Summary of News

1. Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung extends her heartfelt wishes and blessings for the Shan New Year

Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, conveyed her heartfelt wishes and blessings for the Shan New Year being observed today through a message shared on Facebook.

“May the Shan New Year be filled with abundant blessings,” conveyed Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung.

At present, the National Unity Government and the ethnic resistance organizations in Shan State are cooperating in the Spring Revolution.

2. UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun says threats to the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and association diminish youth civic engagement

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, addressed the UNGA Informal Consultations on the Preparation of the Pact of the Future, emphasizing that the civic engagement of youth diminishes when the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association are threatened. This informal meeting is part of the preparations for an action-oriented Pact for the Future, with the goal of strengthening global governance for the benefit of present and future generations. Member States are expected to agree on this pact through intergovernmental negotiations during the upcoming Summit of the Future, scheduled for September later this year.

“We are witnessing the backsliding of human rights and democratic principles worldwide. When the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association are threatened, the civic engagement of youth will downside. Inclusive engagement of youth, including on digital platforms, is integral to ensuring their voices are heard and preserving the ability of future generations to enjoy their human rights,” stated Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun.

He also emphasized the responsibility of member states to fulfill the needs of the present generation and safeguard those of future generations. and advised that the Pact of the Future should incorporate action-oriented, forward-looking, and future-proof elements.

3. Three Brotherhood Alliance reaffirms its commitment to the shared political aspirations of the entire Myanmar population

The Three Brotherhood Alliance declared their unwavering commitment to the political aspirations of the entire Myanmar population, enduring generations of oppression under the military junta, vowing not to backtrack on their stance.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance reassured the public not to be concerned about reports about their recent meeting with the military junta, facilitated by China. They repeated their dedication to collaborating with the entire Myanmar population to pursue the necessary actions until the shared goals are achieved.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance declared their ongoing efforts to combat military junta bases and artillery outposts that pose a threat to civilians. Furthermore, in their statement, it was stated that although there was partial success in achieving individual goals within the Three Brotherhood Alliance, they needed to persist in their struggle for a specific duration to accomplish all of their objectives.

4. Revolutionary alliance secures Maw Luu, marking the fourth town captured in Sagaing Region

The revolutionary alliance, comprising the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the Indaw People’s Defense Force (PDF), and local defense and security forces, declared their successful assault on and occupation of Maw Luu Town in Indaw Township, part of Katha District in the upper Sagaing Region, on December 13.

The revolutionary alliance initiated an offensive around 2:00 a.m. on December 13, engaging in a four-hour-long battle and successfully taking control of the town by approximately 6:00 a.m., as reported by the ABSDF. Currently, alliance forces are organizing, and there have been reports of the junta conducting air strikes following the capture by the revolutionary alliance.

A CDM health worker who previously served in Indaw said that Maw Luu, situated in Indaw Township, Katha District, Sagaing Region, holds strategic military significance as it is situated on a crucial transportation center, connecting upper Myanmar and various parts of the country through both road and rail networks.

The people’s defense forces have previously secured the Sagaing towns of Kawlin, Khampat, and Shwe Pyi Aye, and they have now taken Maw Luu Town as their fourth captured town in Sagaing Region.

5. US Clarifies: Data on Annex of Statistical Information 2022 in Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 Does Not Represent a Policy Statement

The spokesperson for the US Department of State, in response to a VOA inquiry on December 12, clarified that the information presented in the Annex of Statistical Information 2022 to the Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 serves solely as an annex and does not represent a statement of policy by the United States government, contrary to the claims made by the Myanmar junta.

The military junta as well as the media close to the military are quoting the Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 made public by the US Department of State at the end of November that PDFs are responsible for more than 50 percent of the violence in Myanmar.

The State Department’s Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 itself does not mention Myanmar or the revolutionary groups. The annex was prepared by a contractor, Development Services Group Inc.’s (DSG) Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center, for the State Department.

In the annex, the People’s Defense Force (PDF), Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), and Chinland Defense Force (CDF) are listed as “perpetrators of incidents” of terrorism in 2022.

The Spokesperson, in its response to VOA, asserted that the ongoing violence in Myanmar is a direct consequence of the military coup in 2021 and the subsequent brutal crackdown on the country’s population by the military junta. The spokesperson stated that, in the aftermath of the coup, the junta killed thousands of civilians and imprisoned and executed democratic leaders, resulting in the displacement of over two million individuals in Myanmar.

Consequently, the spokesperson affirmed that the United States remains committed to taking action against the acts of violence perpetrated by the military junta against the people of Myanmar.

6. EU adds four junta members, including former foreign affairs minister, and two entities to the sanction list

The European Union released a statement on December 11, announcing the additional imposition of sanctions targeting four junta members and two entities.

The listings include Wunna Maung Lwin, the former junta’s foreign affairs minister; Lieutenant General Nyo Saw, the junta’s advisor and a member of the junta’s State Administration Council (SAC); Major General Hla Moe, Commander of the Eastern Command, who is responsible for airstrikes targeting civilians in particular in Kayah State; and Dr. Hmu Htan, also a member of the junta’s SAC. The two entities involved in providing arms and other equipment to the military, Star Sapphire Group of Companies and Royal Shune Lei Company Limited, are also listed in the eighth round of sanctions imposed on December 11.

In its seventh round of sanctions in July this year, the EU had previously added three of the junta’s union ministers, two SAC members, the Quartermaster General, and the No. 2 Mining Enterprise (ME 2)—a state-owned enterprise controlled by and generating revenue for the military—to its sanction list.

As of now, the EU has imposed sanctions on a total of 103 individuals and 21 entities from Myanmar. These sanctions involve an asset freeze, prohibiting the provision of funds or economic resources, directly or indirectly, to these individuals or entities for their benefit. Additionally, they are also subject to a travel ban to the EU.

7. Drone attack targets junta troops at General Administration Office and Police Station in Myaing, Sagaing

On December 13, the Myaing Township People’s Defense Organization (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO) reported the execution of a drone attack targeting junta troops stationed at the General Administration Office and Police Station at 1:00 p.m. in Myaing, Pakokku District, Sagaing.

The attack involved the use of 12 1-kg grenades, resulting in significant damage on the junta side. The battalions 1 and 2 of the Myaing Township People’s Defense Organization (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO), along with local defense forces such as the Bo Linn Mway group, Myaing Drone Force, and Myaing UAV Fighter, cooperated in executing the attack.

Furthermore, the Myaing Township People’s Defense Organization had previously launched an attack against junta troops stationed at the Planning Office located at the east entrance of Myaing Town on December 11, using a long-range rifle.

8. Spring Revolution Bank (SDB) announces completion of all share token distributions by December 17

Spring Revolution Bank (SDB) has announced that the distribution of share tokens for accounts with accurate and complete information will be finalized by December 17.

SDB has expressed apology for the delay in token distributions, citing the need to recheck errors and incorrect data with the relevant Relationship Managers (RMs).

As of December 2, during the share sale by Spring Development Bank, the total token orders amounted to $11.85 million.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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