Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister warns against remaining loyal to the terrorist military junta

During a speech at the 38th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann warned those armed force members and civil servants who remain loyal to the terrorist military junta, stating, “It is now clear how this revolution is going to end, so it is time for those [soldiers, police, and civil servants] to stop being loyal to the terrorist military council that will result in them being guilty until their successive generations and historical culprits, and it is time for them to swiftly be loyal to the public and decisively stand together with the revolutionary government and the revolutionary organizations.”

Over 30,000 members of the junta forces have lost their lives throughout the people’s resistive war, and approximately 15,000 others have defected to the side of the people.

“Now, various revolutionary forces are releasing statements, urging and calling for [those loyal to the terrorist military council to surrender and align with the legal fold], so I would like to encourage soldiers, police, and militias still affiliated with the terrorist military council not to make the wrong decision,” emphasized the Union Prime Minister.

2. CRPH conveys confidence in the swift eradication of the power-hungry regime

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) has conveyed its strong belief that the power-hungry military regime will be swiftly eradicated, leading to the victory of the Spring Revolution in a short period of time. This assertion was made in a statement issued to mark the 103rd anniversary of Myanmar’s National Victory Day.

On the occasion of the 103rd National Victory Day, the CRPH sent wishes for all ethnic along with all the revolutionaries who are fighting for federal democracy to be safe from all dangers and to be able to work together with new ideas and new strength to build a new federal democratic union as soon as possible.

“This is a moment where we, together, have made significant gains against the illegitimate military junta. We firmly believe that, based on the already established unity, mutual understanding, and respect, we will be able to eliminate the power-hungry military regime, and the victory of the Spring Revolution will soon be realized,” the statement said.

The CRPH pledged to continue working collaboratively with all ethnic groups and revolutionary forces to establish a new federal democratic union that is characterized by freedom, peace, and ideological purity. Furthermore, it urged all parties to move forward together from this 103rd National Day toward the victory of the Spring Revolution.

3. Human Rights Minister emphasizes the significance of communications and information flow in the current situation

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, emphasized the crucial role of communication and information flow during the current period in a video message promoting participation in the Federal Net Campaign.

“The communication sector and information flow are particularly important during this time when we are revolutionizing the terrorist military group. Technologies facilitating communication and information flow have played a crucial role in accurately verifying cases of human rights violations and in sending records to the international community in a timely manner so that effective measures can be taken,” Union Minister U Aung Myo Min said.

The Ministry of Communications, Information, and Technology is working on the “Federal Net Campaign,” which aims to expand internet networks in five townships as its initial phase. This initiative requires an expense of $0.25 million.

4. Korea Consumer Brand Awards Committee revokes an award given to the Myanmar junta’s ambassador to South Korea after one week

The Korea Consumer Brand Awards Committee announced the cancellation of an award given to the junta’s ambassador to South Korea just one week after the initial announcement, as released by the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Representative Office in South Korea. This decision came in response to strong objections from Korean civil society organizations and Myanmar residents in Korea.

At the Korea Consumer Brand Grand Prize Awards ceremony held at the Korea Press Center in Seoul on November 29, the Korea Consumer Brand Awards Committee of the Korea Consumer Global Council (KCGC) presented the 2023 Best Ambassador Award to Myanmar’s ambassador in South Korea, Thant Sin, who serves under the military junta. However, today, the KCGC revoked this award.

In the announcement, the KCGC stated that they had learned that Korean civil society organizations that support democracy in Myanmar and Myanmar residents in Korea were very disappointed over the award given to the junta’s ambassador. Initially presented for his efforts to enhance cultural collaboration between the two nations at an international culture festival in Seoul in May, the KCGC clarified that the award was not intended to be related to the international political situation. However, considering the current situation of the Myanmar military and the concerns raised by Korean civil society organizations, the KCGC decided to cancel the award, recognizing that it was a hasty decision.

5. Skirmish erupts between the AA and Junta forces in Mrauk-U, resulting in four Junta soldiers’ deaths

According to the announcement of the Three Brotherhood Alliance on December 6, a skirmish broke out between the Arakan Army (AA) and the military junta troops near Ngwe Taung Pauk Bridge in Mrauk-U, resulting in the deaths of four junta troops and injuries to five others.

Suffered junta troops reportedly opened fire indiscriminately near the bridge towards Mrauk-U Town at about 3:00 p.m. following the skirmish with the AA.

Moreover, the Three Brotherhood Alliance stated that junta forces stationed on Taung Maw U hill in Minbya Township chased and fired at civilians with small arms, resulting in the death of one resident of Pauktaw. Additionally, the report indicates that the 541st Light Infantry Battalion (LIB 541), stationed in Minbya Township near Mae Daw hill, continuously fired upon civilians passing in proximity to them.

6. Federal Wings participated in the attacks to seize control of Mone Town

The Federal Wings Drone Force reported on December 7 that its unit affiliated with the KNU/KNLA Brigade 3 was involved in the operations to seize control of various junta facilities in Mone Town. These included  bases of Light Infantry Battalion 599 (LIB 599), Light Infantry Battalion 590 (LIB 590), Mone Town Police Station, and a bridge checkpoint located at the town’s entrance.

The battalions of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigades 3, 1, and 5, Yoma Columns 2, 4, and 5, the Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA), forces of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), and the unit of the Federal Wings affiliated with the KNLA Brigade 3 collectively carried out these operations.

7. Asian Development Bank (ADB) will not attend the 26th GMS Ministerial Conference (MC-26)

Justice For Myanmar (JFM) revealed that the illegitimate Myanmar military regime has planned to host the 26th Greater Mekong Subregion Ministerial Conference (MC-26) on December 15 in Naypyidaw.

JFM said it welcomed the decision by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which acts as the GMS secretariat, not to attend the Ministerial Conference to be held in Naypyidaw and not to provide any support for it. In response to an email, a spokesperson from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) informed Justice For Myanmar that the ADB would not attend the 26th GMS Ministerial Conference. Additionally, the ADB would not provide any funding for the event or offer logistical or advisory support. The ADB also clarified that it would not finance the costs associated with attendees from any developing member countries.

Justice For Myanmar called on the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries to cancel the conference and exclude the military junta from the GMS program.

The junta’s investment and foreign economic relations minister, Kan Zaw, who is sanctioned by the US and EU, will host the conference at the Grand Amara Hotel which is part of the junta-linked conglomerate International Group of Entrepreneurs owned by Ne Aung, the brother of the junta’s naval chief, the JFM stated.

8. Mandalay Strike Force launches a campaign to commemorate National Day, holding a banner welcoming Shwe Pyi Soe Operation

Mandalay Strike Force declared on December 7 that they conducted a campaign in commemoration of 103rd National Day. As part of the campaign, a banner urging the continued fight for fallen heroes was displayed in front of the house located at the corner of 111×51 Street in Mandalay, where certain People’s Defense Force (PDF) members fell and were arrested during a junta RPG attack in 2021.

Additionally, amid tight security, Mandalay Strike Force members held a banner welcoming the Shwe Pyi Soe Operation.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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