Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 16

The Prime Minister’s Office has announced that it is working to provide agricultural water for farmers and drinking water technology to war-torn areas. On January 15, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann’s social network page stated that.

The National Unity Government, under the guidance and support of the Union Prime Minister’s Office, is actively engaged in seed production activities and developing vegetable farms to support farmers and breeders. The main goal is to ensure food security and accessibility and promote nutritious consumption in the revolution-controlled areas with the collaborative efforts of CDM employees, experts, people’s administrative bodies, people’s defense forces, rural farmers, and common civilians.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister’s Office announced that they are working on the production and distribution of natural fertilizers, the prevention of common pest diseases, the provision of agricultural water for farmers, and the introduction of drinking water technology in war-torn areas.

On January 15, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management officially announced that 10.51 billion kyats of humanitarian aid had been provided.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government has announced that from April 16, 2021 to December 31, 2023, it has provided 10.51 billion kyats (5.01 million U.S. dollars) in regional humanitarian aid. According to reports, humanitarian aid extends to various groups in need, such as victims of fires caused by the terrorist army during the coup, internally displaced persons who sought safety after offensive attacks, individuals injured in the revolution, families who lost their loved ones during the uprising, vulnerable groups including those with disabilities requiring assistance, and civil servants engaged in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to all donors who have actively participated in the revolution and generously contributed towards providing humanitarian aid for the people who really need humanitarian assistance over the course of almost three years, despite the numerous crises faced.

On January 15, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division (5/2024) was held. At the meeting, Permanent Secretary of Prime Minister Office, a secretary member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division.

On January 12, 2024, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni of the Ministry of Labor of the National Unity Government and Yangon Regional Operation Command Official Comrade Dewa went on a field visit to the Dawna Column of the People’s Defence Force and met with revolutionary comrades.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister of Labor U Kyaw Ni met with the revolutionary comrades and said, “We are seeing dwindling in the enemy’s strength day by day, and I am very glad to see the formation of such alliances as our People’s Defence Force.”

After that, he gave a speech to encourage the morale of comrades who have experienced many successes and losses during the revolution for almost 3 years.

At the Regular Meeting of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) Meeting No. (2/2024), CDM Success Committee of the National Unity Government presented a briefing on the work carried out by the committee.

Dr. Oakar, Associate Secretary of the CDM Success Committee, clarified the working conditions of the committee, “From July 2022 to October 2023, 40,284 CDM civil servants from various ministries were given support with over 2,200 million kyats, and only about 20% of 210,639 CDM heroes connected to the CDM Success Committee were able to be provided aid with about 4,000 million Myanmar kyats for emergency needs.”

The meeting was attended by the chairman and members of the CRPH, members of the Affairs Committees, CDM Success Committee Secretary Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Associate Secretary Dr. Oakar, and various taskforce officials.

Phoenix DF announced that revolutionary forces provided 1,000,000 kyats in support for the victims of arson by the military council in Nattalin Township, Thayarwaddy District, western Bago Division.

On January 14, the Taung Nyo Revolution Support Group provided aid to the fire-affected residents of the villages upstream of the Taung Nyo Dam in Nattalin Township. The Taung Nyo Revolution Support Group’s donation for the people affected by the fire, was provided by company commander Bo Moe Joe from the Phoenix DF and company commander Bo Nay from the MRF-Nattalin, along with their comrades.

According to local news sources, the military council troops destroyed the houses and shelters of the local residents in the villages upstream of Taung Nyo Dam in Nattalin Township on December 17, 2023, and also burned down 7 local residents to death.

It is said that 1,121 family members from 356 households living around Taung Nyo Dam in Nattalin Township are in need of emergency assistance as their houses were destroyed by arson by the military council troops.

The MNDAA announced on January 14 that all orders and martial laws issued by the Military Council and its subordinate Kokang group in Shan State Special Region 1, including Laukkaing, northern Shan State, were nullified.

MNDAA officially announced yesterday that all political orders, administrative orders, and martial law issued by the coup military junta and Kokang administration in Special Region 1 have been nullified and the original laws and regulations of Special Region 1 have been fully re-applied. It is also said that if there is anything that is not clear, people can inquire at local government departments.

“This is the emergence of an independent, self-autonomous government, whether the military council accepts it or not, whether it recognizes it or not. It’s a historic day, a historic event,” a Chinese-Myanmar border military source stated.

On January 2, MNDAA Commander-in-Chief, Myanmar Shan State Special Region 1 Executive Committee Chairman U Peng Daren, officially announced that the Kokang MNDAA will establish the territories they have occupied as Myanmar Shan State Special Region (1) by the constitution.

“The restoration of power in Myanmar’s Shan State Special Region (1) is only the first step in our nationalization process. We have made preparations for the restoration of Special Region (1) through the Party, Administrative Committee, Army Building System, Political System, Administrative System, Cadre Training, etc. In order for the Kokang region to recover after the war, we must inherit the thrifty traditions, work style, and legacy of the old revolutionaries and elders and work together with the people to develop the region based on the Special Region (1) Constitution,” said MNDAA Commander-in-Chief, Myanmar Shan State Special Region 1 Administrative Committee Chairman U Peng Daren.

The Palaw Regional Defense Force – PRDF launched basic military training (week-5) for 100 days from September 21, 2023, to January 8, 2024, with a total of 27 trainees. The graduation ceremony was held at the PRDF rear camp on January 13, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the battalion commander of the KNU Brigade 4 Battalion 7, KNDO Company 2 and 5, Palaw People’s Defence Force (PPDF), Bo Moe Joe People’s Defense Force, Palaw Column 1, Palaw Region KNU Administrative Padohs, Palaw War Evacuation Committee, and nearby civilians in the liberated area.

At the ceremony, speeches given by the allied forces, awarding award-winning trainees, performing a pledge of allegiance to the KNDO flag, honoring the drinking water, and a warm welcome were given to the fellow trainees.

On January 15, the Ta’ang Army TNLA stated again that the terrorist military council has been repeatedly violating the ceasefire agreement every day. The TNLA stated that regarding the terrorist military’s targeted attack on civilians in Ta’ang state without fighting.

In Kyaukme Township, Brigade 2 Military Area, the military council’s Battalion 502 fired heavy artillery at Par Pote Village 4 times at around 3:00 p.m. and near Than Bo Village 5 times at around 2:00 p.m.

In addition, the military council troops stationed at the Ohmmati intersection in Nawnghkio Township fired heavy artillery 3 times at Thone Se Village past 12:00 noon.

Similarly, the military council launched an airstrike near Mong Yu Lay Village, Lwekan Village, and Lwekon Village in Kutkai Township, Brigade 5 Military Area, with Mi-35 attack helicopters.

Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA News and Information has stated that the action of the military council is a blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement several times every day.

According to local news sources, a fierce battle is breaking out between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council Army in Samee, Paletwa Township, Chin State, and the military is conducting aerial bombardments.

Zalen news agency, which reports on local news, stated that since the afternoon of January 14, there has been fierce fighting between the AA and the Military Council Army, and that the military has been carrying out air raids.

It is reported that AA has blocked access to Samee due to the fighting. Since December 2023, the fighting between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council has been going on, and the residents of Samee have fled to the nearby villages and forests.

Arakan Army (AA) has announced that Paletwa Township has been free from the military council since January 14. However, fighting is still fierce as the military council’s Samee strategic hill remains to be captured, according to local sources.

The eastern part of Paletwa Township is a military important area, and the military council troops and policemen from the military council camp based in Than Htaung in Samee have already left the camp since the last week of August 2023.

On January 15, the People’s Servant Revolution – Wetlet confirmed the news.

On January 14, the People’s Servant Revolution – Wetlet attacked the terrorist military council troops stationed in Pyu Ancient CIty: Halin with drone bombs in the afternoon, and joint forces of the Han Lin PaKaFa and the village PaKaFa attacked them with heavy weapons at night. The casualties are still under investigation at the moment.

It is reported that the Insein CID office gate was blown up with a remote mine.

On January 15, YA (Yangon Army) confirmed that they attacked the gate in front of the CID office at 7:05 p.m. It is said that the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) under the terrorist junta was attacked cooperatively by the Western Command PaKaFa and the YA (Yangon Army) with a high-intensity remote control mine. There may have been casualties among the junta troops since the attack was launched effectively.

In addition, as more military target areas will be attacked, the public is advised to stay away from the military base.

On January 15, the TR Team (Tigyaing Revolution) confirmed that most areas of Tigyaing Town in Sagaing Division had been set on fire by junta troops. The state of houses burned down in the town by the junta troops was seen by the aerial record with drones, and it was found that only the ashes of the houses are left.

Also, on January 3, a jet fighter from Tada-U Air Force bombarded Wae Gyi (Taw Ma) Village in Tigyaing Township 3 times, killing 3 civilians and injuring 4.

The Arakan Army (AA) released the news that, on January 15, at 9:00 a.m., the military council troops set fire to Taw Kan Village in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State. It was reported that Taw Kan Village burned down by the terrorist military is the old village and was torched once on December 22.

Taw Kan Village is a village with more than 100 households, and the local villagers have been fleeing to a safe place since last December because the military burned the village down, according to the Western News Agency that reports local news.

The AA has informed that in Rakhine State, where the fighting between the AA and the military council troops is intense, the military has been carrying out continuous attacks by land, sea, and air on civilian areas.

It is reported that on January 11, the terrorist military, which is targeting civilians, burned Taung Phu Village with more than 300 households in Pauktaw Township, and more than 60 houses were destroyed by fire.

  1. The NUG is working to provide technology and support to get agricultural water for farmers and drinking water for war-torn areas
  2. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management has provided 10.51 billion kyats of humanitarian aid
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  4. Deputy Minister of Labor U Kyaw Ni and Yangon Regional Operation Command Official Comrade Dewa went on a field visit to the Dawna Column in the south of Ye Township and met with revolutionary comrades
  5. More than 40,000 CDM civil servants from various ministries were given support with 2,200 million kyats
  6. Revolutionary forces provided 1,000,000 kyats in support for the victims of arson by the military council in Nattalin Township
  7. The MNDAA announced that all orders and martial laws issued by the Military Council and its subordinate Kokang group in Shan State Special Region 1 of Myanmar have been nullified
  8. Graduation ceremony of Palaw Regional Defense Force – PRDF basic military training week 5 was held
  9. TNLA says the military council is repeatedly violating the ceasefire agreement every day
  10. In Samee, a fierce battle broke out between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council Army, and the military council conducted air raids
  11. The defense forces attacked the terrorist military council troops stationed in Pyu Ancient CIty: Halin
  12. The Insein CID office gate was blown up with a remote mine
  13. In most parts of Tigyaing Town, civilian houses were set on fire by junta troops
  14. The military burned down Taw Kan Village in Sittwe

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