Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 21 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The National Unity Government (NUG) sends a congratulations message on the occasion of Karenni National Day and calls for continue cooperation to eradicate the military dictatorship

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence (NUG-MOD) sent a congratulations message on the occasion of the 148th Karenni National Day on June 21.

The NUG-MOD expressed its heartfelt congratulations on the 148th anniversary of Karenni National Day and wished the Karenni people to successfully overcome all the difficulties and obstacles they are facing today.

The NUG-MOD also expressed its appreciation to Karenni National leaders, the Karenni revolutionary alliance, and the Karenni people for their efforts and sacrifices of their lives and properties for the spring revolution.

“While encouraging to work harder together for the eradication of the terrorist military that is deteriorating on all sides on political, defence, and psychological fronts and to build a new federal democratic union that ensures self-determination, self-governance, equality, and justice, we would like to send this congratulations message to the 148th anniversary of Karenni National Day, which falls on today, June 21, 2023, proudly,” said the message.

2. NUG Union Ministers and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun will have a community meeting with Myanmar people in New York

The New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) announced that a community meeting with the two National Unity Government’s Union Ministers, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and U Htin Linn Aung, and the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN, U Kyaw Moe Tun, will be held at St. James Episcopal Church in Queens ward, New York City, United States, on June 24 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to discuss various matters relating to the revolution.

The NYCBC invited all revolutionary supporter organisations and individuals who have supported the eradication of military dictatorship in various fields during the more than two years of revolution to attend the community meeting.

3. The NUG’s Telekyanmar (Telehealth) service has offered over 130,000 treatments to patients from 31 foreign countries and 319 townships in Myanmar

At the ceremony to mark the second anniversary of Telehealth held in June, Dr. Shwe Pon, Deputy Minister of Health for the National Unity Government, revealed: “Now, Telekyanmar (Telehealth) was able to provide more than 130,000 treatments for patients from 31 foreign countries and 319 townships in Myanmar, and in addition, it was able to expand to 25 special online clinics. Therefore, by taking this opportunity, I would like to express our gratitude and pride to all the CDM health workers who have cooperated to make this a success.”

On June 19, 2023, the Telekyanmar free online clinic turned two years old.

Telekyanmar is providing not only medical treatment services but also sharing health care knowledge and awareness through its Facebook page, Telegram channel, and YouTube Channel. Also recently, Telehealth launched an official website page to provide its services.

4. A PDF weapon production centre in Monywa was destroyed by fire due to an accident, causing losses worth tens of millions of kyat

On June 21, the Chindwin Attack Force (the Monywa District PDF Battalions No. 2, 3, and 4) announced the losses: “The damage caused by an accident was huge. It happened because of an accident, so what can we do? We will have to struggle all over again. We are saddened to inform the public of this and request your support as much as you can to help us.”

The accident took place on June 19, and the losses it caused included a lathe machine used to produce weapons as well as lots of weapons and ammunition, according to the Chindwin Attack Force.

5. Justice For Myanmar (JFM) calls for Sweden’s action to stop India’s sale of Swedish-made weapons and associated components to the Myanmar military

“According to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), India was the third largest supplier of weapons to Myanmar for the years 2017-2021, accounting for 17% of Myanmar’s arms imports after China (36%) and Russia (27%),” Justice For Myanmar stated.

Yadanar Maung, the spokesperson for Justice For Myanmar, says: “We are deeply concerned about Sweden’s apparent ties to the supply of weapons to the Myanmar military, which is intensifying its indiscriminate attacks against the people.”

The JFM called on the Swedish government and its arms control authority, the Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP), to take necessary measures to stop Swedish arms from reaching the hands of the illegal Myanmar military regime that is committing atrocities throughout the country with impunity.

6. A prayer strike is held in Kani Township

According to the reports, a prayer strike was held in Kani Township, Sagaing Region, on the morning of June 21.

At the prayer strike, Mingala Aingtha Sayadaw, who led the prayer strike, preached the revolutionary doctrine, sent prayers to those who had fallen throughout successive history and during the spring revolution, and prayed for the safety and health of all those arrested, including State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as for their release. Then, other strike leaders also preached against the military dictatorship.

After that, Burmese dancer Pantra Naing Aung, who is a member of the Kani strike group, entertained the people with dances to revolutionary songs.

Despite the military council troops’ daily advances, Kani Township in the Sagaing Region has been actively taking part in the revolution every day and has also organised public strikes.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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