Summary of News

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends Chinese New Year wishes to Chinese communities in Myanmar and worldwide

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government extends heartfelt wishes for the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on February 10th:

“On the occasion of Chinese Lunar New Year and Spring Festival, may all people of Chinese origin in Burma and around the world enjoy the opportunities and transform the challenges into success for the Year of the Dragon to bring positive change.

May all Chinese individuals worldwide, as well as those residing in Myanmar, experience good health, wealth, and achievement in the days ahead.”

2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun emphasises at the UN that actions regarding Myanmar should not come at the expense of its people

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, said that any action or initiative regarding Myanmar should not come at the expense of its people. His addresses, delivered during the 54th plenary meeting of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on February 7, underscored the importance of saving lives and supporting the people’s efforts to end military dictatorship and build a federal democratic union.

The Ambassador highlighted the political nature of Myanmar’s situation, noting that addressing humanitarian and developmental needs alone without tackling the root cause is insufficient and unsustainable. He called for a comprehensive approach to address Myanmar’s issues and emphasised that humanitarian concerns should never be politicised.

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun also spoke about the atrocities committed during the three years since the failed illegal coup, emphasising the significant loss of human life. He noted that despite the democratic forces gaining ground, the military junta persists in using fighter jets and helicopters to conduct aerial attacks on civilian areas, including schools, hospitals, and religious buildings.

The Ambassador urged for equal attention to be given to conflicts worldwide where war crimes and crimes against humanity occur, emphasising the need for greater UN involvement in Myanmar’s situation. He called for member states and the international community to remain committed to addressing the plight of the Myanmar people and to take effective and coordinated actions to eradicate the military dictatorship and establish a federal democratic union.

Finally, Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun stressed the need for the UN to play a more active role in addressing the situation in Myanmar, calling for the urgent appointment of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Myanmar to facilitate effective and coordinated action.

3. Myanmar community in Korea stages a demonstration to mark the third anniversary of the public movement against illegal military coup

The Myanmar community in Korea staged a protest in Bupyeong, Incheon, commemorating the third anniversary of the public movement against the illegal military coup on February 10. The demonstration, organised by the Myanmar Federal Democratic Mission Collection (MFDMC) in collaboration with the Spring Revolution Strike Force, gathered participation from over 300 members of the Myanmar community.

4. Three Brotherhood Alliance expresses that military dictatorship will be rooted out this year

The Three Brotherhood Alliance conveyed a Chinese New Year message to the public, expressing their confidence in ending the military dictatorship during this Chinese New Year “Dragon.”

In their statement released on the eve of the Chinese New Year, they remarked, “This year being the Year of the Dragon, traditionally considered the most auspicious zodiac sign among the Chinese people, we hope that the unique characteristics and blessings associated with the Dragon Year will align with the aspirations of the entire Myanmar people.”

“In particular, we believe that the eradication of the military dictatorship, which is the desire of the entire Myanmar population, can be accomplished in this Year of Dragon,” the statement said.

5. AA seizes Koe Tan Kauk border guard outpost in Rathedaung and launches offensive against Kyein Chaung border guard outpost in Maungdaw

The Arakan Army (AA) announced its successful capture of the military junta’s Koe Tan Kauk border guard outpost in Rathedaung Township, Rakhine State, on the morning of February 9, following a two-day offensive. Further details about the seizure of the outpost have not been disclosed.

The Koe Tan Kauk outpost is located along a motorway that connects Rathedaung Town and Angu Maw village near the Bay of Bengal.

The Arakan Army (AA) stated that the military junta, which was experiencing setbacks, initiated coordinated attacks on civilian villages in Rathedaung Township, such as Ma Yuu Kan, Min Phoo, Aung Min, Kyay Ta Pin, Aung Seik, and Than Chaung. These attacks reportedly included artillery shelling from the Rathedaung-based 537th Light Infantry Battalion and airstrikes conducted by a fighter jet.

The Arakan Army (AA) disclosed that it has launched an offensive against the military junta’s border guard outpost near Kyein Chaung village in Maungdaw Township, known as the Kyein Chaing border guard outpost, or NaKhaKha-7. This outpost, established by the military for many years, has frequently fired artillery shells at civilian residences.

Earlier this month, the AA seized two other border guard outposts—Taung Pyo (left) and Taung Pyo (right)—resulting in the capture of numerous pieces of military equipment. During these operations, nearly 400 military junta troops fled to Bangladesh.

The AA has noted that as the military junta continues to lose bases and suffer significant losses, it has intensified its targeting of civilians in Rakhine State, conducting attacks on civilian populations and locations, as well as arbitrarily arresting and killing innocent civilians.

6. PDF-KNLA allied forces launch coordinated attack on military junta’s security checkpoint at Myo Soe Bridge in Za Yat Gyi, Bago Region

The Special Commando Battalion-Yoma Column 2 announced that a joint operation was conducted by the combined revolutionary forces against a military junta checkpoint at the Myo Soe Bridge in Za Yat Gyi, Tantabin Township, Bago Region. Subsequently, the forces targeted a military convoy, comprising a tank, BT-3, and BMDR, that arrived to reinforce the checkpoint. This operation, involving the Yoma Column 2, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the Yoma Column 3 (the Taungoo District PDF Battalion 3501), and the Taungoo District PDF Battalion 3502, took place in the early hours of February 7.

The combined forces successfully gained control of the Myo Soe Bridge area by around 11:00 a.m. and sabotaged the bridge to disrupt the military junta’s reinforcement route. They withdrew from the area later in the evening. Yoma Column 2 reported that one member of the combined revolutionary forces fell during the operation.

Additionally, the suffering military junta forces retaliated by firing artillery shells from their tanks and howitzers and conducting airstrikes on Za Yat Gyi Town, resulting in casualties among residents and damage to houses.

7. PNLA highlights continued military junta attacks on the Pa-O region with artillery and airstrikes

The Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) said that the military junta and its associated groups have been continuously launching artillery and airstrikes on the Pa-O region. On February 9, according to the PNLA, military junta bases in Bang Yin, Hsihseng Township, and Hsaik Hkawng village fired unprovoked artillery shells 16 times into Pa-O villages south of Bang Yin.

The PNLA urges the public to join efforts to eliminate the military dictatorship across various sectors, emphasising that instability, lack of peace, and suffering will continue to persist until the military dictatorship is eradicated.

8. Combined revolutionary forces launch a drone arrack on Sadaung Police Station in Sagaing Region

On February 9, the combined revolutionary forces conducted a drone attack on the Sadaung Police Station, which was co-stationed by military junta soldiers and police personnel. During the attack, a drone was used to drop five grenades on the station. The Tiger Brother LPDF, one of the groups involved in the operation, reported that four out of the five grenades exploded inside the bunker, causing severe injuries to the junta members, potentially resulting in fatalities.

The operation was a joint effort involving multiple groups, including the Tiger Brother LPDF, Ngwe Dwin Revolution Force, Twae Ma Shaung, Tada Nyi Naung, Buffalo Soldiers Freedom Force, Northern Tigers Group-NTG, Galon Gyi People’s Defence Force, Farmer Heroes-Khin U, Magic Dragon, BGS Ayadaw Drone Force, Ywathagyi People’s Defence Team (Pa-Ka-Fa), and Wetlet Township People’s Security Team (Pa-La-Fa).

9. Over 600 Chin lives lost in three years following illegal military coup in Myanmar

According to a recent report by the Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) concerning the Military Council’s Human Rights Violations against Chin People and Their Impact on Chin State, 618 individuals from the Chin community have tragically perished in the three-year period following the unlawful military coup, as of January 31, 2024.

The report highlights the number of fatalities per township, with Mindat Township recording the highest at 98 deaths, followed by Hakha Township with 77, Matupi Township with 72, Falam Township with 69, Thantlang Township with 64, Tedom Township with 39, Kanpatlet Township with 13, Pelatwa Township with 10, and Tonzang Township with 3. Additionally, 173 individuals from the Chin community residing outside Chin State were reported killed in various areas, including Sagaing, Magway, Yangon, Mandalay, and other townships.

ICA noted that among the 618 Chin individuals killed, there were civilians and members of the Chin resistance forces engaged in combat against the military junta. Civilian casualties were attributed to deliberate airstrikes conducted by the military junta, who deemed them enemies; victims of landmines; torture following accusations and arrests; and being used as human shields and subsequently killed by the military junta.

Over the course of three years, Chin State has experienced a minimum of 84 airstrikes, and over 2,000 civilian homes and religious structures have been destroyed in arson attacks.

According to the ICA report, over 80,000 Chin people remain displaced as a result of the conflict following the illegal coup.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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