Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khing Thann says that a revolutionary turning point is soon to come

Union Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann stated during the meeting of the Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) on December 7 that a revolutionary turning point is on the horizon.

“I believe that our revolution will soon reach a turning point, given the enhanced collaboration among all revolutionary forces in the current situation. When we started this revolution, the international community had doubts about whether our revolutionary forces, which began solely on the great will of the public and the power of the public, would be able to demolish such a strong military infrastructure. Similarly, now they harbor doubts about our capability to execute administrative work well,” stated Union Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann.

2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng highlights the crucial role played by CDM medical personnel in Operation 1027

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng emphasized the significant contribution of medical personnel involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) during Operation 1027 in a post on December 8.

“There are two ministers of MONREC (NUG), Khun Bedu and Khun Saw Hpu, who are leading the fight in Karenni. They have a lot of CDM employees who are assisting them there, particularly those in the medical field. The Ministry of Health has indeed supplied medical assistance to the area; however, due to the imbalance between supply and demand, there remains a substantial need. In this context, the contribution of CDM medical personnel proves highly effective. It can be asserted that the presence of medical professionals within each ethnic revolutionary force serves as a crucial backup and is immensely beneficial. These professionals, with their experience, can seamlessly fill the required roles without the need for additional training. Apart from that, they play a crucial role in Operation 1027 as well,” Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng stated.

Currently, numerous CDM medical personnel are actively serving in frontline hospitals and clinics under the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government.

3. Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd engages in a public hearing at the Japanese Parliament, offering testimony on Myanmar Affairs

According to a release from the NUG Representative Office in Japan, a public hearing addressing the current situation and future prospects of Myanmar, along with the U.S. government’s policy on Myanmar, took place at 8:00 a.m. local time on December 8 in the Japanese Parliament. Professor Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd, a retired lieutenant colonel of the United States Army and a professor at the Asia-Pacific Centre for Security Studies, provided testimony during the session.

Attendees at the public hearing included Japanese parliamentarians, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japanese media, supporters of democracy for Myanmar among the Japanese population, and Myanmar residents in Japan.

4. First Chinland Council Conference declares the formation of the Chinland Parliament, Government, and Supreme Court within 60 days

On December 7, the Chinland Council released the first Chinland Council Conference Statement. According to the statement, the conference endorsed the Chinland Constitution and the establishment of the Chinland Council. Additionally, it declared the forthcoming formation of the Chinland Parliament, Chinland Government, and Chinland Supreme Court within 60 days.

Reportedly conducted from December 4 to 7 at Victorial Base in Chin State, the Chinland Council Conference witnessed the participation of 235 representatives from various Chin organizations, including members of the Chin ethnic parliament.

5. U Min Ko Naing says that the military group is committing a series of wrongdoings along with injustice, and the people are fiercely opposing it

On December 7, U Min Ko Naing, a prominent student leader of the 1988 generation, asserted that the military group continues to commit a series of wrongdoings along with injustice, and the people are already fiercely opposing it.

He mentioned that despite the military’s possession of superior forces and arms, as well as a longstanding history of enjoying immunities, and despite their continued committing of wrongdoings along with injustice, their spirit is collapsing under the strong opposition of the public. Furthermore, he emphasized the additional challenges faced by the military, including diplomatic isolation and failures in the financial sector.

At present, the terrorist military group is experiencing defeats and losses in Karenni State, Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and northern Shan State.

6. Shwebo District PDF Battalion 9 seeks new financial support members to expedite offensive and city capture operations

The Shwebo District People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalion 9 announced that they were seeking new support members to expedite offensive and city capture operations.

“Defence Minister U Yee Mon once said that in order for a single PDF soldier to fight on the frontlines, there is a requirement for five support troops [financial support members] from the rear to provide support. Hence, to facilitate the acceleration of offensives and city capture operations, we extend an invitation to everyone to join our Shwebo District PDF Battalion 9 as support troops,” the force said.

7. Junta column storms Ywa Thit village in Taze Township, burning three civilian houses

On December 5, at 8:00 a.m., a military junta column comprising approximately 50 troops from Light Infantry Battalions 708 and 11 (LIB 708 and LIB 11), stationed at the Taze general administration office and Taze Police Station, stormed Tanei village in Taze Township. They camped overnight in Tanei village and resumed their offensive the next morning at 7:50 a.m., targeting Hman Kyaing, Hman Yinn, and Thayet Kwa villages. The column then camped in Thayet Kwa village overnight. On December 7, at 7:00 a.m., they reached Ywa Thit village west of Lan Sone Town in Taze Township, where they burned down three civilian houses before proceeding to War Ya Nge village.

Reports indicate that the junta column departed War Ya Nge village at 6:45 a.m. on December 8 and returned to the Taze general administration office and Taze Police Station, where they are stationed.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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