Reports suggest that some areas have been occupied by the combined revolutionary forces, and in response, the military junta has conducted aerial bombings and artillery shelling on the town, as indicated by PDF Insight.

10. Combined People’s Defence Forces Launch Assault on Military Junta Troops Securing Monywa-Pathein Road and Outpost in Kan Gyi Kone Village, Chaung-U Township, Sagaing

The Regional Friend Fighters (RFF), a local people’s defence team based in Yinmabin Township, reported that on February 6, they launched a mine attack on the military junta troops stationed at the Wanbao mining project when they were providing security along the Monywa-Pathein road. The RFF said that two junta troops were injured in the mine attack.

In collaboration with the RFF in the operation were the 27th and 36th battalions of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Yinmarbin District.

Similarly, on February 4, the combined forces of the 8th PDF Battalion (Farmers Revolution Force) of the PDF in Monywa District and the Madaya Township People’s Defence Team launched a drone attack on the military junta outposts in Kan Gyi Kone village, where military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia were deployed.

11. Combined People’s Defence Forces Coordinate Attacks on Multiple Military Junta Facilities in Launglon Town, Dawei, Tanintharyi

On January 30, the combined people’s defence forces conducted coordinated attacks on multiple military junta positions in Launglon Town, located in the Tanintharyi Region. The targeted sites encompassed the immigration office, military security affairs office, general administration office, and police station.

According to reports, the attacks resulted in the deaths of five junta troops, and the military junta forces retaliated with over 20 artillery shells fired from military ships.

The operation was a collaborative effort involving the Launglon Township People’s Defence Force (LLPDF) and more than 13 local people’s defence groups.

The LLPDF cautioned the residents of Launglon Township, advising them to stay updated on the military situation in real-time and to construct bomb shelters due to the potential escalation of conflict in the area.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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