Spring Revolution Local News – Jul 16 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. NUG’s Union Minister of Home Affairs spoke with officials of the Special Investigation and Intelligence Department from Mon State and Tanintharyi Region

U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, had a virtual meeting with the officials of the Special Investigation and Intelligence Department from Mon State and Tanintharyi Region on July 15.

Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt gave opening remarks, and then the Director General of the Special Investigation and Intelligence Department presented the intelligence plan for Mon State and Tanintharyi Region.

The two-hour discussion continued with topics related to the investigation and intelligence, anti-terrorist, internal challenges and needs, and the situation on the ground. Over 30 representatives from the Special Investigation and Intelligence Department from the central, regional, district, and township levels attended the meeting.

2. KNU Chairman Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win says that the political efforts that the Karen people are fighting for have many future challenges

The Chairman of the Karen National Union (KNU), Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win, said in an address marking the 76th anniversary of the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) on July 16 that the political efforts that the Karen people are fighting for have many future challenges. “We must conduct a thorough analysis of the situations, make plans that are appropriate for the time and situation, and carry them out thoroughly if we are to succeed in achieving our goals,” he said.

He continued by saying that the Karen people’s national desire for equality and the rights to self-determination, in which the Karen people have the right to decide their own destiny, that are based on the federal union system have not yet been achieved.

The KNU is collaborating both militarily and politically with the revolutionary resistance groups in the current Spring Revolution.

3. The combined forces of the Seven Ravens Column and the KNLA attack and clear the junta troops camouflaging in Dauk Yat village in Mon State’s Belin Township

According to the Seven Ravens Column’s report on July 16, the combined forces of the Seven Ravens Column and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA/KNU) launched an attack against the junta troops camouflaging in Dauk Yat village in Mon State’s Belin Township on the same day at 6:00 a.m., causing casualties among the junta troops.

The details of causalities among the enemy troops had yet to be confirmed, and the members of the Seven Ravens Column and the KNLA combined forces were able to withdraw unscathed, according to the Seven Ravens Column.

4. More than 8,000 residents in Khin-U Township are fleeing the raids of the junta troops

According to local news sources, more than 8,000 residents from Kyun Lel, Kyun Swel, Shwe Yamin, Kan Gyi Kone, and Myo Thit villages in Khin-U Township were fleeing due to the indiscriminate fire of heavy and light weapons into Theim Taw village by the military council troops before raiding the village.

On the afternoon of July 15, a military column of more than 100 troops, who were roaming in the northern part of Shwebo Township, Shwebo District, and Saganig Region, came about from Khun Taung Gyi (Pyu Saw Htee’s) village and the Nyaung Pin Thar Agricultural Science School. According to the local news sources, the column then conducted a raid on Tae Bo Pin village in Khin-U Township, which is situated beside the YeU-NyaungPinThar-Shwebo Road, at around three in the afternoon while firing both heavy and light weapons indiscriminately.

5. 2,486 out of 30,000 shares of the EOD’s campaign to support people who have lost their houses and properties due to the junta’s arson attack in the Anyar (upland) region has been sold

The End of Dictatorship (EOD) initiative announced on July 16 that its campaign to completely sell out the remaining 30,000 shares of its second fundraising project, InyaView@6.5 Mile, to provide support to victims of the terrorist military’s arson attack in the Anyar (upland) region, has sold 2,486 shares as of the 16th day.

The second project of the EOD (the initiative by the NUG-MOPFI), InyaView@6.5 Mile, a residential property illegally acquired by terrorist leader Min Aung Hlaing and situated at six and a half miles from Yangon, saw the sale of 40,000 of its 70,000 shares, generating US$4 million. Now, the remaining 30,000 shares worth US$3 million, at US$100 each, will be sold within 20 days and donated to the victims of the terrorist military’s arson attack in the Anyar region.

6. Yaw Region Drone Force calls for public support for the US$40,000 fundraising campaign to acquire combat drones for the Yaw region

On July 16, the Yaw Region Drone Force announced the status of the US$40,000 fundraising campaign to acquire combat drones for the Yaw region and called for public support.

“The US$40,000 Campaign of the Yaw Region Drone Force has reached its fifth day. We are providing the status of fund-raising as of July 15 by country. We have set a target of raising US$10,000 per week. We have only reached 40% of the target amount in this first week, so we would like to call for contributions,” the Yaw Region Drone Force stated.

The Yaw Region Drone Force asked individuals who had already contributed to spread the word about the campaign, and the Facebook page for the group had instructions for making contributions.

The US$40,000 fundraising campaign to acquire combat drones for the Yaw region is organised jointly by the Federal Wings Drone Force and the Yaw Region Drone Force and supported by 19 Gangaw District PDF battalions under the No. 1 Military Region of the Ministry of Defence, and the Hyper UAV Force. The campaign aims to raise funds to acquire strategic high-tech drones for the Yaw region to use in the fight against the terrorist military dictatorship.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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