Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023– September 29

1. The Union Prime Minister stated that any organization or individual that relies on weapons to oppress civilians must be condemned and dealt with accordingly, regardless of its nature 

The National Unity Government’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting No. (39/2023) was held on September 28, and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, chairman of the ILACC, delivered an opening speech.

“Now, due to the widespread military operations launched across the country, the ability to work in a balanced way with ethnic alliance organizations, and the strengthening of the chain of command of our People’s Defense Forces, offensives habve become very satisfying. We can only develop an administrative system when the area is stable and peaceful, and in terms of stability and law and order, we need to have understanding and connection between the organizations. Since we are a revolutionary government, no matter what kind of organization it is, if it relies on weapons and oppresses the people, we will not accept it and take action,” said the Union Prime Minister.

The meeting was attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries, and officials from departments. The resolution made by the members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (38/2023), the conditions of completion of the previous processes and the remaining processes to be carried out were explained and discussed extensively by the attending officials.

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government has also formed a complaints committee to receive and resolve complaints from the public.

2. With the guidance and support of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs of the National Unity Government, about 500 war refugees were treated with food

The Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs (MOWYCA) announced on September 28 that, with the guidance and support of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, about 500 war refugees were treated with food.

“With the guidance and support of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, about 500 war refugees from Monywa Township and Myinmu Township who fled to Ayadaw Township on September 27 were treated with food by Ayadaw Township MOWYCA in charge, members of the township PaKaFa, PaLaFa, and local village organizations,” it stated.

Currently, the terrorist military is not only targeting civilians in rural areas, but also abducting them to use as human shields.

3. MOD awarded 10 million Myanmar kyats to the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), that carried out the Myawaddy drone attack

On September 28, the Ministry of Defence announced that the Ministry of Defence awarded a reward of 10 million Myanmar kyats to the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), which carried out the Myawaddy drone attack in Karen State.

“On the night of September 3, 2023, while a junta’s security meeting was being held at the office of the General Administration Department of Myawaddy Township, Karen State, the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), attacked with a drone, killing 5 people, including Myawaddy District Governor U Soe Tint, Traffic Police Deputy Chief Nay Lin Soe, seriously injuring 5, and not seriously injuring 6,” it stated.

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government awarded 10 million Myanmar kyat to the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), as a reward for the successful operation.

The award ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of Defense Nai Kao Rot, Southern Military Region Deputy Commander (2) Comrade Saw Shar and officials from the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801.

4. The Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw Chairman and Monywa People’s Strike Committee held a meeting on the ground

The Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) officially announced on September 28 that the Chairman of the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) and the Monywa People’s Strike Committee had a meeting on the ground.

Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw Chairman U Myint Htwe and U Tun Tun Win (CRSH) met with Monywa People’s Strike Committee members somewhere in Sagaing Division, and the chairman explained the process and political positions of the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH).

After that, it was reported that the participants had a friendly and open discussion on the future processes during the revolution.

5. Terrorist military fired at the Khantiwuntharama Monastery in Joe Daung Village, Wun Tho Township with a howitzer, injuring 18 children, with 6 of them suffering severe wounds

On September 28, the Ministry of Defence released a statement that 18 children were injured, with 6 of them suffering severe wounds, when the terrorist military fired a howitzer at the Khantiwuntharama Monastery in Joe Daung Village, Wun Tho Township.

“A horrific incident unfolded on September 27, 2023, around 12:30 PM at Khantiwuntharama Monastery in Joe Daung Village, Wun Tho Township, Sagaing Region. The heartless act saw the military regime’s Light Infantry Battalion (Kha Ma Ya) 120 brutally attacking with Howitzer heavy artillery, with three shells striking the monastery.

Tragically, at the time of the attack, the children of Joe Daung Village were diligently pursuing their studies within the sanctuary of the monastery. This cruel act resulted in the injury of 18 students, with six of them suffering severe wounds.

This merciless assault serves as a stark reminder of the military council, led by Min Aung Hlaing, committing grave war crimes against innocent civilians, especially vulnerable children who were simply seeking an education,” it stated.

6. During the 5-day battle in Kyondoe Township, 32 military council troops were killed and 6 were injured 

“From September 22, 2023 to September 26, 2023, 6 major and minor battles took place between the IB-230, LIB-546, and IB-208 battalions of the coup terrorist military council troops stationed in the village of Taung Kyar Inn, Kyondoe Township, Dooplaya District of KNU, and Revolutionary Joint Forces of KNDO Battalion 6 of KNU – Brigade 6,” it stated.

During that 5-day battle, 32 were killed and 6 were injured from the side of the coup terrorist military council, and 2 comrades from the Revolutionary Joint Forces of the KNDO-Karen National Defense Organization were injured.

It is reported that the coup terrorist military council troops stationed in Taung Kyar Inn Village, Kyondoe Township, Dooplaya District of KNU have been blocking the entry and exit of Taung Kyar Inn Village, ransacking the houses of the people fleeing the war, looting public property and religious items from the monastery, and recklessly firing at the villages with heavy weapons every day.

7. Cobra Column Company-4 announced, “We’ve already prepared flags to celebrate when we entered the cities”

On September 28, Cobra Column Company-4 announced along with the victory flag that they’d already prepared flags to celebrate when they entered the cities.

“We’ve already prepared flags to celebrate when we entered the cities. What? We will enter the city shouting, “Come out who dare to die”,” it stated.

The National Unity Government declared the People’s Resistance War on September 7, 2021, and that 2023 is the decisive year for the final battle.

8. Urging the public to boycott the Inle Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda festival to be held in Inle region without cooperating with the military council

The Inle People Defense Force-IPDF has urged the public to boycott the Inlay Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda festival to be held in Inle region without cooperating with the military council.

“It is time for the people of Inle to show a paradigm that they are the people capable of discriminating between right and wrong in ideology and religion. It is the responsibility of our people to be aware of the plans of the coup military council and their lackeys to make use of religion for their interests. Therefore, we do not want our people to go extreme in religion, and we should have right insight and vision,” IPDF stated.

Inle Women’s Union (IWU), Inle People Defense Force-IPDF, and Inle Federal Democracy Moment (IFDM) have urged the people of Inle and Myanmar to not participate in the events sponsored by the military council and to boycott hotels owned by military families, as such a celebration should not be held when Myanmar people in the entire country are suffering due to the war.

  1. The Union Prime Minister stated that any organization or individual that relies on weapons to oppress civilians must be condemned and dealt with accordingly, regardless of its nature
  2. With the guidance and support of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs of the National Unity Government, about 500 war refugees were treated with food
  3. MOD awarded 10 million Myanmar kyats to the Federal Wings, Drone Arm Unit of Battalion 1801 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), that carried out the Myawaddy drone attack
  4. The Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw Chairman and Monywa People’s Strike Committee held a meeting on the ground
  5. Terrorist military fired at the Khantiwuntharama Monastery in Joe Daung Village, Wun Tho Township with a howitzer, injuring 18 children, with 6 of them suffering severe wounds
  6. During the 5-day battle in Kyondoe Township, 32 military council troops were killed and 6 were injured
  7. Cobra Column Company-4 announced, “We’ve already prepared flags to celebrate when we entered the cities”
  8. Urging the public to boycott the Inle Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda festival to be held in Inle region without cooperating with the military council

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