Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 5 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Acting President reveals that there are already a large number of military officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have defected from the military and joined the CDM because they cannot accept the inhumane actions of the fascist military

Acting President Duwa Lashi La included the following in his speech at the 13th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government in 2023, held via video conference on April 4:

“There are already a number of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have defected from the military after joining the CDM because they cannot accept the inhumane actions of the fascist military. That’s why we see terrorist leader Min Aung Hlaing talking and doing frantically to hide his fear that he can no longer hide. His frantically doings will become evidence that will come to the front of international justice.”

After the coup, military officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and police members who could not accept the military dictatorship and the inhumane actions of the terrorist military have been standing in solidarity with the people and taking the people’s embrace. As of February 21, 2023, there are 3,236 soldiers and 9,091 policemen, making a total of 12,327, as well as over a thousand of their family members, who defected to the people.

2. NUG’s One-Year Plan Phase 1 is completed, and Phase 2 is in place

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked the following at the 13th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government in 2023, held via video conference on April 4:

“During this week, the secretaries discussed topics related to the review of Phase 1 of the One-Year Plan and the continuation of Phase 2. Our government officials will be able to see more clearly where there is a need, where areas may be improved, etc., if they constantly assess the plans, policies, and guidelines that the government has adopted and, if necessary, make modifications. Now that Phase 1 of the One-Year Plan has been completed, it is vital to analyse which sectors have strengths and which sectors have deficiencies in order to fill in the necessary gaps.”

The National Unity Government has developed and is implementing a One-Year Strategic Plan to win the Spring Revolution as soon as possible and has declared 2023 the year of decision for the revolution.

3. The CRPH Public Affairs Committee met with the NUG’s CDM Success Committee and CDMers from Ayeyarwady Division to discuss potential coordination

On April 3, the CRPH Public Affairs Committee and the NUG’s CDM Success Committee held a video conference meeting with CDMers (civil servants who take part in the Civil Disobedience Movement) from the Ayeyarwady Division and those who lead CDM affairs to create ground coordination operations.

At the meeting, Daw Phyu Phyu Thin, secretary of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), encouraged the CDMers as follows:

  • The power of the CDMers plays a vital role in the revolution.
  • Although they have not reached out to CRPH/NUG, there are CDMers who are still standing in solidarity with the people in their own ways, as well as those who have reached the jungle and are participating in politics.
  • As CDMers are not only participating in the revolution but also in nation-building, they are relied on and urged to continue to actively participate.

Later, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister for Education and Health of the National Unity Government (NUG), said:

  • Since the CDM Roadmap was established and work is proceeding in accordance with it, the system to operate with CDMers is ready
  • Since the system must be operated with the strength of the CDMers, it is important for the CDMers in Ayeyarwady Division to participate with full energy, maintain the revolution at the time they can, and
  • They need to make preparations to join together.
4. NUG’s Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that those political parties that participated in the sham elections by the terrorist military will have no reason to participate in Myanmar’s future politics

During an interview in April, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister for Education and Health, said the following: “Politicians or parties that cannot stand with the people can have no future. The party that contests in the sham elections held by the world’s most barbaric and violent terrorist military, ignoring the deaths of the people and the destroyed country, has no reason to be involved in the future politics of Myanmar. This is the end for them.”

Subsequently, the Union Minister stated the following about the educational sector: “Currently, there are more than 70 online schools, and more than 10,000 physical schools are open nationwide. These schools were run by CDM teachers and education supporters. Officially recognised schools have been announced on the Facebook page of our Ministry of Education.”

Furthermore, the Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe went on to say that the schools run by the military council can only teach slavery education, while the federal schools recognised by the MOE-NUG teach based on democracy and freedom.

5. More than 200 civilians were killed by the military council in March 2023

According to the statement of the Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government, in March 2023, a total of 213 civilians from 12 states and divisions were violently killed by the military council, with Sagaing Division and Shan State having the most victims.

The Ministry of Justice’s Law Enforcement and Transitional Justice Department, according to the statement, “is keeping a record of war crimes, human rights violations, ethnic genocide killings, the burning down of public buildings, the illegal confiscation of public property committed by the military authorities, as well as unlawful torture and abuse among civilians, and all kinds of illegal violations during the military coup.”

People, revolutionary groups, and organizations were urged to report if they overheard or saw any illegal activities or violations of human rights during the military coup to the following email address: roltjd@moj.nugmyanmar.org or to the Telegram, Viber, or Signal accounts with the number +66809411647, either by the victims themselves or by those who witnessed them.

6. Three women, including a CDM teacher, from Sagaing’s Indaw were sentenced to life imprisonment by the junta

On April 5, the Indaw Revolution (IR) team released the following information: “It is known that, in Indaw Town, Katha District, the upper Sagaing Division, three women, including a CDM teacher, were prosecuted under Sessions 50 (j) and 52 (a) [of the Counter-Terrorism Law] by the Indaw Military Tribunal and sentenced to life imprisonment on April 3.”

Those who were sentenced to life imprisonment include CDM teacher Daw Thein Hla, who is in her 40s, and vendors Daw Khin Pyae Pyae Htun and Daw Aye Aye; they were arrested in their homes for allegedly supporting the People’s Defence Forces.

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the military coup on February 1, 2021, by April 4, 2023, a total of 17,336 people were under detention, of whom 5,516 were sentenced to prison.

7. Federal Wings used drones to bombard the military outpost on Waw Lay Strategy Hill, destroying a 122 mm howitzer the ration storeroom by fire

On April 5, the Federal Wings Drone Force released the following military information:

“On the evening of April 3, Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) Battalion 8 and Federal Wings joined forces to bombard the military council’s Waw Lay Strategy Hill outpost located on the south of Myawaddy Town by using drones. We were able to confirm that, as a result of the attack, the 122 mm howitzer and the ration storeroom at the military council’s Waw Lay Strategy Hill outpost were destroyed by fire.”

It was learned that the troops of the No. 2 Tactical Team of the No. 13 Military Operation Command (MOC-13) are deployed at the Waw Lay Strategic Hill and are used to fire heavy weapons at villages.

The Federal Wings report that the outpost has ceased firing at present following the destruction of its heavy weapon by fire.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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