Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 September 11

1. The Minister of Justice said that it is crucial to prevent friction and damage from happening again during the revolution

Justice Minister U Thein Oo said that during the revolution, it is necessary to prevent friction and damage from happening again.

The Minister for Justice said at a meeting (12/2023) where the Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government and judges from the township courts met and discussed.

“During the revolution, there may be weaknesses in the rule of law, and there are frictions and damages that occur as a result, and we need to prevent such cases from happening again. If this cannot be prevented, public confidence in the Spring Revolution will be affected. The terrorist military will be pleased if public support for the revolution wanes, and it will also be detrimental to the revolution. Therefore, we will have to try as much as we can,” said the Union Minister.

Union Minister of Justice U Thein Oo, Permanent Secretary Daw May Aung Thu, Director General of Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Department U Tin Tun Thein and officials attended the meeting.

2. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung said that the IT department was able to immediately detect and prevent the cyber-attack on the ministry websites of the National Unity Government with DDOS, and identified the ISP used from Nay Pyi Taw

On September 10, the Union Minister of Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Linn Aung said that the IT department was able to immediately detect and prevent the cyber-attack on the ministry websites of the National Unity Government with DDOS, and identified the ISP used from Nay Pyi Taw.

“I am proud of the entire IT department that was able to immediately identify and prevent cyber-attack with DDOs and identify the ISP used from Nay Pyi Taw,” said the Union Minister.

The National Unity Government’s ministry websites were attacked by DDOs attack system from Nay Pyi Taw, which was detected and protected by the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology’s IT Department.

3. A coordination meeting was held for the 35th anniversary of the National League for Democracy

A coordination meeting was held in order to be able to hold the 35th anniversary of the National League for Democracy.

On September 10, coordination meeting was held for the National League for Democracy’s 35th annual party event.

The meeting was attended by members of the Central Work Committee and members of the Organizing Committee.

4. The Myohla K-PDF Battalion informed that the terrorist military council’s soldiers who are militarily active in Bhamo District of Kachin State, have entered the legal fold

On September 10, the Myohla K-PDF battalion informed that the terrorist military council’s soldiers, under Division-88, which is militarily active in Bhamo District of Kachin State, have entered the legal fold.

“We would like to report to the public that Ya Wai Aung and Nay Lin Oo of IB-78, and Zaw Min Htwe of IB-437, under the Division-88 that is militarily active in Bhamo District of Kachin State, have defected to Myohla K-PDF (Battalion 5) in KIA Brigade 8,” it stated.

It is said that Myohla K-PDF helped the people’s soldiers who joined the CDM in accordance with human dignity, provided support for the needs, and helped with everything for repatriation.

5. Khar Chin Taung camp, which was firmly stationed by the terrorist military council troops in Bago Yoma was successfully captured and destroyed

On September 10, the Bago Sub-Military Region confirmed the military news that they successfully attacked, captured and burned down the Khar Chin Taung camp where the terrorist military council troops were firmly stationed in the Bago Yoma.

It stated that, on September 9 at 22:00 p.m., Company 5 of Thayarwaddy District People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion 3802, attacked the Khar Chin Taung camp on Khar Chin Mountain on Bago Yoma Cross Road between Sein Kant Lant and Myo Chaung in Minhla Township, Thayarwaddy District, Bago Region, where the military council troops were firmly stationed with many trenches with heavy weapons and small arms.

In the attack, the terrorist military council fought back, but with a tactical advantage, the military council forces retreated and fled due to the encirclement attack by the people’s defense forces.

It is reported that the People’s Defense Forces successfully captured the Khar Chin Taung camp of the terrorist military council and seized a badge. Then, in order to prevent the enemy from deploying and stationing again, the camp was destroyed and burned.

There may be casualties on the side of the terrorist military council in the battle to capture the camp, which is still being confirmed and investigated.

6. The junta convoy returning from the invasion of villages on the west of Sadaung Ward in Sagaing Township was attacked by mines

On September 10, Fight for Federal reported they conducted the mine attack on the junta convoy returning from the invasion of villages on the west of Sadaung Ward in Sagaing Township.

“The junta convoy of more than 100 soldiers, which was returning to the 33rd Division in Sagaing after the invasion of the villages on the west of Sadaung Ward in Sagaing Township from September 3 to September 8, was detonated with two point mines near the Nan Mahar Restaurant on the Sagaing-Shwebo-Monywa Highway between Ohn Taw and Ywar Thit Villages in Sagaing Township at past 9:00 a.m. on September 9,” it stated.

In the mine attack, two military vehicles were directly hit by a mine, and there may have been many casualties from the terrorist junta soldiers.

The operation was carried out by Fight for Federal, Phoenix SGG, Unicorn, Sagaing Township PaKaFa, and Anyar Thar Lay SGG Forces.

7. The Myingyan Black Tiger (MBT) and Alliance forces attacked the junta soldiers stationed at the general administration office in Yesagyo, Magway Region, killing two junta soldiers

The Myingyan Black Tiger (MBT) and Alliance forces attacked the junta soldiers stationed at the general administration office in Yesagyo, Magway Region, killing two junta soldiers.

“On September 9, 2023, at around 7:00 p.m., Myingyan Black Tiger (MBT) and Alliance forces attacked the junta soldiers stationed at the general administration office in Yesagyo, Magway Region, using Guerilla Tactic, and killed two junta soldiers,” it stated.

The fighting lasted for about 30 minutes and two junta soldiers were killed and three were injured.

8. Myanmar received the first shipment of two Russian Su-30 fighter jets

“Myanmar has received the first shipment of two Russian Su-30 fighter jets, Charlie Than, Myanmar’s trade minister, told the Russian RIA state news agency in remarks published on Sunday,” Reuters reported.

“Two aircraft have already been delivered,” Than told RIA on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, Russia’s annual forum aimed at developing economic cooperation in the region and encouraging foreign investment, which starts on Sunday in the port of Vladivostok.

Russia and Myanmar signed a contract in September 2022 for the delivery of six Su-30SME fighter jets, RIA said.

The Sukhoi Su-30SME multi-role fighter jet is designed for enemy’s aerial targets engagement, aerial reconnaissance, combat employment and pilot training, according to Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-controlled arms exporter.

  1. The Minister of Justice said that it is crucial to prevent friction and damage from happening again during the revolution
  2. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung said that the IT department was able to immediately detect and prevent the cyber-attack on the ministry websites of the National Unity Government with DDOS, and identified the ISP used from Nay Pyi Taw
  3. A coordination meeting was held for the 35th anniversary of the National League for Democracy
  4. The Myohla K-PDF Battalion informed that the terrorist military council’s soldiers who are militarily active in Bhamo District of Kachin State, have entered the legal fold
  5. Khar Chin Taung camp, which was firmly stationed by the terrorist military council troops in Bago Yoma was successfully captured and destroyed
  6. The junta convoy returning from the invasion of villages on the west of Sadaung Ward in Sagaing Township was attacked by mines
  7. The Myingyan Black Tiger (MBT) and Alliance forces attacked the junta soldiers stationed at the general administration office in Yesagyo, Magway Region, killing two junta soldiers
  8. Myanmar received the first shipment of two Russian Su-30 fighter jets

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