Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 6 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister says that the drafting of the Transitional Constitution has begun

At the Cabinet Meeting (13/2023) of the National Unity Government held on April 4, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann made the following statement:

“We have been working to implement the Federal Democracy Charter in accordance with its road map, and we have now reached Step 8, which is drafting the Transitional Constitution. The Transitional Constitution plays a very important role in our revolution, so the National Unity Government has been working on it since June 2022 so that it can prepare in advance.”

Furthermore, the Union Prime Minister said that the NUG is working towards the elimination of all dictators, including the military dictatorship, the achievement of democracy based on freedom, equality, and justice, which all ethnic people long for, and the establishment of a Federal Democratic Union that can fully guarantee the rights of equality and self-determination.

2. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology are cooperating to ensure the security of federal schools and online schools run by revolutionaries is not breached

In an interview in April, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister for Education of the National Unity Government, said the following about online school education:

“In addition to our federal schools and online schools run by revolutionaries, there are also physical schools. You can attend those schools. In order to prevent security breaches from happening again and to ensure that similar issues do not occur again, digital security guidelines are being issued to make it more systematic. Regarding matters of information security, we are collaborating with the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology.”

Currently, there are more than 70 online schools and more than 10,000 physical schools running nationwide.

3. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun calls on the international community to pay close attention to the Myanmar military’s efforts to build a small-scale nuclear power plant

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Representative of Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the UN, stated about the building of a small-scale nuclear power plant by the junta at the General Debate of the 2023 Substantive Session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission, held on April 4, 2023.

“Any peaceful use of nuclear weapons should involve rational state actors and stakeholders and follow the stringent guidelines of the IAEA. However, the security sector of the military lacks transparency and necessary regulatory and management systems to safely operate a nuclear power facility. Given their consistent disregard for the rule of law and non-compliance with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law, we stress that the international community remains vigilant about the military’s recent attempt to build a small-scale nuclear reactor.”– ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun stated.

The ambassador continued, “I cannot stress enough that continuing arms flow to the military junta is bringing a severe toll to the people of Myanmar. Since the coup, more than 3,200 civilians including women and children have been brutally killed by the military and over 62,000 residential homes have been destroyed subject to whole-sale burnings and aerial bombings by the military.”

4. Ongoing battles in the BGF-controlled Shwe Kokko area have forced thousands of local residents to flee across the Thai border

According to local news sources, ongoing battles in the Shwe Kokko area, which is under the control of the junta’s border guard force ally (BGF), have forced thousands of local residents to flee across the Thai border.

“Fighting broke out on April 5. There are about 3,000 local residents who crossed the Thaungyin River and fled towards Thailand. They are still shooting in the Shew Kokko area as of this morning, April 6,” locals said.

Thousands of refugees fleeing the conflict have been accepted by Thai authorities, and they are currently in need of consumer items such as food and clothing.

Battles between the people’s defense force alliance and the BGF broke out near the villages of Htee War Pa Law, Htee Kaw, and Htaw in the BGF-controlled Shwe Kokko region starting early on April 5.

5. Station Hospital in Si Tha village, Shwe Ku Township, was hit and damaged by air bombardment by the terrorist military

Shwe Ku KPDF claimed that the Si Tha village station hospital was damaged by the airstrikes of the terrorist military council on April 5 while sharing pictures of it being damaged on April 6.

Starting on April 5 at 12:00 noon, the infantry battalions of the terrorist military under Infantry Division 88—Infantry Battalion 10, Infantry Battalion 77, and Infantry Battalion 88—and the reinforcement columns fired artillery shells into Si Tha village, causing residential houses to burn down. Additionally, the terrorist military’s armed forces used fighter jets to launch bombardments three times.

6. Indaw saw the accusation and arrest of civilians, and the military court handed out a number of life sentences

In Indaw, Sagaing Division, after accusing and arresting civilians, the Indaw military tribunal imposed a series of life sentences on them.

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), on April 3, the Indaw military tribunal sentenced Ko Aye Min Tun, who is from Nat Ma Hote Ka Lay village, Indaw Township, Sagaing Division, to life imprisonment under Sections 50(j) and 52(a) of the Counter-Terrorism Law. The junta forces arrested him on March 5 in Nar Ya Kaung village, Indaw Township, for allegedly being involved with the People’s Defence Force.

Similarly, three women, including a CDM teacher, were also sentenced to life imprisonment under Sections 50(j) and 52(a) of the Counter-Terrorism Law by the Indaw military tribunal on April 3 for allegedly supporting the People’s Defence Force.

7. The revolutionary fundraising project “The Fence,” which seeks to raise 1 billion MMK in under 21 days, has received 58 percent of its target on the 18th day

The Fence Project announced on April 6 that it had reached 58 percent of its target.

It states: “On the 18th day of the project ‘The Fence,’ we have raised 58% of the target. In just yesterday alone, it went up almost 7% because the revolutionary people bought Paing Phyoe Thu birthday gifts. The project only has 3 days left, so let’s help around the project The Fence for the rest of the days.”

The Fence Project is a project aimed at raising “1 billion Myanmar Kyats to replenish weapons and ammunition within 21 days” for the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) Strateg-4. The proceeds of “The Fence Project,” which will run from March 20 to April 9, 2023, will reportedly be given directly to KNDF Strategy 4.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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