Summary of News

1. Defense Minister U Yee Mon says that the present shared goal is to eradicate the military dictatorship

U Yee Mon, Union Minister of Defense for the National Unity Government, asserted that the present shared goal of all revolutionary forces is to eradicate the military dictatorship.

“The present shared goal is to eradicate the military dictatorship. When the revolution is won, there will be many things to discuss among ourselves, such as matters related to federal units, the territory allocated to each federal unit, and the definition of borders. A firm commitment has been made to resolve these matters through peaceful negotiations rather than using force. The revolutionary forces are steadfastly advancing alongside the revolutionary public,” Union Minister U Yee Mon conveyed to the public.

The National Unity Government declared the launch of the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021. Currently, the military pace has been escalating, and calls have been issued for members of the junta’s armed forces to surrender.

2. Deputy Defense Minister holds Face-to-Face Meeting with Revolutionary Forces in Ye Township, Mon State, addressing challenges and needs

On December 11, Nai Kao Rot, Deputy Minister of Defense for the National Unity Government, held a physical meeting with revolutionary forces in the southern part of Ye Township, Mon State. The Ministry of Defense’s statement today mentioned that during the meeting, Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot addressed operational aspects, the organization of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), and matters concerning the People’s Revolutionary Support Family (PRF). Additionally, he attentively listened to and discussed the challenges and requirements of the revolutionary comrades.

Representatives from the Southern Military Command of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) and comrades of various revolutionary forces, including the Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), Daw Na Column (P29902), Battalion 1 of the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), Ye Guerrilla Force (YGF), Ye Defense Force (YDF), Mon State Revolutions Organization (MSRO), and Ye Air Force (YAF), were present at the meeting.

3. Minbu District PDF Battalion 5 declares non-involvement in the robbery of a loan business in Salin Township

On December 14, Battalion 5 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Minbu District released a statement declaring their non-involvement in the robbery that occurred at a loan business in Salin Township, Minbu District, Magway Division. The incident, which took place on November 5 at 3:30 p.m., involved the theft of cash and a motorcycle. The Minbu District Battalion 5 asserted their non-involvement and assured to conduct investigations and implement effective actions in response to the incident.

Additionally, Minbu District Battalion 5 expressed a commitment to serving the well-being of the people and condemned the criminal act that happened on November 5, emphasizing their dedication to upholding their oath and refraining from such actions.

4. Mr. Kim Aris joins the White Ribbon Campaign, part of 16 Days of Activism, alongside Myanmar democracy activists in the UK

According to the Ministry of Women, Youths, and Children’s Affairs release on December 10, Mr. Kim Aris, the younger son of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, actively took part in the White Ribbon Campaign during the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Kim joined Myanmar democracy activists in the UK in supporting the campaign, which aimed to prevent violence against women and girls in Myanmar.

The overarching theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, observed from November 25 to December 10, 2023, is “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls.”

The members of the National Unity Government as well as PDF comrades had also actively participated in the 16 Days of Activism to prevent women and girls in Myanmar from violence and torture.

5. Operation 1027: Three Brotherhood Alliance refers to the military junta as ‘The Military Council on the Brink of Losing Power’

In the update situation of Operation 1027 released on December 13, the Three Brotherhood Alliance stated that “In these days, it has been observed that the military council on the brink of losing power has consistently been attacking civilian areas, residences, pagodas, and temples not associated with military targets instead of attacking locations where we, the Three Brotherhood Alliance, are active.”

The statement mentioned that the Three Brotherhood Alliance has already delivered a significant number of individuals involved in online gambling fraud and the masterminds behind them wanted by the Chinese government to the Chinese authorities. Simultaneously, they have been conducting thorough investigations to ascertain the whereabouts of these masterminds and individuals connected to these operations and apprehending them in the process.

It was mentioned that the goals of initiating Operation 1027 involve eradicating the military dictatorship, a desire shared by the entire Myanmar population, combating the widespread online gambling frauds, and cracking down on online gambling companies, as well as the military junta and militias involved in such activities.

6. ICNCC and NUG successfully conduct Civilian Harm Reduction Training for People’s Administration Teams in Chin State

The Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) and the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government collaborated to organize a three-day Training on Civil Harm Reduction for people’s administration teams in Chin State.

The training, which took place from December 4 to 6, was attended by humanitarian officers from people’s administrative teams representing different townships in Chin State.

7. In Rakhine, military junta forces forcibly detain 60 civilians within two days

On December 14, the Arakan Army (AA) announced that military junta forces in Rakhine State conducted the forcible detention of civilians, resulting in the arrest of 60 individuals within two days.

The Arakan Army (AA) conveyed that the military junta forces, unable to conduct counter-offensives in direct confrontations on the battlefields, have resorted to targeting and arresting civilians for several days. Specifically, on December 12, the military ship forcibly abducted 53 civilians at the mouth of the Kaladan River. Similarly, on December 11, the military junta forces stationed at the Aung Mingalar hilltop outpost in Minbya Township abducted 7 civilians, using them as human shields.

8. Revolutionary forces launch drone attacks on junta’s Northwestern Command Headquarters in Monywa, resulting in the deaths of at least five troops, including officers

Allied revolutionary forces carried out drone attacks on crucial military targets within the junta’s Northwestern Command Headquarters in Monywa on December 12, around 4:00 p.m., as part of the Daung Taman Aerial Operation. The attacks included simultaneous strikes on the submachine gun storage facility, officer lodging, and other significant facilities within the Northwestern Command Headquarters, as reported by the KLG PDF (a coalition of Yinmabin District PDF battalions 21, 22, and 23).

Furthermore, the KLG PDF conveyed that, based on subsequent reports it received, their attacks resulted in the deaths of at least five junta troops, including officers, and that the injured were transported to the military hospital.

The KLG PDF executed this operation in collaboration with Team 3 (PDAF) and Team 4 (SSTF) of the Shar Htoo Waw Technology Force and the Salingyi Township People’s Defense Team (Salingyi Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT).

#Credit : Radio NUG


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