Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 17

1. Acting President urged the members of the government to put more effort into the rehabilitation process in the areas affected by Cyclone Mocha

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said at the 19th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on May 16 that efforts should be made in the rehabilitation process in the areas affected by Cyclone Mocha.

“We can also see that Rakhine State, Sagaing Region, Chin State and some areas of Kachin State, which were hit by Cyclone Mocha, have been severely damaged. It is necessary to work with international organizations to carry out the reconstruction work as soon as possible. I would like to urge the members of the government to put more effort into the recovery process,” he said.

On May 13, the NUG government held a meeting for the emergency response to Cyclone Mocha, and the Emergency Operation Coordinating Committee (EOCC) formed relevant working teams and contributed a fund of US$1 million for the emergency response.

Currently, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management on May 15, “It is reported that the National Unity Government has spent an initial support fund of 56,450,000 kyats for the emergency response to Cyclone Mocha.”

2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that it is no longer time for ASEAN leaders to merely express concern about the escalation of conflicts and violence in Myanmar

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the cabinet meeting no. (19/2023) of the National Unity Government held on May 16 that it is no longer time for ASEAN leaders to merely express concern over the escalation of conflicts and violence in Myanmar.

“As ASEAN leaders, we would like to reiterate that this is no longer the time to merely express concern over the escalation in armed conflicts and violence without having a clear altitude on the terrorist military council, which has continued to ignore even the ASEAN 5-Point Consensus and is targeting civilians,” he said.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister said that the NUG government will continue to march forward with the strength of the people and the revolutionary leadership organizations to defeat the terrorist military council once and for all.

3. The second meeting of the NUG Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission decided to provide emergency funds for emergency needs in Rakhine State, which suffered the worst

On May 16, the second meeting of the NUG Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission decided to provide emergency funds for emergency needs in Rakhine State, which suffered the worst.

It is reported that the second meeting of the National Unity Government’s Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission for Cyclone Mocha relief operations was held on May 16.

At the meeting, Acting President Duwa Lashi La, who is also chairman of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission, and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, who is vice chairman of the Commission, gave opening speeches, respectively. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, presented and discussed Situation Report No. 2 on Super Cyclone Mocha’s Emergency Response and collaboration with local organizations from the cyclone-affected areas. Discussions and suggestions were made according to sector by Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

At the meeting, it has decided to prioritize support for the most cyclone affected areas, namely Rakhine, Chin, Sagaing, and Magway; to contribute emergency fund to Rakhine State which suffered the worst; to support shelter assistance in Sagaing and Magway where the junta troops are raiding villages; to reinforce the support to Chin State after obtaining the ground information; to meet the medical needs of the cyclone-affected areas if the amount of support needed is more than currently earmarked by the Ministry of Health, and  to meet with Public Administrative Bodies from the areas where Interim Public Administration being established to enable to decide on the most effective support needed.

In addition, it is also reported that they have decided to convene emergency meetings to learn about the conditions on the ground in order to more effectively allocate the US$1 million fund that has been designated to contribute to the cyclone emergency response.

4. The establishment of the Spring Development Bank was presented and discussed at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government

At the 19th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on May 16, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said about the Spring Development Bank.

“The Spring Development Bank needs to be a financial pillar that fills the revolutionary stamina, as well as a financial umbrella that helps and reinforces the security of wealth for the people. On the other hand, I think that there should be strategic considerations that counterbalance the state assets controlled by the military council. After the 2021 military coup, the property rights of the entire population, including ethnic people, were restricted. If there is instability or conflict in the country, the people are the first to suffer. For this, our leaders need to build an environment that can protect the safety of the public’s wealth,” the Acting President said.

At the meeting, the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment presented and discussed matters related to establishing the Spring Development Bank.

The 19th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government was reported to have been attended by Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers, including Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann.

5. NUG released a statement that food and drinking water is urgently required for about one million people affected by Cyclone Mocha

The NUG released a statement that food and drinking water is urgently required for about one million people affected by Cyclone Mocha.

On May 16, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (NUG) released Situation Report No. 3 on the Super Cyclone MOCHA’s Emergency Response.

“Due to the significant impact of the Cyclone Mocha, it is estimated that roofing material, especially tarpaulins, for 500,000 households and emergency food and drinking water for about one million is urgently required in Northern Rakhine State,” it stated.

In addition, it stated that to date, no international organizations are delivering humanitarian aid in these affected areas.

As of May 16, it is reported that there have been 435 deaths and still unspecified number of people missing in a total of 7 regions and states.

6. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division

On May 16, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division (10/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, and member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, operations and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division.

7. The NUG Human Rights Minister urged New Zealand to actively help Myanmar, including not doing business with the criminal military 

The NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min urged New Zealand to actively help Myanmar, including not doing business with the criminal military.

Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said this in a meeting with New Zealand government officials on May 16.

“I met with New Zealand Labour’s foreign affairs spokesperson, and a senior minister in the New Zealand cabinet, Hon Nanaia Mahuta, and discussed the economic sanctions, the arms export embargo, and taking action against the terrorist military under international law. Although New Zealand works as a trade alliance with ASEAN, I urged them not to do business with the criminal military and to work with other countries to actively help Myanmar,” said the minister.

In addition, it is said that they were able to discuss the Universal Jurisdiction against the terrorist military and help the human rights activists by establishing a plan.

8. It is said that the terrorist junta has started restricting the flow of information and humanitarian assistance in areas affected by Cyclone Mocha, like during Cyclone Nargis

U Aung Kyaw Moe, adviser to the Ministry of Human Rights of NUG, said on May 16 that the terrorist junta has been restricting the flow of information and humanitarian assistance in areas affected by Cyclone Mocha, like during Cyclone Nargis.

“The military council is restricting the flow of information and the provision of humanitarian aid in the areas affected by Cyclone Mocha, like in the case of Cyclone Nargis in 2008. Even during Cyclone Nargis, the people who survived the storm, lost their lives unnecessarily because they could not receive timely rescue aid because of the military,” he said.

On May 14, Cyclone Mocha hit Myanmar through the Rakhine coast near Sittwe.

On May 16, according to local news sources, more than 400 people from the refugee camps in Sittwe alone died as a result of Cyclone Mocha, most of them children and women.

9. Canada reiterates calls for the unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for Myanmar civilians in need

On May 16, the Embassy of Canada – Yangon expressed Canada’s altitude on Cyclone Mocha to allow unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for Myanmar civilians in need.

“Canada is deeply saddened by reports of devastating destruction emerging from Rakhine State and elsewhere in Myanmar and Bangladesh following Cyclone Mocha. Our thoughts are with those who were killed, injured, and displaced, and are struggling to meet basic needs. The storm brings further hardship to communities across Myanmar that have already experienced immense suffering during years of armed conflict, including those affected by indiscriminate attacks and other violations of international humanitarian law. It is essential and urgent that local civil society and international non-government organizations be given the access and resources they need to do their work. Canada reiterates calls for the rapid, safe, and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need.”

10. The Myingyan Ranger defense force raided the junta soldiers and Pyu base camp in the Nelchar Village of Myingyan Township, killing five junta lackeys

The Myingyan Ranger defense force raided the junta soldiers and Pyu base camp in the Nelchar Village of Myingyan Township, killing five junta lackeys.

On May 13, the Myingyan Ranger defense force said that they attacked the junta soldiers and Pyu base camp in the Nelchar Village of Myingyan Township.

On the morning of May 13, Myingyan Ranger defense force (Squadron-3 of Myingyan District Battalion-2) and allied forces raided the junta soldiers and Pyu base camp in the Nelchar Village of Myingyan Township.

It is said that in the battle, five junta lackeys were killed and there were many injuries.

The allied forces were able to retreat without being harmed, and 10 forces conducted the operation.

  1. Acting President urged the members of the government to put more effort into the rehabilitation process in the areas affected by Cyclone Mocha
  2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that it is no longer time for ASEAN leaders to merely express concern about the escalation of conflicts and violence in Myanmar
  3. The second meeting of the NUG Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission decided to provide emergency funds for emergency needs in Rakhine State, which suffered the worst
  4. The establishment of the Spring Development Bank was presented and discussed at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government
  5. NUG released a statement that food and drinking water is urgently required for about one million people affected by Cyclone Mocha
  6. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division
  7. The NUG Human Rights Minister urged New Zealand to actively help Myanmar, including not doing business with the criminal military 
  8. It is said that the terrorist junta has started restricting the flow of information and humanitarian assistance in areas affected by Cyclone Mocha, like during Cyclone Nargis
  9. Canada reiterates calls for the unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for Myanmar civilians in need
  10. The Myingyan Ranger defense force raided the junta soldiers and Pyu base camp in the Nelchar Village of Myingyan Township, killing five junta lackeys

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