Summary of News

1. Acting President says that environmental stewardship is well-performing in the expanding territories under control

In a message addressed to the World Climate Action Summit and the High-Level Segment of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar emphasized that Myanmar has a significant vulnerability to climate change. This vulnerability is exacerbated due to the unlawful actions of the military junta, which exploits the nation’s natural resources.

The Acting President stressed that the National Unity Government and Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs) have been rapidly expanding their territorial control and administrative efforts, enabling their responsible environmental stewardship and the fulfillment of climate commitments in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Acting President reiterated in the message that Myanmar remains steadfast in upholding our commitments, aiming to enhance national capacity by 2030. These commitments include preventing the emission of 105.24 million tCO2e in comparison to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in electricity generation, lowering cumulative net emissions by 123.6 million tCO2e through a 50% reduction in deforestation, decreasing emissions by 14.94 million tCO2e by distributing one million LPG stoves, and averting 0.719 million tCO2e by expanding renewable energy via mini-grids to cover the entire off-grid population of 2.7 million people in rural areas.

2. Deputy Human Rights Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe asserts that the military junta forces are the same as terrorist forces since they have replicated the actions of terrorists

In a Facebook post on December 8, Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe stated:

“The assessment of a military force typically involves considering whether they are engaged in defending the nation, fighting for liberation, or committing crimes against the public while pursuing liberation. Factors taken into account include their conduct in battle, treatment of prisoners of war, procedures for those who surrender, and their treatment of the civilian population in their territories. As for the coup military council, they have been listed on the list of terrorist forces since they did the same as the terrorists. Revolutionary armed organizations, such as the People’s Defence Force, tribal liberation forces, and ethnic armed forces, must adhere rigorously to the established rules and regulations governing the conduct of armed forces. Leaders and those in positions of authority are responsible for monitoring and supervising compliance, ensuring that all members, even at the lower levels, adhere to the prescribed rules and procedures.”

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister underscored that the revolutionary armed forces operating in regions with diverse religions, ethnicities, and customs, such as Rakhine, bear a responsibility not only to safeguard local residents but also to treat them with equality, acknowledging and respecting their differences.

3. Seminar on Myanmar’s political landscape and path to democracy to take place in Hiroshima, Japan

On December 24, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time, a seminar addressing Myanmar’s political situation and path toward democracy will be held in Hiroshima, Japan.

The seminar will feature lectures by Mr. Michihiro Ishizaki, a three-term member of the Japanese House of Representatives and secretary of the “Federation of Members of the House of Representatives for Supporting Democracy in Myanmar,” and U Saw Hla Ba Thein, the representative of the National Unity Government to Japan.

Mr. Ishizaki will speak on “Myanmar’s politics and path to democracy: What can we do now?” while U Saw Hla Ba Thein will discuss “Burmese military’s violent actions must not be condoned.” Mr. Ishizaki, known for his active involvement in Myanmar affairs, brings valuable parliamentary experience to the discussion.

4. Individuals from Myanmar are among the UK sanctions targeting forced labour operations in Southeast Asia

On December 8, as part of a wide-ranging package of sanctions targeting individuals linked to human rights abuses globally, to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, the UK announced sanctions targeting forced labor operations in Southeast Asia. The sanctions target nine individuals and five entities involved in trafficking people in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, compelling them to work in online ‘scam farms’ and facilitating large-scale fraud. Individuals from Myanmar subjected to sanctions for their involvement in trafficking individuals to the Shwe Kokko new city gambling project in Karen State include Colonel Saw Chit Thu, a leader of the Myanmar junta-affiliated Border Guard Force (BGF), Chinese investor She Zhijiang, and Saw Min Min Oo, the managing director of Chit Lin Myaing Co., operated by Saw Chit Thu’s BGF.

The UN estimates that at least 120,000 people in Myanmar alone are being forced to work for such schemes. The FCDO has helped a small number of British nationals return to the UK who had become victims. The Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, said: “We will not tolerate criminals and repressive regimes trampling on the fundamental rights and freedoms of ordinary people around the world. “It is clear that 75 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UK and our allies will continue to relentlessly pursue those who would deny people their freedom.”

5. TNLA reveals weapons and ammunition seized along with the military junta’s Hko Mone military outpost

According to an announcement of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) dated December 9, it had successfully captured Hko Mone military outpost in Man Ton Township, which is in its 3rd Brigade territory, at 4:30 p.m. on December 7.

The TNLA revealed many weapons and ammunition seized along with the outpost. This included a 60-mm artillery, a pistol, five firearms, much ammunition, and other military equipment.

6. Junta troops storm Tone Kyaw village north of Tamu Town, torching more than 17 houses, including the pastor’s house

The Kuki National Army (KNA-Burma) has confirmed that at about 11:30 p.m. on December 8, the military junta forces stationed in Myo Thit Town and its affiliates stormed in Tone Kyaw village north of Tamu Town in Sagaing Region and torched more than 17 houses, including the pastor’s house, in the Evangelical Baptist Church (EBC) compound, forcing residents to flee.

Tone Kyaw village, situated along the Tamu-Aungzayyar Road, is a village inhabited by Kuki people. The village has more than 300 houses.

“There is no ongoing conflict in our village. Even displaced individuals from other areas, such as Tha Nan and Myo Thit, sought refuge in our village. I don’t understand why the military came to set our village ablaze. However, one thing is clear: it appears to be the military’s strategy to destroy Kuki villages like ours. This incident is no different. On December 7, the KNA-Burma and District Battalion collaborated to launch an offensive on the junta’s Aung Zay Ya base. It has been reported that the junta forces suffered significant losses, and some of them fled. In retaliation, they came to our unarmed village, firing guns and burning houses. It seems their counter-attack is targeting civilians,” said a resident who did not want to be identified.

7. Ambush targets scout troops of a junta’s infantry column in Kha Mauk Gyi, Kawthoung

On the morning of December 7, a military infantry column consisting of 50 personnel, led by the commander of the Light Infantry Battalion 584 (LIB-584) who was traveling in a private car, traveled to Mar Yan village in Kha Mauk Gyi Township, Kawthaung District. They also brought a dump truck, as reported by the Kawthaung People’s Defense Team (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT).

Later, the Kawthaung People’s Defense Team ambushed a scout team consisting of approximately 20 troops from the column as they approached the cemetery near Phao Thot village. The ambush reportedly resulted in the deaths of two individuals, including a sergeant, while two others sustained injuries. Additionally, one firearm was seized during the ambush.

The junta’s investment and foreign economic relations minister, Kan Zaw, who is sanctioned by the US and EU, will host the conference at the Grand Amara Hotel which is part of the junta-linked conglomerate International Group of Entrepreneurs owned by Ne Aung, the brother of the junta’s naval chief, the JFM stated.

8. Banner displaying “Leave the Fascist Military and Enter the Embrace of the People” hung in front of Launglon City Hall

On December 9, the Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee announced that they had conducted an anti-military dictatorship campaign in the morning in front of the City Hall and hospital in Launglon.

As part of the campaign, a banner displaying the message “Leave the Fascist Military and Enter the Embrace of the People” was hanged in front of City Hall in order to encourage junta troops to defect from the military to the side of the people. In addition, they also distributed pamphlets.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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