Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Feb 22

1. Acting President says the terrorist military group has failed NUG and Revolutionary Forces on all fronts

The Acting President says the terrorist military group has failed the National Unity Government and the revolutionary forces on all fronts. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said the following at the National Unity Government’s (7/2023) cabinet meeting on February 21: 

“Our National Unity Government and the entire ethnic population have survived all kinds of oppression by the terrorist military group until today. The unrelenting perseverance of all ethnic peoples, the spirit of never giving up, and the desire to eliminate the dictatorship are core factors of today’s revolution. Therefore, the terrorist military group has already failed to compete with our National Unity Government and revolutionary forces.”

“The National Unity Government has already opened representative and foreign offices in Japan, Korea, France, the Czech Republic, Australia, Norway, and the United States. The success achieved in such a short period of time is due to public sacrifice. We must all remember that these accomplishments are steps towards the end of the revolution,” the Acting President added.

2. The military council’s war crimes and crimes against humanity should be systematically documented and published, Prime Minister says

The Prime Minister said the military council’s war crimes and crimes against humanity should be systematically documented and published. Union Prime Minister U Mahn Win Khaing Than stated the following at the cabinet meeting on February 21:

“The junta would impose martial law and military justice in their uncontrolled territories, and they would continue to abuse and threaten the general public, commit brutal war crimes, and weaken the people’s strength. Therefore, the military council’s crimes against humanity and war crimes, destruction of people’s lives, homes, and property, violations of the people’s right to live, human rights violations, and privacy violations must be properly documented and published.”

Furthermore, the prime minister reiterated that efforts should be made to prosecute the military in international criminal courts under Universal Jurisdiction, and to constantly highlight the army’s atrocities in the global media and community.

3. “Revolutionary success = youth,” says the Minister of Home Affairs

U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister for Home Affairs, stated on February 21 that “revolutionary success = youth.” 

“Since the beginning, I have believed in the learning ability of young people in this technological age. After two years of revolution, I believe in their political beliefs and maturity more realistically. They become more mature and stronger. They ae more confident. As revolutionary success depends on youth, I bow to all revolutionary comrades,” the Minister said. Currently, there are 303 People’s Defense Forces and about 260 township PDF groups, most of whom are young people, and the ground strike forces are also comprised of youth.

Similarly, at a meeting on the same day between the Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry and township Public Administration Groups, the Minister said the following:

“At present, Public Administration Bodies have been established in all regions, and we have been carrying out territorial control and public service provision in some areas. According to the one-year strategy, it is necessary to collaborate in order to fight the terrorist junta on all fronts and to build a strong interim public administration in the controlled areas. Military and administration functions must be carried out simultaneously in a balanced manner.”

Following a briefing on the Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry’s activities by the Permanent Secretary, the attending township public administration members asked questions about the ministry’s policies, guidelines, and difficulties encountered on-the-ground administration, to which ministry officials responded.

Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt led the meeting, which was attended by the Permanent Secretary, Associate Secretary, Public Administration Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Immigration Department, Special Investigation Department officials, and Public Administration members from Mandalay, Yangon, Ayeyarwady, Tanintharyi, Bago, Magway, and Sagaing regions.

4. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says there is no reason to fail the Spring Revolution

Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, stated the following during the NST discussion program in February:

“I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations (EROs). Because most of the people affected by the military council depend on the EROs for their security, livelihood and survival. For that reason, having the support of revolutionary forces is a critical factor. Therefore, I’d like to say there is no reason to fail in this revolution because everything is conducted in harmony.”

Currently, the National Unity Government has been developing strategies and implementing the Spring Revolution with the goal of 2023.

5. Human Rights Minister responded to an interview about the Human Rights Council and Myanmar’s Human Rights situation at the UN Human Rights Office

The National Unity Government’s Human Right Minister responded to an interview about the Human Rights Council and Myanmar’s Human Rights situation at the UN Human Rights Office. On February 21, the NUG Human Rights Minister, U Aung Myo Min, made a press release regarding the interview as follows:

“I had an interview at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the contents of the upcoming Human Rights Council and the decision to be made on Myanmar’s human rights situation.”

Currently, members of the National Unity Government are arriving in various countries on behalf of the government to carry out national-level affairs.

6. Minister U Soe Thura Tun says approximately 100 villages in some NUG controlled-areas have been provided electricity

Minister U Soe Thura Tun said that approximately 100 villages in some NUG-controlled areas now have access to electricity. U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister of Electricity and Energy, stated on February 21 regarding electricity availability as follows:

“There’s still a lot left. Now, we only show one village. There are still about 100 villages.”

U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister of Electricity and Energy, said on the 3rd day of the National Unity Government’s online meeting with the public around the world, on February 19, that the National Unity Government was able to provide electricity to some villages.

7. Pyu Saw Htee group stole plow seats from the house of the NLD District Patron in Lelthit village, Myingyan township

Pyu Saw Htee group stole three plow seats from the home of U Hla Myint, the NLD District Patron of Lelthit village in Myingyan township, according to the Myingyan Strike Committee on February 21.

“Yesterday evening, at least three plow seats were taken from Pyu Saw Htee from the house of NLD district patron U Hla Myint (b) U Kalar Gyi from Lelthit village (the place where the Lelthit group NLD district office is open). Junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee repeatedly took and destroyed the belongings of U Hla Myint’s home, and took two tractors in early June,” it stated.

Thidar Yu Mon (Pyu Saw Htee) and the military council’s ward administrator from the ward (19) have been planning to sell the tractors in Shan State, according to the Myingyan Strike Committee. 

8. Defense Forces launched a mine attack on courts in Pyi Gyi Myet Shin, Chanayethazan township, including the Mandalay Region Hluttaw Office

Defense Forces launched a mine attack on courts in Pyi Gyi Myet Shin, Chanayethazan township, including the Mandalay Region Hluttaw Office. It has been reported that Mya Nandar operation (Mandalay) carried out those operations on February 21.

“As part of the Mya Nandar operation (Mandalay), the Mandalay Region Hluttaw Office at Phone Taw Toe ward’s 10th street, Aungmyaythazan township, was attacked with a remote-controlled mine on February 21, 2023, at around 9:50 a.m. Although the military council fired two shots from inside the bunker, the defense comrades were able to retreat without harm,” it stated.

Similarly, at 10:10 a.m., the court in Pyi Gyi Myet Shin ward, Chanayethazan township, which was unfairly judging innocent people and revolutionary forces, was detonated with a sound bomb.

9. The Phoenix Guerrilla Force attacked junta troops stationed in Tharkyin village, Nganzun township

On February 21, the Phoenix Guerrilla Force (Nganzun) confirmed that they attacked junta troops stationed in Tharkyin village, Nganzun township, during a night patrol. 

“On February 20, at 7:15 p.m., the Phoenix Guerrilla Force (Nganzun) opened fire on junta troops stationed in Tharkyin village of Nganzun township during a night patrol, resulting in a 20-minute battle,” it stated.

Four soldiers, including Captain Nandar Min, were killed in the attack, and seven others were injured. Defense forces seized one MA-2 and one phone from the junta side. The operation was carried out in collaboration with the Phoenix Guerrilla Force (Nganzun), Nganzun township PDF, MN PDF Myitnge, Mansue Kyar PDF, TGYR-Youth Guerrilla Count Revolution (LPDF), SINTGAING LPDF, Kyaukse District PKAFA, and allied forces.

10. Myanmar junta forces and the Pyu Saw Htee group burned down the Chaungkyar village for third time

On February 21, the Kyunhla – Kanbalu Activists Group (Kanbalu District) reported that military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee, with over 100 forces, burned down Chaungkyar village of Kanbalu township, Sagaing region, for the third time.

“On February 21, around 8:00 a.m., Chaungkyar village in the Pintthar area of Kanbalu district was set on fire by about 120 joint forces of junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee group,” the Kanbalu Activists Group said.

Chaungkyar village was burned down for the 3rd time on February 21 at 8:00 a.m. by approximately 80 forces of military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee stationed in Kyunhla town and about 40 Pyu Saw Htee forces from Paykone (South) village of Kanbalu township.

11. Defense Forces attacked with machine guns at the military council’s checkpoint on Kyauk Ka Street, Monywa

On February 21, the Monywa Nat Soe group reported that defense forces attacked with machine guns at the military council’s checkpoint, asking for money at Zaloke roundabout, Kyauk Ka Road, Monywa.

“Monywa Nat Soe Special Commando Force, Nat Soe Battalion Division (3), Kanaung Minthar Gyi, Nat Soe Battalion Division (4), Naungyo, and Monywa township’s Public Security Force jointly attacked the gate where cars and motorcycles were being asked for money at Zaloke roundabout on Kyauk Ka Road in Monywa,” Monywa Nat Soe group said.

The attack injured two junta soldiers, but the defense comrades were able to retreat safely.

12. 4 people, including a 78-year-old grandmother, injured when the military council troops opened fire with heavy weapons in Indaw township

The Indaw IR Team confirmed on February 21 that four people were injured, including a 78-year-old grandmother, when junta troops opened fire with heavy weapons in Indaw township, Sagaing region.  

“On February 21, around 11:00 a.m., military council troops in the Yeikkhar hill camp, south of Indaw city, opened fire with heavy weapons in Indaw township,” Indaw IR Team said.

The military council’s heavy weapons killed a 78-year-old grandmother and two men aged 24 and 30. Moreover, one 40-year-old woman from Moeyuywarma was injured in the leg, back, head, and neck, and one house in Moeyuywarma and three homes in Kyaw village were damaged.

  1. Acting President says the terrorist military group has failed NUG and Revolutionary Forces on all fronts
  2. The military council’s war crimes and crimes against humanity should be systematically documented and published, Prime Minister says
  3. “Revolutionary success = youth,” says the Minister of Home Affairs
  4. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says there is no reason to fail the Spring Revolution
  5. Human Rights Minister responded to an interview about the Human Rights Council and Myanmar’s Human Rights situation at the UN Human Rights Office
  6. Minister U Soe Thura Tun says approximately 100 villages in some NUG controlled-areas have been provided electricity
  7. Pyu Saw Htee group stole plow seats from the house of the NLD District Patron in Lelthit village, Myingyan township
  8. Defense Forces launched a mine attack on courts in Pyi Gyi Myet Shin, Chanayethazan township, including the Mandalay Region Hluttaw Office
  9. The Phoenix Guerrilla Force attacked junta troops stationed in Tharkyin village, Nganzun township
  10. Myanmar junta forces and the Pyu Saw Htee group burned down the Chaungkyar village for third time
  11. Defense Forces attacked with machine guns at the military council’s checkpoint on Kyauk Ka Street, Monywa
  12. 4 people, including a 78-year-old grandmother, injured when the military council troops opened fire with heavy weapons in Indaw township

Credit to #RadioNUG


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