Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 28 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister urges the government to be consistent with the ground and achieve consensus while developing policies in collaboration with defence and administration

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked the following at the Meeting No. 17/2023 of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held via video conferencing on April 27:

“The people’s administration groups must step in and take on the obligation to carry out administrative activity in areas where the territory can be captured. For this reason, in order to ensure that no important procedures are missed, the Interim Local Administration Central Committee was formed, and it is setting the foundation in advance for administrative matters. In the spring revolution, the National Unity Government has to implement defence and administration side by side, and therefore, in making policies, it should pay attention to reaching a consensus and being consistent with the ground. I would like to urge the NUG to make sure the work manuals drafted and published during the interim are as strong as possible, as are the existing laws.”

The Union Prime Minister also exhorted the administrative and defence officials to collaborate in order to completely implement the district coordination groups’ processes.

2. NUG’s Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that Gen-Z forces are the main pillars of the NUG

Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, stated that Gen-Z forces are the main pillars of the NUG.

He said, “Gen-Z are the main pillars of the NUG. Without them, there are no revolutionary resistance forces. NUG appeared to organise the dispersed Gen-Z forces. NUG came out because of Gen-Z’s revolution. It was not that NUG egged them on. Each participant in this revolution paid a certain amount, more or less. They went through a variety of challenges and life changes while sacrificing their homes, families, and conditions.”

At present, there are a total of 303 units of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) established by the National Unity Government (NUG), in addition to more than 260 Township-level people’s defence groups (Township PaKaHpa).

3. The terrorist military used locals from Lel Kyar village in Lone Pyin village tract, Pinlaung Township, as human shields, tying their hands behind their backs

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) Pekhon Zone claimed on April 28 that the terrorist military used locals from Lel Kyar village in Lone Pyin village tract, Pinlaung Township, as human shields.

“On April 25, our KNDF was able to document that the local villagers of Lel Kyar village in Lone Pyin village tract, Pinlaung Township, were used as human shields after tying their hands behind their backs by the military council troops,” stated the KNDF.

It was said that the KNDF-allied forces properly buried the body of a villager who had been abducted, used as a human shield, tortured, and murdered by the military.

The terrorist military council forces have been openly committing war crimes, abducting, killing, and using human shields on local residents, including monks, during the fights with revolutionary forces in Nam Nein, Lone Pyin, Tawng Me Thin, and Salong (North) villages.

4. PDF allied forces ambush the police outpost in Nyaung Khar Shey village in Bago Division

On April 28, Waw Township People’s Defence Group (Waw Township PaKaHpa) released the following military news:

“On April 27, at around 7:00 p.m., the Waw Township People’s Defence Group (PaKaHpa) and Battalion No. 3701 of the Bago District PDF joined forces to launch an attack on the Nyaung Khar Shey police outpost in Waw Township, killing a member of the terrorist military council police.”

When junta police were holding an assembly at 7:00 p.m., the combined people’s defence forces ambushed the police outpost as part of Operation Nan Htike Aung, and the guard died on the spot.

“The comrades of the people’s defence forces retreated as the terrorist military council police fired back from the guard tower and underground bunkers,” said Waw Townhsip PaKaHpa.

5. The people’s defence forces ambushed a military column that left Budalin when it arrived near Nyaung Pin Kan village, killing 10 soldiers

According to reports, on April 28, local people’s defence groups and PDFs joined forces to ambush a military column that left Budalin, Sagaing Division, and resulted in the deaths of ten junta soldiers.

“On April 28, at 7:00 a.m., the Battalion No. 13 (Aung San Generation) of the Monywa District People’s Defence Force and the Budalin Township People’s Defence Group (PaKaHpa) joined forces to attack a military column that left Budalin when it arrived near Nyaung Pin Kan village. The attack may have resulted in the deaths of 10 soldiers from the column, but the exact number is not yet known,” stated the Aung San Generation Force.

The comrades of the defence forces are said to be able to withdraw without being harmed.

6. A military column with soldiers and members of the military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia group that left A Lel Kyun village for Thayet Taw village in Kani Township was hit by a stake mine, killing one and injuring three

On April 27, the Kyauk Lone Gyi PDF (KLG PDF) in Kani Township released the following information regarding the mine attack on a military column:

“On April 27, at about 6:00 p.m., a military column of soldiers and about ten members of Pyu Saw Htee from A Lel Kyun (a village dominated by Pyu Saw Htee members) village that advanced towards Thayet Taw village were hit by a stake mine planted by the KLG PDF before they reached Thayet Taw village, and the column retreated.”

The mine attack reportedly resulted in one death and three injuries.

7. The KNLA and PDF combined forces used a drone to attack the police station in Kin Pun Sakhan, Kyaikto Township, exploding and destroying the buildings inside the police station

On April 28, the Thaton People’s Defense Force (TPDF) released the following military information:

“On April 27, at around 4:30 p.m., the KNLA (Karen National Liberation Army), the PDF, the PPDF-KD (Pa-O People’s Defense Force-Kham Dom), the KRF (Kyaikhto Revolution Force), the Thaton People’s Defense Force (TPDF), the Bilin PaKaHpa, and the Kyaikhto PaKaHpa jointly carried out a drone mission targeting Kin Pun Sakhan police station in Kyaikhto Township, Mon State. All of the grenades that the drone dropped inside the police station exploded, and some of the police station’s buildings caught fire as a result.”

When two fire engines arrived to put out the fire at around 5:10 p.m., the PDF allied forces reportedly launched a second drone attack, and all of the drone drop grenades again detonated inside the police station.

TPDF claimed that the number of terrorist military casualties was yet unknown and that the allied forces’ comrades were able to successfully withdraw without suffering any harm.

8. Only 40% of the cost of purchasing a Spring Inya condominium will be due during the revolution; the remaining 60% can be paid after the revolution

The sale of the Spring Inya condominium will begin on April 29, 2023.

According to the End of Dictatorship (EOD) initiative, only 40% of the cost of purchasing a Spring Inya condominium unit will be due during the revolution; the remaining 60% can be paid after the revolution, and the amount due during the revolution can be paid in lump-sum or six installments over the course of six months starting from the date of sale.

The due date for the amount due during the revolution is October 28, 2023, and the remaining 60% will be arranged to be able to be paid in installments at low interest rates over the course of five, ten, and twenty years after the revolution through local and foreign banks, said the EOD.

Spring Inya condominium will be constructed on a site next to U Tun Nyein Road that is part of 30 acres of terrorist military-owned land on Parami Road after confiscating it in accordance with the law, and a total of 750 condo units will be sold.

It is said that the vendee will receive a receipt for each payment, and after making 40% of the payment, the vendee will receive a “Guarantee Bond” as proof of initial ownership and a record of the payment.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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